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The Emerging End-Time Church


What is it?  Where is it going?  A closer look!

By Robert Roach

There is a tremendous amount of literature that floods the Christian book scene; books that deal with a variety of subject matter that frankly, to me, have little or no appeal whatsoever. There are a prolific amount of teachings on prophecy, healing, prosperity, Apostles, Prophets; and if all of that does not suit your taste, then there is “Christian TV” with all of its “superstars” promising you everything that this world has to offer! All you have to do is “obey the voice of God,” which is coming through them, and send them a specified amount of money “to ensure that your blessing will manifest!”

I could go on, and talk about the music scene that is filled with so much mixture, and a convoluted message, with very little of it being in reality, true worship, simply because it cannot pass even the test of John 4:23 - “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” At best, most of it could pass for what some call “Christian entertainment,” whatever that is?

As I read many Christian publications (some of which have very good sound Biblical teaching within them), I discover a “continuous advertising campaign” to get the Christian, to come to this convention . . . or to this place of anointing. Every one of them promises to give you what you are looking for!  You will see miracles . . . receive a “touch”. . . sit in the anointing . . . and experience anointed worship! In these “meetings,” they promise that you will experience Christ like you never have before! They all have a list of “charismatic, anointed speakers,” which you must see and hear! These advertisements often promise that you will receive a “now word from God.”

I know people who go from place to place, so they can hear their “favorite anointed speaker.” As I take all of this in, there is an ache in my spirit which causes me to recoil, and I can hear the words of Matt. 24:23-24 (NAS) ringing in my ears: “Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ, or there He is, do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”

As I ponder upon these things, I hear the words of Paul, warning Timothy, his son in the faith: 2 Tim. 4:3 (NLT) “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.”

Much of what I have just described is becoming increasingly apparent as the “face” which the world will see, of a new fad, which is sweeping through the Church world, commonly known as the Emerging End-Time Church,” or simply the "Emerging Church."  This is a “church” which measures everything by the standards of the world, and has somehow conveniently forgotten what the Word of God has declared! This so called church will evaluate ministries, based upon their size and wealth.  If you are not in a “Mega-Church,” which is seeker-friendly; if you are not out there professing your wealth and prosperity; and should you be “suffering,” they decree something to be wrong with your faith, and insinuate that in reality, you are not a real Christian at all!  Dealing with sin and the atoning Blood of Christ are not mentioned!  Instead, social programs and tolerance for evil, have replaced their focus of the Church, from the eternal, onto the temporal.

This “Emerging Church,” teaches that there are many roads to heaven, and good works will be the means to get you there!  This church is quick to embrace those from all lifestyles, disciplines, and belief systems as their brothers and sisters, when the Bible teaches that all persons rejecting Christ, are lost.  (In Matthew 12:48, 50; Jesus Himself asked: “Who is my mother?  And who are my brethren? . . . For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”)  In this church, one is not permitted to mention hell, because such is considered an act of judgment!

The leaders of this “End-Time Emerging Church” are false shepherds, false apostles, and false prophets, who make themselves fat, from the increase of the sheep, and are actually ravening wolves in the midst of the true flock of God.  Acts 20:28-30 (NAS) - “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.  I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.”  

Even though the New Testament is full of warnings depicting what this church will look like, it seems that Believers of today ignore them, refusing to accept them, or just do not care!  “Convenience” has become the “altar” at which many Christians worship; and anything interfering with their way of life, and lifestyle, must be avoided at any cost!

Everyday, large segments of the true Church of Christ, is unwittingly being absorbed by this “Mega Emerging Church.”  This church will seem to resemble Christ; seem to speak as Christ; and declare many things which Christ has said.  Yet, it will not be Christ, because it will deny that He is Lord!  This church will deny that He is the only way to the Father, and will call that which is evil, good, and that which is good, evil!  Adherents to this church will deny the reality of sin; seek the riches of this world; and sell their freedom in Christ, for the conveniences of this life!  In so doing, many will make themselves the enemies of Christ!

The following Scripture verse, 1 John 4:1, must in these days become our guide!  “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  (Those refusing to comply to the above verse will be in danger of becoming vulnerable to the doctrines of devils and demons, causing them to end up, leaving the Faith!)  Another important verse: 1 Tim. 4:1 (NAS) - “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.”

Beloved, I feel an urgency to warn you!  Events in this world are escalating; evil is growing; and the end is fast-approaching! We need to be prepared by intimately knowing Christ!  If we do know Him, then for us, these are exciting days; days of the harvest; days to rejoice and be glad!  

In these days, the sons of God will be manifested!  These are days when the remnant Church of Christ will come forth!  These are days when the Bride of Christ is making herself ready for the coming of the Bridegroom (Christ). These are days to be “Ready.”  Are you?  




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