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An Account Of An Old-Time Camp Meeting


The Camp Meeting opened with supernatural prayer, praise, worship, and singing. The presence of the Lord was gloriously manifested in the midst. There came a holy hush and for a brief period all sat quietly before Him, then one arose and said, by the Spirit, “We are in a desperate hour; world conditions are terrible, but God is on the scene; He is here to deal with us. All our doings and conditions are tainted with the natural and need a mighty wave of conviction. The first thing to do is repent.” A solemn warning was given of what the power of God would mean to those who were not found in His power. The whole opening service was highly supernatural.

On one occasion several choruses were sung in great sweetness of spirit and the musical instruments seemed symphonic and prophetical. It was suffused with the richness of the heavenly.

A sister yielded to the Holy Spirit in dancing and speaking in tongues, and almost immediately there was a tremendous supernatural move of the Spirit in the Body both in physical manifestations and in thanking and praising the Lord; young and old participating. Gifts and ministries were stirred and came into operation with beneficial results to many.

Under inspiration, a sister chanted, “The Spirit of the Lord is brooding upon the people this morning; The Spirit of the Lord is brooding on the waters,” etc. This continued at length and changed to singing prophecy which culminated in her laying hands on several on the platform and in each instance, there was an infusion of the Spirit which struck fire in the congregation, after which she spoke on, “The way into power gifts and ministries,” and declared, “There must be a return to former abandonment to the Holy Spirit.” The truth of this message registered and the majority responded with praise and thanksgiving.

Several were moved by the Spirit to minister to a badly afflicted sister. The Spirit began to fall and the power and glory which followed was indescribable. It must have been a touch of Latter Rain.

A minister was reading John 14:8-12 and when he read “greater works” the Spirit fell both upon him and a number in the congregation. Said he: “We should be in such union with Jesus that when they see us, they will see Jesus. We do not have to reveal Him; He will reveal Himself. Apostolic living must precede apostolic works.”

There was wave after wave of the Spirit in praise and worship after a powerful message in tongues and interpretation, urging the people to rise in the power of the Spirit at the call of God. Blessing and power increased.

Under inspiration, a brother said, “I have no special line of doctrine on my own to bring forth, but I am trying to bring all the lines together in me that the preachers are emphasizing,” and then proceeded to speak of the river flowing from the altar (Ez. 47) and admonished the people to make an altar wherever they went and stated that the altar was in the heart.

A young pastor stepped to the pulpit and as he raised his hands, the Spirit was manifested through many. After quoting several Scriptures, he came under a powerful anointing and began to leap and praise the Lord. Two others interrupted with prophecy and a vision, emphasizing the victory of Calvary, was given to a sister.

A “Faithful steward” from California gave an interesting account of a business man who was faithful in paying his tithes. His business increased until he was able to help numbers of missionaries. The speaker has a room in his factory in which he prays every day for the business while the men are working.

At times there was a wonderful spirit of prayer on the people; a real breaking through to victory. In one of these instances, there were songs of deliverance followed with a victory march after, which a powerful message was delivered, dealing with the glorious triumph of God on behalf of His redeemed ones. Another message immediately followed in relation to the Victorious Army, and this was succeeded by a sermon on the Army doing exploits.

A prophecy was given urging the saints to move out in the power of God, at which a young man began to run lightly back and forth across the platform, and the Spirit witnessed in demonstration and power. There was a marvelous supernatural move for several minutes which continued at intervals throughout the entire service. The spiritual tide continued to rise all day and in the evening, wave after wave of glory filled the tabernacle, and singing, shouting, hand-clapping, marching, etc., continued for a long time.

An aged minister chanted the Scriptures on the redemption of the purchased possession, and there was a marvelous witness to these truths.

A pastor from Minneapolis spoke with unction on power in relation to divine healing. Mighty waves of praise and accompanying power and glory followed. The joy, continued rejoicing, marching, and other supernatural manifestations are beyond description. Neither the tongue nor pen can adequately describe the glorious movings of the Spirit.

After a reproof by the Spirit for lack of obedience, a young man stepped forward and said he was one cog in the wheel and was going to let God have his way with him. Said he; “I am going to make a complete consecration,” and turning, he knelt at the altar. Immediately another young man stepped forward and asserted that he was the second cog, and so was making a deeper consecration; he also turned and knelt at the altar and forthwith the Spirit moved in mighty conviction, and people, especially the youth, flocked to the altar without invitation, and began to cry to the Lord in deep conviction and contrition. The scene was beyond any description or imagination.

One afternoon the Lord worked supernaturally through a sister who shouted and praised, and finally said: “Oh! The power of glory divine,” whereupon the meeting immediately came into a higher realm, and during the ensuing blessings, a sister on the platform saw rain falling all over the people. The former sister also saw it and prophesied about Latter Rain.

The following evening, there was such praising with spiritual playing of instruments, which sounded like the “voice of many waters;” like the roar of an ocean.

At one time there was a mighty shout in the camp, which continued at length; a shout of victory, and many were conscious of possessing new territory in the “land.”

A guest pastor spoke on world conditions from a spiritual standpoint, and a prophecy in part was given as follows: “I am bringing forth my hinderers and opening them my good treasure: treasures of dominion. Will you dip in and help yourselves? Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that He will unleash the power that is within His people.”

There were wonderful prophecies on resurrection power followed by arising and giving to God united praise; again like the sound of many waters. Voices were as one as praise continued until intercession intermingled with prophecy came upon numbers. There was a new move of the Spirit which cannot be described, but it was gloriously precious.

In one service, there was a period of deep humiliation and confession. Differences were forgotten and hearts flowed together in tender love one for another. It reminded one of Psalm 133.

One afternoon the people assembled for prayer, some knelt at the altar, but the majority prayed in their seats. There was a gradual rise in the spiritual tide, until a spirit of praise and worship overshadowed the place, and permeated individual spirits. The prophetic piano and violin duet had a heavenly strain, deep and profound, that caused the human spirit to soar away into realms of divine harmony and subdued worship. It grew into a holy crescendo until all felt the touch of the Divine One in the midst. It finally changed into prophetic singing. The song came forth through a sister while another sang like an echo. Great joy was depicted on the upturned faces and many began to shout.

On another occasion, a pastor preached on “Restoration” and there was a tremendous witness to the truths expounded. A sister in the congregation began to leap and shout and praise the Lord.

A sister came bounding part way down the aisle in the exhuberance of the Holy Spirit, after which there was a mighty move of the Spirit to subdue the natural and bring forth the spiritual.

After a message of the Kingdom, there was acting prophecy – marching into the Kingdom with clapping of hands that sounded like the prancing of horses feet on a pavement – typical of the Army on white horses. Then one prophesied: “Has God called you to the first order? Has God called you to the high order? Then take your place! Get into the Kingdom now!”

One time, after a short period of operating on the natural plane, the Spirit intervened, intercession came upon many, and the meeting was gloriously lifted into a high realm. The saints were admonished to hold their places in Him.

A sister came very slowly down the aisle, step by step, under the anointing of the Spirit, eyes closed, tears flowing until she reached the platform. It was typical of the Bride coming out of the wilderness. A sister on the platform, under the power of the Spirit, assisted her up the steps and the anointing increased until they both went down, at which mighty intercession and powerful prophecies broke forth from several. At a very brief and simple invitation, a crowd pressed their way to the altar and began to seek the Lord.

During a powerful visitation of the Spirit in physical manifestations, even little children felt the exhuberance of the divine presence and entered into the joy. A minister remarked: “This world is in line for an evangelistic invasion.”

A brother moved across the tabernacle on his toes in such a manner that he appeared to be gliding along, the motion in the Spirit was so smooth and graceful. Various ones spoke very briefly under the anointing, to which there was much witness. One weak-voiced brother spoke and immediately another stepped forward and forming a megaphone with his hands repeated what the former said and the Spirit fell upon the assembly in delightful witness. The anointing increased until there was a unison of spiritual singing and the atmosphere was charged with the Holy Spirit. Fire was again seen falling like rain and then again it appeared as water.

One evening, a powerful prophecy was given by a returned missionary, then a sister began singing, “I'll go where You want me to go,” and the Spirit filled the room like sweet perfume. A sister led by the Spirit came to the platform and gave a heart-searching missionary testimony, then a young man student spoke under a heavy anointing, and the service glided into a missionary meeting. A missionary message in tongues and interpretation came forth and one on the platform ran in the power of the Spirit to a returned missionary in the congregation, and started her toward the platform. She responded in the Spirit, and ascending from the platform, gave a supernatural missionary message. The whole service was a highly spiritual order. It was God's time for a missionary meeting. Man had not planned it. It was really led of God.

One Sunday morning there were many short sermons on the theme: “The Light.” It was very unusual.

Saints came from the far North, West, and South to attend the feast of fat things prepared for His redeemed ones. The meetings were outstanding in the attendance of young people. At nearly every service, there could be seen from the platform a sea of spiritually animated young faces.

Singing songs relating to Jesus always brought a wonderful, sweet, mellow spirit of worship.

The spiritual atmosphere of the Camp Meeting as a whole superseded all other meetings conducted heretofore. Battles were fought and victories won. Demons were cast out and the sick healed, and many found a new place in the Spirit. One evangelist stated that he had never been in a meeting where there was such an anointing on the services as in this one. Another one said, “This is one of the most glorious Camp Meetings I ever experienced.”

The theme of the services from the first to last was in exaltation of Jesus and His finished work of redemption. We came to realize as never before that all our life, victory and spiritual attainment were found in Him, “who is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” There were repeated exhortations to “Behold the Lamb of God” with steadfastness.

No one was especially invited to preach, but the platform was open for anyone to occupy as led of the Lord. Consequently, sermons were deep, powerful, and manifestly freighted with the Spirit.

Several babies were dedicated and several adults were ordained to the ministry. Eight returned missionaries were present representing the mission fields of Africa, China, India, Ethiopia, and the Home field. The ministries of the visiting brethren were manifestly blessed of God and were very much appreciated by all.

The meetings from first to last were glorious in power and in majesty, and will never be forgotten by those who attended and participated. 


[It is interesting to note that the above Meeting took place a full six years prior to the 1948 Revival.  It is a fact that numerous groups around America, and also abroad, had continued to move in true Revival fires, from 1906 forward, without pause.  Such is very apparently the case as above-stated.]




