Seeded In The Gift
And the Definitions of the Gifts of the Spirit
By Freddy Clark
and Transcribed from his Gifts of The Spirit Seminar)
Why is it that just when you think you’re going to be used of God and operate in a Gift of the Spirit of
God, that you hit a stone wall. You’re standing there like a calf staring at a new gate. You’re ready to take
the plunge and it seems like there’s nothing there, and you back off. Why is that? It’s because you’ve never
been seeded by the Gift in the first place.
Those who speak in tongues have no problem because they go to a church that speaks with tongues. As long as they
haven’t been taught against it and trained against it, they don’t have anything to unlearn or relearn, so the
natural consequence is that they will, no doubt, speak with tongues, because they’re around it all the time.
Now, if you ever got around healing all the time, you would heal the sick. If you ever got around prophecy, you’d
prophesy; and if you ever got around revelation or discerning or wisdom or knowledge (for there are three Gifts of Revelation;
either one of those) you would find out it exists and you would probably begin to function in it; but it’s because you
associate and you go to where it is, and that being said, the reason is this: That everything reproduces after its own kind,
and its seed is within itself.
“And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose
seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” - Genesis 1:12
These are the laws of reproduction in Genesis chapter one. God has never varied from them throughout the ages,
throughout civilization, or in the Universe. This is how it is reproduced. This is a law of God. So, you sit under the operation
of the Gift of Healing, the Gift of Healing will cast its seed from within itself, and it will reproduce after its kind again
in your spirit.
You must be open, fertile, ready, hungry, your timing is important; but if you go to where that Gift fills the
atmosphere, fills the air up above your head, all around, on every side, over the heads of the whole congregation; that Gift,
when it moves and operates, will be able to drop its own seed within your spirit and you will form the embryo.
The seed impregnates in your spirit. This embryo will grow with dimension; at some point it will birth, it will
travail, it will groan. You’ll bring it forth into the world, and the world will see your brand new baby Gift; which
is not very big, but it’s growing, and every year it will grow bigger as time goes by. You can feed it, you can nurture
it, teach it, train it, discipline it, and it will grow; chronologically it will grow. So, you’ll be able to do more
a little later than you can initially, but you must get started and there’s no time like the present to get started.
“...After its kind, and its seed is within itself:” - The only way God ever reproduced anything. So, find
where the Gift of God is operating, go there, be open, let the seed come within your spirit, and after awhile you will reproduce
again what you’ve sat under. Actually, your ministry (and everybody has a ministry per se; they must either teach, preach,
or witness, so pick one of the above), but your actual ministry is a conglomeration of all ministries you’ve ever sat
under; and a part of this one and a piece of this one and that one makes your ministry. And so it is very important to sit
under ministries.
Now, of course, there are bad apples, I know that, and some are just functioning for various reasons; some for
gain and some for strife, some for pride, some for fame and fortune, but Paul said, at least the Gospel is being preached.
And so God honors faith and He honors the honesty of a man’s heart (and even that preacher that’s as crooked as
a dog’s hind leg; God honors faith, and He honors His Word, and He gives the people what they’re looking for,
which bypasses and actually has nothing to do with that preacher).
So it is with Gift of God. You have to go to where the Gift of the Spirit is moving; and the Gift of the Spirit
will reproduce after its kind; and this is called Apostolic Succession. It’s passed down from generation to generation,
this way, clear from the Apostles until now.
The Definitions of the Gifts of the Spirit
The Gifts of the Spirit are tools and weapons. They are tools to build the Kingdom of God, and they are weapons
to tear down the Kingdom of Satan. I’m sitting in the office today looking over a Seminar that needs to be sent to your
house or church. It’s a recently conducted “Gifts of the Spirit Seminar” where we have done an in depth
study on the subject matter of their particular operations and manifestations. If you are a student of the Word, you should
also be a student of the power and demonstration.
The Gifts of the Sprit, which are for your spirit’s operation (they apply to your spirit), are nine; found
in 1 Corinthians chapter twelve.
“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit
the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the
gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits;
to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame
Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will” (1 Corinthians 12: 7-11).
Now they are precisely these:
1. The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural revelation of natural things from the physical world, both
past and present tense.
2. Discerning of spirits is a supernatural revelation of the spirit world; whether it be the Spirit of
God, the spirit of man (for man has a spirit in him), or the spirit of the devil. And if the devil; how many, what’s
their names, and what’s their power level or takeover? Is it oppression, recession, obsession, depression, possession?
3. The Word of Wisdom by definition is how to apply or what to do in a given situation; what commandment
to give the candidate, that if he obeys it, it will link him to his miracle.
These three help you to: Think like God.
4. The Gift of Faith by definition is God’s faith imparted to man.
5. The Gifts of Healing are the gradual and progressive restorations that God does mainly to the human
6. The Gift of Miracle is the instantaneous and immediate work of God which applies not only to the human
body, but to the elements, forces of nature, and anything that is supernaturally done in the physical world.
These three help you to: Act like God.
7. The Gift of Tongues by definition is a supernatural utterance; a message to the Church, which requires
an interpretation; for it is not speaking unto God here, but speaking to congregations, people; so it must be interpreted.
8. The Interpretation of Tongues is the gist and the theme of what was given in the message in tongues.
It is not a translation; it is an interpretation. Each person’s words that they know may be different than somebody
else’s words that they know; for God uses the person; He uses personality. He is using you as you are.
9. The Gift of Prophecy is on two levels. First, the low level prophecy: It is exhortation, uplifting,
encouragement; but prophecy in its high level is history written in advance, foretelling the future.
These three help you to: Talk like God.
Now, when you think like Him, and you act like Him, and you talk like Him, you will defeat the enemy of your
soul on a regular daily basis.