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Mathilde Dodzweit
(Prophetess and Intercessor)

“And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S.”


Obadiah 1:21













Mother, Mathilde Dodzweit is the widow of our Beloved Father in the Faith, Siegfried E. Dodzweit, who was one of the finest men of God I have ever known, and who was among those who helped me most in my early walk with the Lord Jesus!  Sieg was indeed a Father in the Faith who had an unconditional love for all people; especially the young in the faith, and for all who were experiencing struggles in their Christian experience. 


He was a man given to prayer and intercession, who had no interest in speaking of trivial matters or engaging in trivial pursuits.  I suppose this is what most endeared me to this dear Pastor and Father.  When in his presence, it was, “Jesus, Jesus, and more Jesus.”  He was like a “live wire” for the Lord, and to borrow from a worldly metaphor; he was like the “Energizer Bunny”... his “battery” just would not run down!  Ha!  Many wonderful stories could be told . . . (PRECIOUS MEMORIES ! ! !)


His first wife, Esther (who I was never privileged to know, but of whom I have heard many wonderful accounts) was called home to heaven at only 47 years of age, leaving behind four teenage children and little Bethie, who was but five years old.  Seig was Pastoring a church in Cocoa, Florida, and also found it necessary to be self-employed in order to make-ends-meet.   Being a single parent was no easy task, especially with four of the children being in their teen years.  Sieg prayed, and prayed earnestly for his dear children, whom he loved with all his heart; yet it seemed he felt so alone, forsaken, and empty at times. 


In our Lord’s all-wise counsel, the two eldest children were led to Bible School, and after awhile, the two next in age would follow.  (It was my great privilege to be enrolled with two of them in Bible School, and to, ten years later, have Beth in my classes, at another Bible School where I served upon the Faculty for a number of years.


In the midst of this gnawing emptiness and loneliness, Sieg was one night literally shaken awake out of a sound sleep; the Spirit of God was so upon Him that it felt like high voltage electricity.  He said that he sat bolt upright in bed, speaking in a powerful and loud message in tongues, which was followed by an equally powerful interpretation!  The Lord told him in that interpretation that He was choosing and preparing for him a wife, from the land of his fathers, and that the time would not be long until he would embrace this one as his wife!  This was approximately four years after the departure of his beloved Esther. 


By a most unusual set of Divine dealings and circumstances, much too weighty to be herein related, Sieg fell deeply in love with, and became married to Mathilde, within approximately one year from the time of the prophetic visitation. 


It was their joy to Pastor several churches and minister in varied and numerous ways in the Body of Christ, throughout their years together, both upon American soil, and the Foreign Field as well. 


Our Lord blessed their marriage with four precious children, the first dear son, Ernest, being called to heaven, only a few days after his birth; Philip, the next born was robbed and beaten in Jamaica, where he had gone to minister to the poor and downcast of that Island.  As a result of injuries sustained, he slipped quietly and peacefully away, as his brother Victor prayed with him.  Philip was only 25 years old at the time of his home-going.  Another heartrending tragedy would follow with the early departure of the beloved Beth.


Gloria and Hugo remain in Switzerland with their families, which being in close proximity to Mom, who lives in Germany, are a great comfort and joy to her life.  It is very apparent, however, that she has always loved her step children in America every bit as much as those whom she has borne.  She is very devoted to each one of them and has walked in an intercessors pathway these many years for, Sharon, Victor, Ben, and Joy. 


Our dear Mother, Mathilde Dodzweit is indeed special in the Lord, and remains close to my heart; as the Lord used her tremendously in my life, during one of my darkest hours!  I was sent most sovereignly by our Lord to Cocoa, Florida, in March, 1970, where I was directed straight way to the property which became a home base to me for the following seven years.  (It was a truly amazing and momentous set of circumstances). 


Sieg and Mathilde were my neighbors and friends, and quickly became a sort of “Dad and Mom” in the Spirit to me, considering that at the time I had just turned 26, but in many ways, was much younger than my years.  My life was shattered almost beyond repair.  I honestly believe that our Lord Jesus, in His all-wise providence knew exactly what I needed (A Mom and Dad in the Lord, who lived and moved in the anointing, and ministered in the power of God, as well a Grandma, being Grandma Dodzweit, who has a mighty intercessor; a woman who literally lived and breathed her life in prayer): Which is precisely why He sent me to Cocoa, Florida, and placed me under the care and tutelage of these precious souls.  To God be the glory!


With greatest appreciation, (after my praise to the Lord Jesus), I am thankful to my dear friends: Sieg, Mathilde, and Grandma Dodzweit, for their great love and kindness to me, and for their patience and compassion in standing with me during that difficult season!  Praise the Lord! 


We are so very thankful for the great encouragement and faithful prayers of our dear Mother, Mathilde, as well, on our behalf, and on behalf of the vision and ministry for which we are giving our lives!  God bless you, our dear Mother in the Gospel, and may you ever be blessed and rewarded for your many years of faithful service and intercession unto the Body of Christ!




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