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We Are Not Ready

By Grace R. Roos

We are NOT ready for the Last Days. We are not ready for the flood of evil. We are not ready for the rage of Satan when he is allowed free reign and the demons are released from the pit. We are not ready for that. At present, we do not have the spiritual strength to face what is coming. Therefore, God wants us to prepare now for this is the preparation period. Now we prepare the ground to receive the seed that it may produce the fine flour type of consecrated life; that it may produce also the vines that bring forth the grapes that are made into wine, that God may have a poured-out drink offering from us.

Therefore, we lay on our faces before God, fasting and praying and asking God to perform the work He alone can do. As we do this, the powers of evil will be put down, the revelations are given us as to what are our hindrances. All those lumps of resistance in us will be made into fine flour, hallelujah! And we will come out a son of God. Now that seems like a standard of perfection we will never achieve, but that is what God is requiring of the sons of God for the Last Days.



