An Invitation To Our Lord Jesus Christ
How To Be Saved:
The Prodigal Son
(Painting by: Rembrant Von Rijn)
(Luke 15:11-32)
ATTENTION: My dear friends:
I am so thankful for all of you who have found your
way to our website, but I cannot help feeling concerned that
there may be some who while visiting our site, are not sure of where they stand with God. I have made a commitment to the
Lord, that at the end of every article I write, and at the end of every recorded video or audio sermon, I shall make an invitation
to souls in such a situation.
It is because I love each one of you very dearly in
Christ, and I have a genuine concern for your eternal soul,
that I must ask you:
1. Have you as yet fully surrendered your life unto our Lord Jesus
2. Have you invited Him into your life as your Lord and Savior?
3. Do you know where you shall spend eternity?
Dear readers, if you are uncertain of any one or more of these questions, I humbly beg of you to not put-off
this most urgent matter. We have no guarantee of tomorrow.
The Bible says:
"...now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation”
(2 Corinthians 6:2).
"While it is said, Today if you will hear His voice, harden not
your hearts...” (Hebrews 3:15).
shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...”
(Hebrews 2:3). I wish to pray with you. Please continue to read below. God be with you
as you prepare your heart to receive Jesus Christ as Savior. _______________________________________________________ Hello Friends:
I am so very thankful that you have visited our website. I hope you will be able to get alone, somewhere to have
privacy, because the next few moments may lead to the most important decision you ever will make.
Perhaps you have clicked onto this link, because you are not sure where you stand with our Lord Jesus. Perhaps
you are in a backslidden condition, once having walked with the Lord, but having fallen back into sin.
The Bible is God's Word. It is His “Road-Map,” to show us the way to Heaven. We are born into this
life, innocent and pure, but as we grow older, we become aware of sin, and sinful experiences. By the time we come to an age
of accountability, we have become guilty sinners, in need of a Savior. We cannot save ourselves! This is why our precious
Lord Jesus Christ came down to be born of the Blessed Virgin, in order to die in our place. He shed for us, on the Old Rugged
Cross, every last drop of His precious Blood. That Blood is the only thing that can wash away our sins! It is the only thing
that can take away our guilt! On that cruel cross, He suffered, bled, and died, to take away my sins, your sins, and the sins
of the whole World.
The Bible says, in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish [in Hell], but have everlasting life [in Heaven].” Jesus loves you my friend! He
died for you! No matter how much you have sinned, nor how bad you have been, still Jesus loves you! He cares about you, and
so do we! He longs to forgive and save you from your sins, and to make you His child. Oh, how He longs to give you a new and
wonderful life! Please open your heart to Him just now, as we pray. Just repeat this “Sinner's-Prayer,” after
me, and mean it sincerely and from your heart. I prayed this prayer when around eight and one half years of age. I can assure
you, I have never regretted it for a second, and neither shall you! Kneel down somewhere, if possible, and mean these words
more than ever you have meant anything in your life! If you pray this prayer sincerely, and in faith, our Lord will write
your name in His Book of Life, and you shall become His dear child. Then, an entirely new and wonderful life shall open-up
before you. This is what is meant by being, “Born-Again!”
"Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that I am a sinner. Without you, I am utterly lost, with no hope in this
World, nor in the World to come. I confess my many sins to you now, and humbly ask you to forgive me, and to wash them all
away, beneath your precious Blood. Lord Jesus Christ, I now receive you as my Lord and Savior. Give me a new life, and make
me a new person, I pray. Lord, please lead me to a good old-fashioned, Bible-Church, where I may be taught your Word, and
grow in grace. Please give me good, clean-living Christian friends to encourage me in the Faith, and please teach me how to
become a real “Soul-Winner,” leading others into Your Gospel. Amen!"
If you have sincerely prayed the above prayer, please notify us of the good report, so we may be praying in your
behalf and send you some Gospel literature. If you have no Bible, please inform us, and include an address where you
may receive one. For those in places where this is not possible, we hope to soon post, "Bible-Readings" on this website.
Please keep us informed of your progress. It is important that you read and think upon Bible verses everyday
(it will be best to start with the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the Acts of the Apostles). Also,
pray every day! True prayer is spending time with the Lord Jesus Christ. Speak to Him honestly, and straight from
your heart, as you would to your best and most trusted friend. Truly, He is the Friend, above all Earthly friends.
It is also very important to find a conservative, Bible-based church, which preaches true Bible-Salvation, and
clean living. Attend "Prayer-Meetings" as well as "Bible-Studies," and Sunday Services; so you may receive teaching
in God's Word, and thereby grow in your Faith. If you are in a place where such churches do not exist, pray earnestly
for our Lord to lead you to other true Believers in Jesus Christ, with whom to share fellowship and prayers.
"Don't turn Him away, don't turn Him away;
He has come back to your heart again,
Although you've gone astray.
Oh! How you'll need Him to plead your cause,
On that eternal day;
Don't turn the Savior away from your heart,
Oh no! Don't turn Him away!"