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When May A Child Come To Christ?

By Michael O'Connor








Mark 10:13-16; “And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them: and His disciples rebuked those that brought them. (14) But when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. (15) Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. (16) And He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them.”

The title of this article reflects a question which, basic though it be, has caused disagreement and dissension amongst Theologians and Church Leaders down through the centuries. Especially was this true after the Council of Nicea, but no less burdensome after the Reformation Period.

In the Early Church, there were apparently no distinctions placed upon age, in order for a child to come to Christ! Certainly this was clearly portrayed (and should have been forever established as a doctrinal precedent) by the example given in Mark 10:13-16. Here we find Jesus teaching, as He traveled amongst the people during His three and one half years of earthly ministry. In this particular instance, older folk (presumably parents/families) began to bring the little children to be blessed by Jesus. Many have wondered why His disciples became angered to the point of rebuking those bringing the children. I myself wondered at this for many years, until I realized that the Greek word used here, in reference to these particular children is: “paidion,” which is indicative of a newborn or very small child.

We may suppose that in the thinking of the disciples, the Gospel was designed for adults, and for children at least old enough to be held accountable for their actions and decisions. This is precisely the same thinking which has spawned the erroneous doctrine of: “The Age of Accountability.” Any such concept is flawed in the light of the greater scope of Scriptural precedence upon the subject! Only our Lord Jesus can know and understand the level of intelligence and the intents of the heart of a particular individual. If indeed there be such a thing as the “Age of Accountability,” it is a given that the fluctuation between each individual would be significant. To fully develop this line of thought would require an entirely separate treatise, which is not our purpose at this time.

Here they were, in Mark 10:13-16, bringing even their babes in arms, and little tykes, perhaps just learning to walk. It is amazing that these dear folk seemed to have more faith, and a greater understanding than did the disciples; at least concerning the matter at issue. These humble folk seemed to understand and perceive that this “Jesus of Nazareth,” was the very essence of kindness, goodness, and benevolence! They may not have fully understood who He truly was, but one thing they knew: What He had to offer, they desired and desperately needed, and wished the same for their children!

I am sure, as would be expected in such a scenario, these families and parents were determined to bring their little ones to Jesus! What a moving thought! Can you imagine the turmoil and confrontation which erupted when the disciples attempted to hinder them from doing so, even with harsh rebuking words? When desperate souls come face to face with Jesus Christ, and when there is a Divine connection between the twain, no power on Earth can dissuade nor hinder such a person from their determination to follow Him, and to bring their families into the same experience! This “Divine Determination” is seen again and again, throughout the Bible.

One of my favorite Hymns is: “I Would Not Be Denied.” Oh, how I remember singing that blessed song in the summer of 1959, when I entered Pentecost. I would sing it over and over and over again, in a loud voice, whilst hiking through the woods and fields, and spending time at my “favorite hideaway,” being an old vacant farmstead. I sang it boldly and joyfully! It mattered not to me if anyone overheard me. That would have been a welcomed event, and an occasion to testify of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

I Would Not Be Denied

When pangs of death seized on my soul,
Unto the Lord I cried;
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.


Old Satan said my Lord was gone
And would not hear my prayer;
But praise the Lord, the work is done,
And Christ the Lord is here.

As Jacob in the days of old,
I wrestled with the Lord;
And instant, with a courage bold,
I stood upon His Word.


I would not be denied,
I would not be denied,
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.

So, we are speaking about Divine Determination; what a blessed gift of God is this! Without such, it is doubtful that anyone will go very far in their Christian experience! I remember at age fifteen, hearing my Pastor's brother, Daniel Del-Vecchio (who is a powerful preacher and a recognized Apostle in the Body of Christ; having served the Lord and established many churches in Cuba, Mexico, and Spain). He was preaching in our humble little church in Riverside, New Jersey, and at least twice during his message, he "bore-down," and powerfully stated that in order to be a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus, it would be necessary to possess a significant measure of “intestinal fortitude.” Of course, being a youngster, I was unacquainted with homiletical language, so after the service I asked my Pastor: “Brother Jim, what did Danny mean when he said we would need to have intestinal fortitude?” I can see my Pastor yet, as he threw back his head and laughed, with his blue eyes sparkling, and his ruddy face aglow. He replied: “Michael, 'intestinal fortitude' is simply a more proper way of saying that you will need 'guts,' and lots of guts, to faithfully serve the Lord!”

You may well imagine hearing this kind of preaching for the first time, after having come from a traditional church background (rather “High-Church”), where the Pastor spoke in hushed tones, barely audible beyond the fifth row of pews. I realized, once I entered Pentecost, that this matter of following Jesus was certainly not mere “churchianity;” I realized that it was indeed a very serious matter which demanded a full and complete commitment, decision, and determination!

I have seen case after case of persons, who make a decision for Christ (especially is this true of children and young folk), who start out well, but when friends and family begin to show disapproval, and when persecution sets-in; if the convert is not fully determined in his own mind, he will become discouraged, and give up the fight! Thank God!  He placed something in my young heart of determination and of unfailing resolve, to follow the Lord Jesus! My family was Christian, and I thank God for the upbringing and teaching I had as a child. I learned my first prayers, Bible stories, and Scripture memorization at my Mother's knee. Dad also frequently prayed with us.

Yet, when I received Christ as Savior at age eight, through the influence of schoolmates and their beloved mother (at the close of a radio broadcast with Robert Fraser), my family was neither impressed nor encouraging! I was repeatedly charged to not attend the church of my schoolmates (Church of the Open Bible; which in actuality was a very sound evangelical church; the Pastor, Frank A. Rue, being a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Bible). My dear family referred to that church as being: “religious fanatics and holy rollers.” So, I was indeed persecuted by those I loved the most, and I do mean persecuted, from 1952, leading up to 1959, when the Lord brought me into Pentecost! (That is when real persecution began!) Yet, the Lord Jesus held me and guided me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake, and has held me thusly until this present moment (February 2, 2011). This is not because of anything on my part, for in and of myself, I could never have stood the test; but it is rather, because of His sovereign grace and mercy, which is far beyond our understanding and comprehension.

I write the following, especially to children and young people of all ages who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or who desire to do so! I firmly encourage each of you to be loving, kind, and obedient to your parents, for this is pleasing to the Lord; but, when it comes to your decision to follow the Lord, you must trust Him to hold you and to keep you in the path of the Gospel! You must pray on a daily basis for Him to impart unto your heart and spirit a DIVINE DETERMINATION, which will hold you fast, no matter how fierce the tempests may beat around you; no matter how hard and painful the persecution may be hurled against you; no matter how loudly and disapprovingly your family and friends may mock and rail against you! JESUS IS ABLE TO HOLD YOU! JESUS IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU! JESUS WILL GIVE YOU A DIVINE DETERMINATION! YOU MUST BELIEVE THIS!

At the very moment you are reading this, there are precious young boys and girls; young men and women in various places upon the face of this Earth, who are being savagely and viciously persecuted because of their stand for Jesus Christ! Many are beaten, maimed, tortured; and yes; many have been put to death! Surely He is able to give each of us grace to endure, no matter how difficult our trials may be! If you are not in an area of such persecution as above-mentioned, please be very grateful for that fact, but remember! Yes, remember with deepest humility and thanksgiving, that if others have suffered such persecution and still have not denied the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, surely He can give you grace to stand in the face of opposition and persecution, without denying Him!

I am reminded of another great old song, which will encourage your heart:

"I am determined, I've made up my mind;

I'll serve the Lord.

I've left the world and its pleasures behind;

I'll serve the Lord.

I will follow wheresoever He may lead me;

I will pasture wheresoever He may feed me;

For I am determined, I've made up my mind;

I will serve the Lord!"

I recall as a fifteen year old lad, becoming so burdened and concerned for a dear old brother in our church who was in the beginning stages of dementia. (He had been a great witness for Christ for many years.) I ventured on a dangerous trip through the ghettos of Philadelphia, to attend a Healing Revival, being held at the Philadelphia Arena, which necessitated the taking of a bus from New Jersey to downtown Philadelphia, and then, the “elevated-train” to 46th and Market Streets. (The meeting closed at nearly eleven P.M., and I had to travel through the city at that hour; not returning home until nearly three A.M.)

My reason for this undertaking was to speak to the the main Evangelist, who had a reputation for being highly successful in the casting out of evil spirits. I arrived there for the afternoon service, after which, he was interviewing folk who had come for prayer cards. As I approached the ramp, one of his assistants pre-interviewed me, and with a surprising degree of aloofness, stated: “You don't need to see Brother ______, I can tell you what you need to know. I can issue the prayer card, and you can bring the gentleman for prayer.”

Well, I suppose my response would be by some, considered rather impolite, and possibly even a bit rebellious, but I spoke forthrightly in a loud voice: “Oh no, Brother ______! I came all the way from New Jersey on a bus, and an elevated train to speak to Brother ______, and I intend to speak to him! This is a serious matter! A dear old saint of God is losing his mind, and desperately needs healing! I MUST SPEAK TO BROTHER ______ ! I WILL NOT BE DENIED! YOU MUST ALLOW ME TO SPEAK WITH HIM ! ! !”

Just at that moment, hearing the commotion, Brother ______ stared at us from the pulpit where he had been granting interviews, and in a rather irritated, impatient tone, he spoke: “Brother ______, what is going on down there? Why are you stopping that young man? Let him come up here at once!” I can never forget the overwhelming feeling I had as I approached that pulpit. I was enveloped with the manifest presence of our Lord, as Brother ______ spoke kindly: “Come up here, brother, and tell me about it. Why have you come? How can I help you?”

I explained the situation, and he paused, as if in prayer, and said: “Yes, I believe he is bound by an evil spirit which is trying to take his mind.” He then gave me a yellow prayer card, and asked me to bring the dear old brother for prayer. I returned joyfully to Riverside, and the next day, went to bear the good news! The old brother was all aglow and joyful, and more than willing to go for prayer, even though it meant a long journey through a dangerous part of the city. Tragically, his wife put her foot down and flatly refused to allow him to go, saying that she wanted nothing to do with those “Pentecostal people,” nor with their teachings. I was still determined, although I could not overrule his wife, but in my heart, I held fast in faith, believing that he would be healed.

I sincerely believe that because of my act of obedience and compassion in going to obtain the prayer card, and of Brother ______'s concern, and prayerful pause while filling out the card, there was indeed a connection of faith! I am glad to report that the dear old brother (while not fully restored), remained stable and continued to be active in church, and to enjoy a significant soundness of mind; being able to walk about his neighborhood visiting friends, etc., up until the time of his home-going, at around ninety years of age.

The Apostle Paul gave command to Timothy, his son in the Gospel: “Let no man despise thy youth...” (1 Timothy 4:12). It is believed that Timothy was at the time a young preacher of approximately eighteen to twenty years of age. Some of you may say: “Well, Dad O'Connor, that seems a very young age to be a preacher. I don't know how I could do that.” Hear me, dear young person, who said you cannot do it? All through the Scriptures, our Lord has called children; some at very early ages, and placed His hand and calling upon them. To cite a few examples, let us consider: Jacob, Joseph, Moses; Samuel, David, Solomon, (all the Prophets were called and chosen from their mothers' wombs, some being specifically dealt with by God in their youth), John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ our Lord.

There are also many many such cases down through the pages of Church History, of God having called and chosen children and young people; even to preaching ministries. I am aware of numerous such children who were genuinely called and used of the Lord at very young ages.

Some forty-two years ago, I was a minister at a Holiness Camp-Meeting in the South. During this time, the blessed Holy Spirit was out-poured upon the meeting, and especially upon the young people, several of whom came under a powerful unction to preach, prophesy, and to intercede for lost souls. (Oh, thank God, thank God for those blessed years when the altars of prayer still ran down with tears). One young boy, aged six, was especially moved upon. I can see that little fellow now, marching up and down the aisle, with a shining glory upon his face, and with tears running down, as he preached the Gospel, and pled with lost souls to surrender to Christ! Oh! This was not some “five minute sermonette;” what I here relate was a full-fledged preacher, carrying a true unction of the Holy Spirit, and doing the work of an Evangelist. Conviction fell upon even hardened sinners, breaking them down and drawing them to the altar, with tears and agony over their sins; leading a goodly number to a genuine Born-Again experience!

Our dear Father and Brother, Gustav E. Hoyer spoke to us numerous times of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the ancient Hugenots: In that Awakening, it was not uncommon for small children and even babies to speak out with a loud unction, from their cradles and cribs, prophesying the Word of the Lord in perfect French. (Many of these children could barely say “Papa” and “Mama.”)

I am reticent to speak of myself, but I do so with humility and with a rendering of all praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who appeared to me at age five, in a night visitation, illuminating the room with dazzling rays and colors, such as I had never seen before, nor have seen since. He spoke to me and lifted His hands toward me, as if bestowing a blessing upon me! I speak of this experience very rarely, but I do so now to encourage each of you to believe God for a Divine meeting with Him, and a Divine apprehension by Him, of your life for His purposes! The next day, and for weeks thereafter, I began telling folk that Jesus had visited me, and that when I grew up I would be a preacher! My dear Grandfather gave me a little paperback edition of Scripture verses entitled: “Weighty Words of Life.” That was my first “Bible,” from which I would stand and “preach” to family and visitors, and also have “church services” with my playmates. (I still have this little book of Scriptures after sixty-one years, minus the front cover and the first few pages.)

As great as was this visitation-experience, the Lord led me by His Spirit to take a greater step of receiving Him as Lord and Savior at age eight. After this experience, I began to feel a burden for the lost, and a concern for those whom I perceived to be unprepared and unready to meet the Lord. We had an elderly lady in our neighborhood whom at times I visited, and spoke with. She seemed friendly enough, and always treated me well, sometimes giving me milk and cookies. That is, until I left a Gospel tract in her door! It was the only tract I had, which someone had given me, entitled: “The Three Little Pigs” (A very innocent children's tract). I had heard that she had been ill and in my heart I felt a concern for her condition and also for her soul. Her response to my concern was to scream and rail upon me, telling me never to come to her house again, and threatening to summon the police if ever again I left a tract in her door. Sadly, she died shortly thereafter, and the talk of the neighborhood was that she died a very hard death. So, a little eight year old “missionary-boy” had learned his first lesson in being rejected for the sake of the Gospel. I grieved for her for quite some time afterward, fearing that she had not made Heaven her home!

At age twelve, on a Sunday afternoon, Dad had taken me to a peninsula in an neighboring town, where he had taught my brothers and I to drive (I learned to drive at age seven in a 1938 Nash, with a floor-shift). This particular Sunday afternoon was just a leisurely time of driving his big old Hudson, which more resembled an upside-down bathtub or a “Sherman tank.” I clicked on the radio, right in the middle of the Hymn singing, at the “Church of the Open Door” broadcast, in Philadelphia. I had enjoyed listening to them for a number of years, as well as other Christian broadcasts, but upon this day, as soon as I heard the “joyful sound” of the glorious Hymns, I was immediately filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke-out momentarily in a language which I had never learned. (At the time, I knew absolutely nothing of the Pentecostal experience.)

Dad was somewhat upset at my “outburst,” and I believe, a bit fearful. Being raised in the Methodist Church, he certainly did not understand a thing such as this happening to his son! That was in 1956.

Three years later, the Lord would lead me into Pentecost, and into a fuller and deeper expression of His Holy Spirit. I was, at this time age fifteen, and then began to preach and to serve as youth leader in my church (Christ's Ambassadors Leader). Two years later, it was my privilege to be invited to speak in a Tent Revival; several months thereafter it was my privilege to be licensed to the ministry, by Sister Viola Wertz, and two beloved old Elders in Philadelphia.

Young people, please hear me! Please open your ears and listen! You are never too young to be saved; nor too young to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit; nor too young to be sanctified and to walk in Holiness; nor too young to be called, anointed, and chosen of God for the work of ministry! Oh! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Jesus Himself, in the narrative in Mark 10, commanded that His disciples cease and desist from hindering the children! He said in the strongest possible manner: (Paraphrase) “You must allow, permit, and encourage the little children; even the newborn babes and toddlers, to freely and fearlessly come to Me, and to be brought to Me; for such as these little babies and little children, is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

The folk gladly obeyed His command, and continued to bring their children, which Jesus gladly took up (picked up/received from their parents) as He laid His hands upon them and blessed them. Not only did He take time with the “Innocents;” He also conferred upon them His blessing and anointing! It is entirely believable that those children who received His blessing, grew up to become ministers and leaders in the Early Church! (No conferred blessing of our Lord was ever given without Divine purpose and Divine fruition!)

It is not essential, nor is it even necessary for any young person to wait until: “First Holy Communion” or “Confirmation,” in order to begin to know and understand the Scriptures, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

I have heard numerous accounts of small children, as young as two years old, who requested to be baptized and/or led in a prayer to receive Christ! Even Brother Warren (who is a part of this ministry), when at the age of three, had such an experience! His dear mother had been teaching he and his older brother, Jonathan, about Jesus, and the way of salvation; and of course teaching them wonderful Gospel songs and praying with them. One day Warren was playing in the yard, and a sudden overshadowing of the Holy Spirit fell upon him; as his heart leaped within him! He then and there invited the Lord Jesus into His heart as His Savior! A great joy flooded his soul, and he ran about the yard laughing and rejoicing; and straight into the house, announcing his great experience to his Mom! He did not understand all the “Theology” of it, but he surely knew that something very powerful had transpired!

When I arose from my knees in 1952, after “Mom Verdie Braddock” and her family had prayed with me (when I received Christ, at age eight), I was filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory! I truly believed that I had been saved, as I prayed at that old sofa, I knew my life had changed and that Jesus had come in as Lord and Savior! I had an assurance of salvation, and an exuberance and joy, which bore witness to the same!

Why do we wait and stall around, and hold young folk back from being saved and coming to Jesus; just because they have not reached “Confirmation-age?” Why do we deny them the privilege of receiving the Lord's Supper, and of Water Baptism by full immersion? Why do we tell them they cannot hear God's voice nor receive His call until “later in life?”

When I say, “We,” I refer to we, “in the ministry.” Surely it is not my personal practice to enforce the delays and hindrances as above-stated, upon any child or young person! I have baptized children as young as four years old, who requested to be baptized, and whom upon careful examination, fully understood the ramifications of water baptism. Also has this been true of children who wish to receive the Lord's Supper, in the Eucharist; who expressed an understanding that they wished to partake of the Lord's Body and Blood.

It is a tragic note that many dear, precious children have had a heart to come to Christ, and were under a dealing of the Holy Spirit in their little lives; but cold, dead, ritual and ceremony; dead, dry, religious dogma and tradition forbade them!


A faithful paraphrase of this clause is: “Do not hinder, dissuade, discourage, nor delay them from coming to Me.” So often, when such children have been hindered, they at a later time (when the church, and when their parents and spiritual leaders decide that the time is right), have no longer any interest nor desire for coming to Christ; nor any remaining interest in spiritual matters! All too often in such cases, it seems that the opportunity is forever lost, and even after the passage of many years, such offended little ones, very often fail to express any interest in coming to the Lord!

As I close this article, I do so with a very heavy heart, and a soul filled with the compassion and intercession of the Holy Spirit for children and young people of all ages, wherever they may appear upon the face of this World. I say to you all, with the heart of a father, and indeed to the “young ones,” the heart of an old Grandpa:

"Come to Jesus! Come to Jesus NOW, in the days of your youth, when the evil days come not nigh! Now is the accepted time! Today is the day of salvation! Don't harden your heart! Oh, my dear children, won't you just now open your heart to Jesus? He gave His life for you on the cruel cross of Calvary! Had you been the only person in this whole wide World, He would have still come all the way from Heaven, down, just to bleed and die and suffer the death of the cross for you; to remove your sins and purchase your eternal soul for a bright eternity with Him!"

I wish to pray with you! Perhaps you can find a place to get away from everything – a quiet place, and pray this prayer from your heart. Mean every word of it, believe it, and be sincere about it, more than anything you have ever done before in your life! Please let me tell you that Hell is a very real and a horrible place, which we do not want to ever experience! There is a Heaven to gain, and a Hell to shun! Some have said: “How can Jesus send anyone to Hell?” My dear friends, we are born in sin, and shapen in iniquity. We are born into this world, totally and utterly lost, and without a hope in this life or in the life to come! This is why Jesus came as the great “Sin-Offering,” and gave His life for each one of us! He never sends anyone to Hell! We send ourselves to Hell when we reject His Salvation, which is our only escape from Hell! When we reject Jesus Christ and His Salvation, we bear the responsibility of choosing Hell! We send ourselves there! In the Bible, God says: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve!” “You cannot serve two masters...!

Please pray now with me, just as sincerely and truthfully as you possibly know how! If you mean this with all your heart, He will hear your prayer, and He will answer! He will write your name in the Book of Life, and His precious blood will cleanse away every sin you have ever committed! He will help you and strengthen you to live for Him, day by day! When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your soul will be saved, and you will become a new person! You will be Born-Again, as the Scriptures teach us in John, the third chapter.

Write to us, and tell us of your decision for Christ! You may call, write, or email, and we will send you some good Christian literature to help you in your new walk with Christ. It is very important for you to find a good Bible Church which preaches the Gospel, and takes a stand for Holiness and Sanctification of life. God bless you, my dear children, who pray this prayer:

The Prayer:

Dearest Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. Without you, I am lost. Without you, I cannot be saved. I confess every sin. I judge myself guilty of every sin I have ever committed, and I ask you now to wash away all those sins, and to remember them against me no more. I receive you now into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior. Please help me to live for you, and I pray that you will bring me into the path of Holiness, that I may walk in the way of righteousness, and be set free from the way of the World. I thank you now for your blood that you shed for me. I thank you for dying on that old rugged cross for me. I thank you for arising from the tomb on the third day; and I thank you that you are alive forevermore, and that someday, you will come back to rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Amen and Amen! Also, Lord Jesus, please give me Christian friends who will be a help and encouragement to me. Also, cause me to reach out to others who do not yet know you! Please help me to win others to you. Amen!

"Don't turn Him away, don't turn Him away;

He has come back to your heart again,

Although you've gone astray.

Oh! How you'll need Him to plead your cause,

On that eternal day;

Don't turn the Savior away from your heart,

Oh no! Don't turn Him away!"

With a heart full of love and deepest concern,

Dad O'Connor


_________            _________            _________



A Young Boy Is Called To Preach


I was busily washing dishes one morning when eleven year old David walked into the kitchen.

"You know, Mother," he began, “for a long time, every time I prayed I would hear a voice saying, 'Preach! Preach! Preach!' I could hardly pray because of it.”

Carefully I answered, “What did you finally do about it?”

"Well," replied David matter-of-factly, “I decided God was calling me to preach, so I told Him I would!”

"Do you hear the voice any longer?" I asked, smiling down at my serious-faced son.

"No!" replied David, “not since the day I told the Lord I would preach if He wanted me to.”

Then, child-like, having share his experiences, he was ready for other things. He went outdoors to play, leaving a very thoughtful and grateful mother behind.

I was literally filled with melodies unto the Lord, so happy was I. It was one thing for God to reveal Himself to me, but it was thrilling and precious to know that He could reveal Himself to my young son and give him understanding!




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