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My dear little Brothers and Sisters in every Nation around the World:

This is Old Grampa Mike, from New Haven, Connecticut, in the USA, welcoming you to The Pine Needles. Pine trees produce both pine cones and pine needles. The more mature trees produce the pine cones, which are a type of your older brothers and sisters, but even the younger pine trees produce pine needles, which are a type of younger kids like yourself. Below, you will see that I am welcoming you with a wonderful song written with kids just like yourselves in mind. Please take time to read it and think upon the words. It has a great message for you about your life with Jesus. For you who have younger brothers and sisters who may not be able to read yet, or not read well, we have posted two other welcome songs just below "The Youth of the World," entitled "Jesus bids us Shine," and "I'll be a Sunbeam." These are joyful, happy songs, written with younger kids in mind. Please take time to read them to your younger brothers and sisters, and hopefully, with our Lord's help, we shall soon be able to have them in audio format, where we can sing them for you, by clicking onto a link.

Please remember: The Power of God is just the same today! Hallelujah!


Mighty army of the young,
Lift your voice in cheerful song,
Send the welcome word along,
Jesus lives!
Once He died for you and me,
Bore our sins upon the tree,
Now He lives to make us free,
Jesus lives!

Wait not till the shadows lengthen, till you older grow,
Rally now and sing for Jesus, everywhere you go;
Lift your joyful voices high,
Ringing clear through earth and sky,
Let the blessed tidings fly,
Jesus lives!

Voice of youth so glad and free,
Sing your song of victory;
Sing to all on land and sea,
Jesus lives!
Light for you and all mankind,
Sight of all by sin made blind,
Life in Jesus all may find,
Jesus lives!

Jesus lives, O blessed words!
King of kings, and Lord of lords!
Lift the cross and sheathe the swords,
Jesus lives!
See, He breaks the prison wall,
Throws aside the dreadful pall,
Conquers death at once for all,
Jesus lives!

– By John R. Colgan, 1891.



Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light,
Like a little candle burning in the night;
In this world of darkness, we must shine,
You in your small corner, and I in mine.

Jesus bids us shine, first of all for Him;
Well He sees and knows it if our light is dim;
He looks down from heaven, sees us shine,
You in your small corner, and I in mine.

Jesus bids us shine, then, for all around,
Many kinds of darkness in this world abound:
Sin, and want, and sorrow—we must shine,
You in your small corner, and I in mine.

- By Susan B. Warner, 1868.



Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,
To shine for Him each day;
In every way try to please Him,
At home, at school, at play.


A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

Jesus wants me to be loving,
And kind to all I see;
Showing how pleasant and happy,
His little one can be.

I will ask Jesus to help me
To keep my heart from sin;
Ever reflecting His goodness,
And always shine for Him.

I’ll be a sunbeam for Jesus,
I can if I but try;
Serving Him moment by moment,
Then live for Him on high.

- By Nellie Talbot, 1900.



