Jay and Evelyn Francis are known around the world as a Father and Mother in
the Faith. They have given the greater part of their lives in unselfish service
to the nations and the peoples of the world. It has been my happy privilege to
know these dear folk for many years, and to hold for them the very highest regard in Christ.
Brother Jay served for many years as a Board Member and Vice President of
a Ministerial School in Upstate New York. He was associated with this school
nearly from its beginnings in 1968, and was dearly loved and esteemed there, as a steadfast pillar, and as a paragon of integrity,
faithfulness, and unfeigned humility: These three virtues are perhaps the most poignant identifying marks of Brother Jay.
Also, Jay and Evelyn’s many years of anointed ministry at Berne, New
York, and environs, has greatly influenced and impacted the entire region, including the Capitol District.
I can never forget the event of Brother Jay’s visit to New Haven, some
years ago, after he heard of our difficulties experienced at that juncture. Having
absolutely nothing to personally gain, he and another brother drove all the way down from Berne, New York, to spend a few
hours, during which they encouraged me greatly, and prayed with and for me, very powerfully in the Holy Spirit. After their visit, things took a decided turn for the better. Dear
friends, this is much more than a “Brother:” Such concerned benevolence bespeaks the fruits of a Father
in the Faith! We are honored to be afforded the privilege of including Brother
and Sister Francis as a part of the ministry of Pinecrest Bible Institute.
As the pastor of Rock Road Chapel in Berne, New York, Pastor Jay has worked
for decades toward unity in the body of Christ. In 1981 the Lord gave him the vision of International Accelerated
Missions, for the training of Believers in the “Harvest.” In 1992
the Lord gave expression to this vision, and as a visionary, he continues to carry and impart its mandate.
Jay serves on leadership boards of several other ministries. With an Apostolic-Father's
heart, he has traveled on over fifty mission
trips to six continents, training leaders, and encouraging the work of missions. Pastor Jay and his wife Evelyn have six
children and many grandchildren. Psalm 133:1 is one of their life verses, which states: “Behold, how good
and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”