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Greetings From the Senior Editor



Beloved in Christ:

We welcome you to our On-line magazine, entitled: "Pentecostal Evangelist."  We strongly urge you to avail yourself to the inspiring articles which will be posted here, and also to spend time with our other publications.

It is my privilege to honor a dear mother in the Lord (indeed, more than a mother; an able minister and for many years, a powerful prophetic voice in the land) whose name is, "Emily Waddell," of Englewood, Florida.  Mom Emily still operates her ministry from a wheelchair in the nursing home where she resides.  I know for a fact that she has to pray in every dime for paper, envelopes, stamps, and etc.  Mom sends out prophetical End-Time literature around the world, all free of charge, to whomsoever will. 

At times, tears have come to my eyes, when I receive a letter from her, beautifully hand written with the most encouraging words, but a letter whose envelope is hand-made from tablet paper, because she had no envelopes left.  Oft, her thoughtful cards are sent with words of encouragement as well, but the cards are ones previously received by herself, which by necessity, she has torn off the half which was not written upon.  Who can find such a “virtuous woman” in these modern times, who at 92 years old, with failing eyesight and hands crushed by an accident (which, according to doctors, are not even supposed to be able to hold a pen), continues on, and on, and on, with what strength she has left, because there are souls in need; souls still out of the Ark of Safety; souls still teetering on the brink of hell. 

We believe that as you read her story, your heart will be moved and inspired to say: “If Mom Emily can do it at her age, praise the Lord, I can also do it!  I can also reach out to the lost!  I can also win souls!”

You will find with each new issue of this magazine, some of the most anointed and encouraging writings available anywhere.  Brother Warren and I contribute to this magazine, so please do not feel that we are “tooting our own horns.”  We know better than to do that; but honestly, you will be very, very blessed by what you read in these pages.



