A Tribute to Wade and Mae Taylor
(A Beloved
Father and Mother in the Faith)
By Michael O'Connor
have waited to post this tribute, as I have wished to prepare my heart so that my words may indeed express the heart of our
Lord Jesus, please grant me your gentleness and meekness. Let there be in this treatise, no harshness, nor causticity, expressed
toward those whom have treated Brother and Sister Taylor in an unkind and uncharitable manner. Indeed, I pray that your precious
Holy Spirit shall brood upon all such persons, and settle-down upon them with your effectual and heart-changing conviction.
Please grant unto them repentance. Bring healing and reconciliation unto every heart. May this be wrought by your tender,
nail-scarred hands: Yea, a work of cleansing, contrition, and clemency. Amen.
the above best expresses my heart-felt sentiments. This being said, I shall proceed with that which I sincerely trust shall
bring praise and glory unto our Lord Jesus Christ.
beloved “Pioneers” have recently ended their Earthly pilgrimage, to be borne by angels, unto the Celestial City.
I make reference to: Wade Eugene Taylor, and his beloved wife of sixty-eight years: Mae Dassler Taylor.
in his eighty-eighth year departed this life on the evening of February 29th, 2012. Mae, in her eighty-fourth year followed
Wade within two months time. Wade was remarkably well-preserved, appearing to be in his late sixties, and was yet strong,
alert, and able to minister and teach at the church in Washington D.C., where he had served as Pastor for nearly fifteen years.
Wade had been in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, helping to care for Mae, at the home of their daughter; Pastor, Nancy Warner. Mae
had earlier suffered a stroke, and was convalescing there. On the afternoon of February 29th, Wade was out of town on business
when he suffered a heart attack. The emergency squad was summoned, and they made an heroic attempt to save his life, but by
the time they reached a coronary unit, Wade had taken his flight into a better World.
told of Wade's home-going, Mae expressed sadness, in having been unable to speak with him, one last time, before the hour
of his departure. She then abandoned hope of recovery, and it seemed that her focus was upon Heaven, where her Lord Jesus,
and her husband, Wade, were awaiting her coming. Sister Mae ceased from eating, and rapidly grew weaker, until she also took
her flight into the Glory Land on High.
“Earthly-Temples” were laid to rest in May, 2012, at the old cemetery, at Salisbury Center, New York; where in
early 1968, they planted a Ministry which had pitifully humble beginnings, but which was destined to become a major place
in our Lord's Kingdom; a place for His People and a place where He would take His rest.
Center: The place where in 1960, Wade had received the calling and the vision for an End-Time School of the Holy Spirit. There
and then, he said an: “Eternal-Yes.” Then, in 1968, the Vision (after tarrying for nearly seven years), “spoke,”
and Wade, Mae, Nancy, and Joanna, moved into three small rooms in one of the dormitories, and then it befell Mae to make
her consecration, and to say: “Yes!” This she did sincerely, even to the donating to the cause, of a modest inheritance
she had recently received from an Aunt. To do so demanded an unflinching consecration from Mae. Thankfully, she did not fail
the test! Her inheritance paid for the new electric service and other urgent repairs, as well as keeping “basic survival
rations” on the Table, for the eighteen young folk who had come for the Summer, to work and prepare for the School's
opening in September. Mae never faltered on the major decisions required for Wade to obey the leading of the Lord, pursuant
to his calling and ministry. (Wade disclosed this fact to me, upon several occasions, with sincere and heart-felt appreciation.)
few through the years ever have known the sacrifices which were exacted upon Mae and the children, in order for Wade to follow
the Lord, and to wait upon his ministry. There were many trials, too numerous to rehearse, but two come especially to mind:
When first in 1959, the Taylors moved to, Pine Crest Bible Institute, their “apartment” consisted of two small
sub-basement rooms, complete with mildew, and very limited light. It was necessary for them to walk a distance to use the
public bathroom. At another juncture, they found it necessary (Wade, Mae, and three children) to live in an unheated, single-car
garage, with one small window. In Winter, they nearly froze, and in Summer it was like an oven. It was not always easy for
Mae, for she was repeatedly called upon to endure hardship and deprivation. Mae Taylor submitted unto those dealings! (Most
wives would not!)
1959, at age fifteen, I was serving under Pastor, and Mrs., James Del-Vecchio, in the fledgling Assembly of God Church at
Riverside, New Jersey. We were a pioneer branch of the Burlington Assembly of God, some seven miles North. Wade had graduated
in May, 1959, from Northeastern Bible Institute, at Green Lane, Pennsylvania; after which he and the Family made a visit to
friends in Burlington, who were members of Burlington Assembly of God.
Sunday morning, Brother Del-Vecchio invited Wade to minister in our little chapel. Shortly thereafter, the Taylor family was
sovereignly directed to Pine Crest Bible Institute; where Wade enrolled in a “Fourth-Year” Degree Program, working
in conjunction with the School at Green Lane. (Both were Assemblies of God, Schools.) After remaining at Pine Crest for two
years, Wade and Family returned to Burlington Assembly, where they remained (residing in a neighboring town) for three years,
before being directed to Elim Bible Institute, at Lima, New York; where they would remain for more than six years, until the
“gestation-period” was complete, and the Vision had come to birth.
well remember having seen the Taylors, but I was not as yet personally acquainted with them. One Sunday morning, I attended
a service at Burlington, with my Pastor, and his family. There were the Taylors, coming into the meeting. Even though young
in years and young also in the Faith, I somehow perceived that this Family was indeed special, and important to the Lord.
I didn't understand at that time, but one could just look at them and feel the anointing and the approbation of God upon them.
This is not strange, for they were indeed destined and ordained of God to be used in a significant Ministry, which has “run
as a vine over the wall” (refusing to be imprisoned and confined to denominationalism), unto the Nations of the Earth,
bringing with it fruit and nourishment wherever it has gone. My Pastor pointed out Wade and whispered: “Michael, there
is Brother Taylor, whom I have spoken of; that man is an absolute genius.” (He had become acquainted with Wade, and
was quite impressed with Wade's keen mind, as well as his seriousness concerning Spiritual matters.) Yes! Wade truly was a
genius! Anyone who was privileged to know him well, would attest to this fact.
would not see, nor hear of Wade again until I enrolled, three years later, at Elim Bible Institute. I arrived over a term-break,
and was directed to a fourth-floor dorm hall, where a Teacher was to meet me, and allocate unto me a room. There, after lugging
two very heavy suitcases up long flights of stairs, I met Brother Wade. What a pleasant surprise to meet him there, where
I was a “new student,” and a stranger.
I met Wade in the dorm, he informed me that there were only a few “shared-rooms” available, and that he felt,
I as a new student, would be more comfortable having a room to myself. He thusly allocated to me his son, Ronald's room, as
Ron was to remain at Elim's New York City Outreach, until the Spring Commencement, which was eight weeks away. Such was the
heart of Wade Taylor: He was ever thinking of others, and seeking always their best interests.
must pause here to affirm that Brother Taylor was one of my dearest and most loyal friends; and certainly one of the finest
men of God whom ever I have been privileged to know! To this day, I am thankful and humbled by the positive influence he has
made upon my life, and for the many years of fellowship we shared in the Scriptures, in prayer, and in Christ-centered friendship.
Wade was a Friend, Brother, Yoke-Fellow, and “Dad,” unto myself, and thousands of others, throughout fifty years
of his Ministry. Through the years, Wade and I, at times, disagreed on issues, but our friendship was never broken!
Thanks be unto God! It was my great privilege to spend many seasons of prayer with this magnanimous father in the Faith, who
was a true mentor and encourager.
my arrival at Elim, in March, 1965, I again met Brother Bob Mumford, who was then serving as a Teacher and as the Registrar.
I had been privileged to meet Bob two years previously in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where he was a Guest Speaker at Church
of the Open Bible. His Ministry there was unforgettable. Bob and Wade were friends and colleagues, dating from their years
spent as fellow-students at Green Lane. Both of these Brothers were very gracious, extending unto me a warm welcome, as did
also President, Carlton Spencer, whose kind, fatherly persona impressed me from the start. With the passage of more than forty-seven
years, my love and respect for that dear Patriarch has steadily grown. At this writing (July 11, 2012), Brother Spencer is
in his ninety-ninth year, and is still strong and vigorous in the Faith. His life and Ministry has been a shining example
to untold thousands around the World. Dear Brother Spencer has been teaching and preaching, and ministering in the Word and
in the Holy Spirit, for more than eighty years.
Taylor served as Founder and President of Pinecrest Bible Training Center for twenty-nine years. (Oh, what blessed memories
of those years, so abundant with our Lord's visitation and outpouring of His Spirit upon the humble old campus!) The buildings
were ever “down at the heels,” and “rough at the seams.” Notwithstanding, the abiding Shekinah of
our Lord's Manifest Presence made-up for what was lacking in the natural dimension. The presence of our Lord Jesus and His
Manifest Glory, have a way of beautifying and transfiguring people, places, and even our circumstances! Praise the Lord, it
is so! Oh! Hallelujah! Amen!
President Wade E. Taylor, 1978
To Michael, in appreciation of his friendship and ministry
of the Word of the Lord -
May our Lord richly bless and lead in your life -
The potential for ministry is great. May it come
to full fruition in His service.
Wade E. Taylor.

Michael O'Connor Elim Senior Picture: 1967
The inscription below was conferred to me
by Brother Taylor in the 1973 Yearbook:
To Mike,
In appreciation for your part in the founding
and establishing
of the ministry of our Lord here at
Your lasting friend,
of my most blessed memories is that of the occasion in 1978, when Brothers, Carlton Spencer, David Edwards, and Bernard Evans,
came to visit Pinecrest. Their visit was by Divine Appointment, and Brother Spencer ministered so graciously and richly from
God's Word. This meant far more to Brother Wade than perhaps could anyone ever begin to realize. Wade truly loved and respected
these precious brothers in the Faith, and was humbled and thankful beyond words for their visit to Pinecrest.
memorable occasion took place in March of 1969, when my dear wife and I were serving a Pastorate, at Brooklyn, New York. We
scheduled a special weekend of meetings in which Brother Wade, and Brother David Minor, of Coudersport, Pennsylvania would
minister. My beloved parents and my little brother, Steve, were present, as were also, Mae and Joanna; and also Brother David
Ross, from Coudersport. We had a good crowd in attendance, and the ministry was powerful. The congregation was so greatly
blessed and edified, by the ministry of God's Word, and also by the Holy Spirit, during personal ministry by the Elders. Such
precious memories!
Brother Wade, in his life, was a broken man; well acquainted with suffering, misunderstanding, and disappointment. Indeed,
a number of those to whom he showed the greatest degree of kindness and benevolence, returned evil for good! By our Lord's
grace, some such persons came under conviction, and sincerely repented, going-on to make things right with Wade. To God be
all the glory for such providential and Divinely ordered reconciliation.
L. to R. - Bob Mumford, John Romaine, Wade Taylor, Pres. Carlton Spencer, Briggs Dingman
how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that
ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the
dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore” (Psalm
When mistreated and abused, Wade would become deeply hurt and wounded. This dear father in the Lord was by nature,
a gentle and non-combative person, so he suffered quietly, but those wounds caused him deep agony of soul; yet he was quick
always to forgive! He was not one to harbor malice, nor to hold a grudge. In the classroom, he often admonished: “For
those of you called to be Pastors, you must learn early-on how to be a good door-mat, because that is exactly what you shall
have to face and experience as a Pastor.”
Wade had been deeply influenced by a number of classic Holiness authors, and also by the writings of Elizabeth
Baker, and the Duncan Sisters, of Rochester, New York. He was personally mentored by: Allan Swift, Walter Beuttler, John Wright
Follette, Hattie Hammond, and Ivan Q. Spencer. As a result of this godly influence, Wade came to be a disciple of: The Deeper-Life,
The Crucified-Life, and The Dealings of God. Perhaps the most poignant doctrine to be uniformly embraced by all of those early
Teachers, was: “The abdication of one's own wishes, intentions, and presumed rights.” This is a radical concept,
but it rests firmly at the very heart of all Holiness and Deeper-Life Teachings. Wade believed in seeking the Lord's will,
concerning the even the most seemingly insignificant matters. For many years, his motto and watch-word was: “Yes, Lord!”
Our Brother Taylor was a gifted and anointed Teacher, who taught primarily by prophetic revelation and impartation.
He was most at home in the classroom, where for thirty-five years, he faithfully propounded the above truths and Divine Principles.
These were proffered, of course, unto those who would hear! One of his favorite reference points was: “If ye
be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19). Thanks be unto our Lord, for the many who
when so presented with these Deeper-Life Truths, did indeed have an “ear to hear,” and a “heart to understand.”
These heard the call to: “Come-up, higher,” and by our Lord's grace, unto their response, they were lifted-up
into the greatness of God.
I remained in fellowship with Brother Wade and Sister Mae until the last. I have kept (and shall cherish always)
what may be the last letter written by Wade. It was postmarked: February 27th, at 4:30 P.M., and he was called-home on the
29th, at about the same time. I am not obliged to share the contents of the letter, except to divulge that Brother Wade was
actively seeking the Lord and preparing his heart in consecration for the next step into the Lord's will. (Wade's “next
step” would be into Heaven!) Praise the Lord! With dear Brother Taylor, there was no retreating from his calling.
Dear Sister Mae, also affectionately known as “Mom Taylor,” continued to write me until her vision
so failed, that she could no longer do so, but Wade informed me that she always was very glad to hear from me. He assured
me that my cards and letters were being read to her, and that they brought to her rays of happiness and comfort. She would
hold the cards to the light and smile. “Oh, look at this pretty card from Michael.” I always tried to choose bright,
floral cards which she would be able to see.) There were very few persons who truly knew Sister Mae. Being a very private
and reticent person, she found herself rather uncomfortable amongst large crowds of people, or in social gatherings. She was,
nontheless, a humbled and broken woman, who dearly loved the Lord Jesus. Sister Mae would, at times, attend social functions,
and she especially enjoyed Birthday parties honoring her dear friend, Barbara Massie. Mae was an excellent cook, and baker,
in the German tradition, and she made the most marvelous, hand-decorated cakes for Sister Massie and others. They were truly
works of art and delicious as well.
Mom Taylor had embraced a meaningful and unheralded life of prayer and intercession in behalf of her fellow members
in Christ's Body. Especially in her last fifteen years, had she learned to know the Lord in the secret place of loneliness
and lowliness. Hers was largely a life of solitude.
"Shut-in with God, in the secret place,
There in the Spirit beholding His face;
Gaining more power to run in the race,
I long to be shut-in with God!”
It was Mom Taylor's practice for many years, to wait before the Lord, and to play and sing quietly unto Him,
at her beloved Chickering Piano, which was Wade's gift to her in commemoration of their twenty-fourth Wedding Anniversary.
Mae cherished that piano. It was my privilege to accompany Wade, as he shopped in the Rochester area, for “just the
right piano,” for Sister Mae. He chose well, for she attested that it was completely to her liking. It was a lovely
piano, with a sweet, mellow tone, which soothed her delicate nerves, and brought many years of peace and comfort to her soul.
Sister Mae expressed such heart-felt thanks and gratitude, when upon occasion, I serviced her beloved Chickering.
While conservative and understated, she loved to worship the Lord!
Wade and Mae Taylor are now gone from us. So much more could be said (and hopefully, by God's grace, shall some
day be said), as a testimony of our Lord's love, mercy, and faithfulness in their lives. They were willing to meet His conditions,
and to pay the price, so that the thousands of souls who came under the influence of Pinecrest through the years, could be
blessed, encouraged, and strengthened along the journey.
Yes, volumes could be written in honor of our dear Brother and Sister Taylor, but to do so would require a treatise
far greater than this brief tribute has allowed. Because of their decision to stand faithfully in the Vision with which our
Lord entrusted them; and because of their willingness to suffer scorn and misunderstanding, bearing our Lord's reproach “outside
the camp,” myriad souls have been saved, and their lives transformed. Multiplied thousands of persons at home, and abroad,
have been brought-up, higher into God! The seeds of Dad and Mom Taylor's obedience have been sown in many parts of the World,
and are yet bringing forth and abundant harvest. Many, many souls have been brought into our Lord's Kingdom. Yes! Their harvest
is great, and while it was sown with tears, with weakness, and with human frailty, it was sown, every kernal, in brokenness
and agony unto the glory of God! To our Lord Jesus Christ be all the glory and honor!
Dearest Lord Jesus, may all who have been blessed and encouraged
because of the faithfulness and undisclosed sacrifices and personal
agonies of our Beloved Wade and Mae Taylor, be ever thankful unto you for having gifted your Body,
these sixty years, with their lives, and also for their beloved son, Ronald, who with
his dear wife, Helen, served (after Wade's retirement), as President
for five years, prior to Ron's being called home to Heaven, at age fifty-five, to his reward.
We now pray for those of the
Taylor Family who yet remain with us; several of whom have also
served faithfully in Ministry. Dear Lord Jesus, be with each one and bring them all into your will and purpose in
these Last Days. We bring before you Mrs. Ronald (Helen) Taylor, and
Family; Pastor and Mrs. William Taylor, and Family; Pastor Nancy
Taylor Warner, and Family; and Teacher, Joanna Taylor Cunningham, and Family. Oh Lord, bless them, one, and all, and
please use each one for your honor and glory, in these Last Days!