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To all of our kids in the Lord,


(When you get to be my age, anybody under forty is a "kid." Ha!)


The story you are about to read is an overview of the life of a great woman of God, who is still serving the Lord at 92 years of age.  I realize it is not easy for young folk to comprehend someone being "Mom Emily's Age," but it is important to realize that Mom was not always a Great-Grandmother.  When she met the Lord, she was younger than some of you who will read this article.  At age 16, having lost her beloved mother to a dread disease, and being the child of a broken home, she found herself living with her Grandmother, and was so poor, she could barely feed herself. 


You have probably heard of your Parents and Grandparents speak of the "Great Depression" in the 1920's and 1930's.  Well, this story has its beginning in those unbelievably difficult years, when jobs were nearly impossible to find, and when many people in our Beloved Country had very little or nothing to eat.  My own Grandmother in North Carolina found it necessary to make shirts for her boys, and dresses for her girls out of the Muslin cloth of flower sacks.  The mills, realizing how desperate was the situation in this country, deliberately printed those flower sacks and larger sugar sacks with beautiful prints of paisleys and other designs, in order that folks could cut them into patterns and make clothing for their children.


Emily was a very beautiful young girl, and extremely bright and intelligent.  In reality, she had everything to live for, but because of her tragic life and horrific circumstances, she felt there was nothing left for her but suicide.  She was on her way to take her own life, when a friend invited her for a hay ride and a free roast beef dinner.  Emily had not eaten much at all for three days, so she decided the roast beef dinner sounded pretty good.  Read this marvelous story, and you will learn of the encounter this precious young girl, when she got to the place where the roast beef dinner was held. 


We realize that the Pine Cone is a magazine geared toward youth, and from time to time, we'll be placing articles here, which will absolutely thrill you and challenge you; articles dealing with older folks, some very elderly now, who had life-changing and amazing experiences, when they were persons of your own age group. 


God bless you as you read.  Please share the "Pine Cone" with your friends, family members, and school mates, and also, please help us get the word out by sharing the news of this on your Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. 


We love you all, and are sincerely praying for all who read this little magazine.


In Jesus,


Grampa Mike 




Emily Waddell
(Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher,
Intercessor, Prophetess)

Mother, Emily Waddell

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy... She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”


Proverbs 31:20,26. 




A Biographical Review of the Life of:

 Mother, Emily MacDowell Waddell


By Michael O’Connor



“Mom Emily,” as she is affectionately known by many around the world, entered into this life in the year 1918, as a robust, platinum haired baby girl; the firstborn of Harry and Viola MacDowell.  Our Lord has carried Emily safely over nine decades, where she stands at this juncture as a matriarch, a true “Mother in Israel.”  It is a sad observation that in this modern day, there remain few such “Mothers in the Faith.”  Emily was raised in South Jersey, during the Great Depression.  As a child, her life was not easy, due to poverty and her mother’s fragile health.  Emily, being the eldest child, was pressed into service as cook, nurse, baby-sitter, house-keeper, laundress, and dedicated caretaker of her mother and baby brothers.  (Those having been through this period or having learned of it from parents and grandparents, will understand.)   

Emily’s home was not a Christian one, but within her heart, from earliest memory, there was a longing after God and a great love and reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ!  At age fourteen, Emily’s beloved mother departed this life at a young age; spent of strength and health.  Emily had nowhere to go, except to her Christian grandmother, who had prayed faithfully for the family for years.  The grandmother took her in, reluctantly; due to the fact that she herself was poverty stricken, and could barely survive. 




Missing her departed mother, more and more, Emily became very depressed and despondent.  There was hardly food to eat, and she found it necessary to attend school in worn-out, thread-bare clothes.  She sank deeper, and deeper into depression, until at age sixteen, seeing no way out; she began to make plans to commit suicide.  In her darkest hour, some school-mates invited her to a church-sponsored hay-ride and tent meeting in Sewall, New Jersey, after which a Roast Beef Dinner was to be served.  Emily speaks of this memory until today; expressing that the promise of a Roast Beef Dinner, was her primary motivation for accepting their invitation!  She was under-nourished, gaunt, and half-starved, so it proved an effective enticement!  Emily was unaccustomed to anyone showing such kindness to her: Those people expressed such love and care for her!  The very idea of someone actually giving her a Roast Beef Dinner, was overwhelming to her!  Yet, in the midst of it all, something gripped her.  She looked into the eyes of one of the kindly Church-Mothers, and with tears running down her face, she asked: “Lady, are you an angel?” 

The trip to Sewall in an old hay-wagon seemed long and tiring, during the twenty-five miles trip; as the ancient truck chugged and lurched along, bouncing over the old macadam road.  Yet, the trip became bearable (and even quite enjoyable) by the many Church-Folk (old-order Pentecostals); who sang and clapped their hands joyfully, all along the way.  Finally, they arrived at the Camp-Grounds, and everyone piled out!  Smelling the food, Emily made a Bee-line to the dining hall.  She was stopped by her friends: “No, Emily!  We cannot eat yet, you must first sit through the meeting.” 

Once under the patched-up old Gospel tent, she was deeply moved by the loud joyful singing, clapping, and spontaneous praises; complete with spontaneous shouting!  The Word of God was preached skillfully and powerfully with great conviction, by an aged minister.  As he began the altar call something came over him, and he began to exercise what Emily would come to understand years later as a Gift of the Holy Spirit, known as: “The Word of Knowledge.”  That dear Patriarch seemed in a trance as he spoke out, describing her life in detail, and revealing even her planned suicide. 



Emily sprang from her seat and ran to the front, falling upon the straw, thrown about the altar.  There she wept bitterly, prayed, and travailed her way-through to old-time salvation!  As she prayed there and laid-hold upon God; she cried out: “Lord, take my life, and use it for Thy Glory!” (Thusly dedicating herself unto her new-found Savior, and unto His service).  She was lost in the Spirit, and caught-up, in an unusual degree of travailing prayer.  During this moment (which seemed to stand-still in time); she suddenly felt someone’s arms gently encircling her.  It was the kindest, gentlest, and most holy embrace!  Not knowing who this could be, she seemed compelled to open her eyes: As she did so, to the side of her she saw Jesus!  This experience is difficult for her to relate, as it is almost too holy for words, and perhaps should not be placed into print with any great explanation, except for the mentioning of the event.  This was the beginning of our Lord’s dealings to bring Emily into the Body of Christ, and into the ministry unto which she was called and ordained, from before the foundation of the world.  From this time forward, she has never wavered nor varied, in all these seventy-five years since the occasion.



Life improved dramatically for Emily after her conversion.  Jobs were very scarce, but she soon secured a position at the old Kekeffer Plant, for Thirty-Five Cents per hour!  (Good wages for those times!)  It was there that she met her beloved “Bob,” whom she would marry at age seventeen, and with whom she would raise three delightful children.  Theirs was a long and blest marriage; Bob only recently being “called-home,” at age ninety-six. 



The months marched on, and Bob and Emily found themselves residing in Camden, New Jersey, where they were members of a powerful Methodist Church, known as “Calvary Methodist,” [See footnote 1] on Thirty-Fourth Street; Pastored by a fervent Methodist-Holiness Minister, named Newton C. Conant.  Emily continued to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and found herself involved in church and Sunday-School work, even at a young age.  Bob’s father served there, as Assistant Pastor.  He was a good and kindly soul, who loved his new daughter-in-law, dearly.  He would sit with Bob and Emily, night after night, over coffee and opened Bibles, where he would teach them from the Word of God.  This was Emily’s Bible School!  “Calvary” was the place which Bob and Emily would for thirty-four years call their church home, and where they would raise their children in the Gospel. 




Emily served faithfully in this church for thirty-four years, as a Sunday-School Teacher, Youth Director, and Counselor.  She began by teaching the Primary Class, and then graduating up to the Youth and Teenagers, and finally as a Teacher and Counselor to the young married couples.  Both she and Bob were exemplary members and pillars of support to their Pastor and church. 

Many today are unaware that in earlier times, and in some cases, even as late as the 1960’s and early 1970’s (and there may yet be such, of which we are unaware), that there were pockets of Believers within the Methodist Denominations (especially among the “Free-Methodist” and “Wesleyan-Methodist” churches), which were still as fervent and “On-Fire” as were the “Shouting Methodists of old.”  Calvary Methodist was one such church: The preaching was powerful, eloquent, fiery, and convicting!  The singing and worship were voluminous and unrestrained!  Old-Time Conviction rode heavily in those meetings, causing the altars to be filled with those seeking the Lord for salvation, sanctification, healing, and blessing.  Emily grew and prospered spiritually in this church, and as a result, became a great “Warrior in Christ.”   

During these years, Emily had become increasingly aware of a gift for writing, as well as composing numerous hymns and songs of worship unto the Lord.  In 1959, under a strong overshadowing of Christ, she composed a beautiful hymn, entitled: Put Christ First.  This has been placed in tract form and multiplied thousands have been sent free of charge around the world; translated in numerous languages.  This is so inspiring; we feel that it must be included here:



Pastor Conant was somewhat a “General in the Army of the Lord,” as well as being a “Father in the Faith.”  He was skilled at training-up the Young to be good “Soldiers for Christ.”   He himself remained faithful and fervent in ministry, serving in a Pastorate, right up until his victorious home-going, at ninety-eight years of age (what a glorious heritage in God)! 



Now tolls a more somber tone!  Much as we would wish to exclude this next part, it must be told as it is part of the whole; and must be seen as a sovereign dealing of God, which was to bring our Sister Emily out of the narrow confines of Denominational structure, into the “fruitful plain” of the Body of Christ.  In the late 1960’s, Pastor Conant was conducting a six-weeks Bible course, sponsored by a large, Evangelical Bible Institute; dealing with “Pentecostalism and the Baptism into the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4.”  As great and noble a servant of God, as was he; a tragic note is (that as with so many genuinely sincere and good souls), he was bound by religious tradition and doctrinal bias.  This fact was clearly reflected by the content of the “Bible course,” insomuch as the “publishers” openly defamed Pentecostals and their experience of speaking with other tongues as an evidence of the Baptism into the Holy Spirit!  The bias was harsh, vitriolic, and narrow-minded to say the least!  During this course, frequent references were made to this experience as being a “work of the flesh,” “mass hysteria,” “Unscriptural,” “passé since the Apostolic Age,” etc., etc. 


I wonder what would now be the opinion of this great bastion of Evangelicalism (those who published the Bible course), forty years later; considering that the Pentecostal message has spread across every Denominational line and around the world (even having scaled the walls of Catholicism, first in 1967)?  It is a fact that Methodist-Folk, by the multiplied thousands have come into this blessed experience, according to Acts 2:4; and that many Methodist Pastors have also received, and have openly preached it in their churches; a goodly number of which have become more “Charismatic” than Methodist.  A classic Pentecostal hymn may express it best:

“He shall flow as a river,

He shall fall as the rain;

He shall rise as the dawning,

In Glory o’er the plain:

And the knowledge of the Lord,

Shall fill all the Earth,

When the Spirit of the Lord shall fall!”


“And the Lord shall reign supreme,

O’er my ev’ry fondest dream;

And His promise shall prevail,

It shall never ever fail:

Lo, His promise is for all,

Whom upon His name shall call;

And the Spirit of the Lord shall fall!” 




Emily, being a faithful member and leader at “Calvary,” was of course present for each of these sessions, during which she found herself weeping and extremely sorrowful.  It was a “deep grieving of the Holy Spirit” within her.  Time after time, as this diatribe against “Pentecost” would be launched, all that Emily could see was that old, ragged tent, some thirty-five years previous; where she had met Christ.  It seemed the dear old Preacher’s face would loom up before her!  She could smell the fresh-cut straw around the altar where she prayed!  She could feel those loving, tender arms of Jesus embracing her, and she could see again the glimpse of His face, and she wept, and wept, and wept!  Something deep within her seemed to be saying: “Can you believe that the place where you met the Lord was of the devil; of the flesh; or of some hellish error?”   (They were Pentecostals!  Were they of the devil?)

Having noticed her brokenness (although she tried her best to conceal it), the Pastor asked her: “Emily, why is it that at every session of this Bible course on the Holy Spirit Baptism, you seem to be broken and shaken to the point of weeping?”  (Emily, as may be attested by all who know her, is a most cultured and refined person; soft-spoken and gentle.)  She answered him kindly: “My dear brother, I weep because I cannot agree with what you are saying.  I don’t understand it all, but I somehow do not believe that these people are evil, nor that their experience is an error.”  The Pastor seemed taken aback and gave her a chilling stare: This was half-way through the course! 



(JOSHUA 24:15):

Emily went home that night deeply troubled: She retreated to her prayer-sanctuary in the attic of her home and wrestled there with the Lord, in deep soul-agony and travailing prayer.  She searched the Scriptures:  She prayed:  She walked the floor: She lay upon the floor: She watched: She waited: She fasted: Then... suddenly and unexpectedly; a mighty, overwhelming, and powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit fell upon her, and she was baptized mightily into the Holy Spirit; with the Biblical evidence of speaking with tongues!!!  This continued-on for many hours, and hung over her for days thereafter.  Under this great overshadowing, she grabbed a pen and wrote a tract, as inspiration flowed; the title being: “The Price of Revival.”  She then circulated this tract to many, unto whom she felt directed by the Lord: Among these were numerous area Pastors!  She could not wait to tell her own beloved Pastor of thirty-four years, of her new-found experience, and of her great joy in the Holy Spirit!  She was not prepared for the rejection she received from this dear man of God (and a dear man of God he was)!  He was irate and incensed to think that one of his faithful and trusted workers could so blindly fall into such “error!”  He was nearly beside himself to think that she would have taken it upon herself (without his expressed permission) to write such an article, and then to have the audacity to send-it-out to area Pastors . . . What would people think? . . . What would other Pastors think ? ? ?  So, the ultimatum was given: “Emily, you will either renounce this error and recant this experience, and retract this article, or you must leave this church!” 



(ACTS 5:29):

I suppose no one, but dear Emily herself, can ever know the pain and agony of those words, nor the heartbreak of being rejected by her spiritual father; and by the church which she had served so faithfully and loyally!  Needless to say, this experience threw her family into shock, and caused major problems in every direction; but, then, this should not be surprising in light of the Gospel, and in light of the teachings of our Lord, who Himself declared that He had not come to “send peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34).  (Beloved, please consider that in the Scriptures, as well as in all history of Christian experience, those who cause the division and separation are not those who answer the call to follow their Lord, and to walk in the Highway of Holiness; but rather, by those who refuse to do so; adamantly choosing to remain behind.) 




Emily was required to stand before the congregation, during a service, and give account of herself.  During this time, she was again publicly admonished to renounce and recant her experience and the written article.  With a broken heart, and tears flowing freely down her face, she stood before that congregation and with great tenderness, told them all, of her great love for each of them.  She pledged her continued love and support for the church, and her continued prayers for all; but in closing, she said with the most entreating humble tones: “My dear friends.  I love you all, and I thank God for you all; for my Pastor and for my church; but I can never renounce my Lord Jesus, nor anything in His Word, nor anything He has done in my life.  I can never renounce my Lord Jesus Christ.”



As difficult as it may be for some to comprehend this; there was actually one Trustee who rose up and spat in her face, and in a rasping (nearly demonic) voice, said: “You tongue-speaking person: You’re a devil.”  Another, deliberately tried to trip her, as she walked down the aisle toward the front, as invited by the Pastor.  A number of those folk (all professedly God-fearing, Born-Again persons) turned on her with a hellish vengeance and with bitter hatred.  Some went so far as to actively campaign against her “Pentecostal error.”  This is sad indeed, and worse than tragic, but such has been the case all throughout the Church Age.  History bears this to be true.  “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). 



One of the most startling realities to which I personally was introduced, many years ago is that: “Religion is the cruelest thing on this Earth.”  This was told to me forty-five years ago, by a great and notable leader in the Body of Christ!  This statement, of course, refers not to true Godliness and Spirituality, but to “Religion,” which as we know, has taken on a very wrong-sided definition.  It has come to encroach and usurp itself as true Godliness and true Spirituality, but the Word itself means nothing more than “a man-made system or structure, and in many cases a flimsy substitute for all that is good and holy.”    Jesus declared unto the Religionists of His day: “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye” (Mark 7:13).

All of this is paradoxical and staggering to the imagination, in consideration of the fact that Pastor Conant, and the elders and deacons of that church, were themselves, brought under attack by high officials of the Methodist Denomination, in approximately 1950, for preaching a “Gospel with too much Holiness.”  Upon a particular Sunday morning worship service, a group of angry and hostile appearing men entered the church, and strode straight to the platform during the sermon, where they laid hold upon Pastor Conant, attempting to pull him down from the pulpit!  His elders and deacons immediately stormed the platform and encircled him, while he continued to preach with a fiery eloquence; as can only be experienced in such times of blatant persecution and open attack.  The story is too long to be related here: Suffice to say that our Lord Jesus Christ gave the victory, and that “Calvary” was spared from the hands of the “Wolves” who were sent there to depose the Pastor and expel him from his parish, so that they might seize the property and the People; in order to install as Pastor, some half-apostate, liberal-thinking, “ninety-day wonder!”  The decision was made then and there, to withdraw from the Denomination, and to become an Independent Church, which came to be known as Calvary Bible Church. 



(Indeed, how similar was their experience to that of Sister Emily!  It is heart-rending indeed, to consider that these truly good and sincere people could not seem to understand, that as they stood for what they believed, and refused to compromise; so was the case with one of their own!  OH, HOW MYOPIC; HOW UNYIELDING; HOW CRUEL AND BLIND IS THE RELIGION OF MAN!)



Before proceeding further with the direction in which our Lord led Bob and Emily at this juncture, it will serve to site an addenda to the above.  Emily was determined to keep love in her heart for her Pastor and church, which she did, maintaining frequent contact with Pastor Conant, praying for them, encouraging them, and even visiting the church upon occasion.  This she did faithfully until his home-going nearly fifteen years later.  Several years after being expelled from the church, she was present for a home-coming, which celebrated Pastor Conant’s return from Africa, where he had been involved in missionary endeavors.  At this time, he wept openly, and confessed to her that in Africa, he had seen the power of God in action.  He had seen healings and miracles; even the dead being raised.  With tears running down his wizened face, he choked out the words: “Emily, it is real, it is real!”  While it is true that he did not openly admit to his having been baptized into the Holy Spirit, it was more than evident that something very dramatic had transpired in his life!  It was also evident that he wished Sister Emily to know of this!  Some years later, at age ninety-six, Pastor Conant went to Russia, where he preached especially to ministers and church leaders.  Again, upon returning to America, he made it a point to speak with Emily; calling her out of a large crowd of people who welcomed him home.  Again, he wept openly, and told her of the grace of God and of the power of the Holy Spirit, which fell in Russia, and how the Lord continued to move there in Revival Fires.

I have difficulty comprehending the reason for the struggle which so many of our beloved Methodist Brethren (and those of Holiness groups having Methodist roots), have exhibited regarding the “Pentecostal Experience;” when their own founder and father, John Wesley, testified of having the very same experience with the evidence of speaking with tongues.  This is widely known as fact and is recorded in his personal journal. 



Emily continued to be a “Daughter in the Lord,” to this precious man of God, and was most likely the last one to speak with him, before he peacefully slipped out of this life and crossed over unto his eternal reward.  So far as can be determined, the last words he spoke were to Emily, when he said, with his last breath: “Emily, I love you.”



Through the years as a Methodist, Emily had been in fellowship with various Believers outside her own Denomination.  This was never a problem for her, because she always perceived the Body of Christ to be more encompassing and universal than any one Denomination.  It was Emily’s heart-desire always, to love and fellowship with all of God’s people, everywhere!  This excellent spirit with which she was gifted made it quite easy for the transition, which was at this juncture, about to come into her life. 

During this time, several friends began to testify to her about their experiences with the Charismatic Movement and the Baptism into the Holy Spirit.  Emily’s heart conviction was: “I am open and desirous of everything the Lord has for me, because I have experienced this great promise of God, and I have searched it out and found it to be so.” (She had lived and raised her children, on her knees and in the Word of God.)  “I am thoroughly convinced from the Bible, that the Baptism into the Holy Spirit, along with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Five-Fold Ministry Offices, etc., are for us, today!  Now I wish to embrace all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of their church affiliations and Denominations.  I must now become a servant to all the Body of Christ.




Soon, Emily and her family were led to the Gospel Temple in Philadelphia, which at that time was bursting at the seams with Denominational folk, desiring a deeper walk with the Lord.  Folk were coming from everywhere to be taught and instructed in the work of the Holy Spirit.  James Brown, a Presbyterian pastor who had led nearly his entire church into the Holy Spirit Baptism, was a regular guest and speaker at the Temple, as had been the late Dr. Peter Vroom, pastor of the Baptist Temple in Philadelphia, who had done likewise.  There were many others of numerous Denominational backgrounds, who were led by our Lord to the Temple, and most wonderfully brought into the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  Catholics; Baptists; Methodists; Episcopalians; Lutherans; Dutch Reformed; Christian Missionary-Alliance; United Brethren; Mennonites of various backgrounds; Amish; Pennsylvania Dutch; as well as various Non-Denominational Evangelicals; and Fundamentalists, etc., etc.  On, and on it went, as folk came from far and near to learn more about God, and to receive of His Holy Spirit Baptism. 



Emily’s burden for the Lost was as keen as ever, and with her new-found experience of the Holy Spirit Baptism, she was filled with a greater zeal and anointing than ever!  In 1970, our Lord orchestrated a meeting between Emily and Sister Viola Wertz, who was regarded as a Mother unto many Charismatics, in the greater Philadelphia/Delaware Valley area.  Viola was then Pastoring a church (one of three which she raised-up in Philadelphia and in New Jersey), which moved in genuine, Old-Time Power and Holiness, in the Classic-Pentecostal vein.  The meeting proved to be providential, as Sister Viola Wertz (a powerfully anointed and unusually accurate prophetess, endorsed by Pastor Frederick Poole and others of stature) spoke into Emily’s life.  She also was instrumental in ordaining and licensing Emily to the Ministry, and of installing her into a local church Pastorate in East Camden, New Jersey.  Time will not permit a treatise on all that transpired there, and through that placement; suffice to say it was glorious indeed to behold the wonderful works of our Lord!  Being on the front-lines of a city (once a thriving Industrial center), which had fallen to the sad condition of a dangerous, crime-infested ghetto, was to Emily a great challenge!  Yet, being the “Warrior” she is, she did not flinch, nor shrink back from her calling! 



Even during the horrible “Camden riots” of 1969, our Lord Jesus anointed Emily and sent her to preach there for three consecutive days; during the worst of the tumult.  Each day Emily drove fearlessly right into “Ground-Zero.”  What a sight that must have been; a grandmotherly figure all dressed in white, leaping from her car with hands full of tracts; preaching like a dynamo!  One of her giftings is a true spirit of compassion for all people!  Emily sees no color-line whatsoever and all her life, she has served and ministered unto those of all Denominations and Nationalities. 

On her first day there, she arrived amidst a spray of gun-fire, breaking glass, and carnage far as the eye could see.  As she tried to pull her car to the curb, a policeman came running with gun in hand, screaming: “Lady, what in the world are trying to do?  Why are you here?”  All the while, he was looking about him, eyes darting in all directions as looters were running pell-mell; store windows smashing, etc.  As he helped get her car to the curb, shaking his head in disbelief, he gave one last glance and said: “Lady, you are going to get yourself killed, and me along with you.”  At that instant, there was a blast of gunfire into a drugstore just across the street: Glass was flying, as the large windows were blown out.  The policeman ran off in that direction with his pistol drawn.  Emily, to this day, wonders whatever happened to that policeman.  At the time, she prayed earnestly for his safety, but she cannot help even now, to wonder if he was wounded or killed in the line of duty.  She has never forgotten him! 

There Emily stood on the corner of Broadway and Federal Street, with tears flowing freely; head tilted back to project her voice as she shouted into the air words of Spirit and Life!  People ran up to her, grabbing the tracts as fast as she could hand them out.  (It is amazing that in times of crisis and danger, men’s hearts intrinsically turn to God.)  She prayed over hysterical women, embracing them as her own dear children.  She even reached out to strong and angry men, some of whom melted in tears before her.  She kept repeating and crying out, over and over again, those words, which in a sense, have become her motto: “JESUS LOVES YOU AND I DO, TOO . . . JESUS LOVES YOU AND I DO, TOO! 

Two elderly African-American women came running toward her, out of the melee, shouting: “Sister! Sister! We may be shot, we all may be killed, but we are going to stand with you!  We are going to stand with you!”  As they prayed and shouted, and helped her to hand out tracts, she took new courage!  God in His mercy had sent her two “Angels” to stand with her in the hot of the battle!  People were screaming and crying: Some were praying: A piercing shriek split the air, as someone screamed, “Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy!”  Police sirens were wailing: Brakes were screeching: People were running in all directions!  Surely to “human reasoning,” this was no place for a “gentle-spirited grandmother!”  Yet, she was there because God had sent her there! 

You will never find “hot-house-Christians,” in a scenario such as that, nor will you find “Religious-couch-potatoes,” on the front lines of battle!  There she stood with two other aged “Mothers in the Faith,” jeopardizing their lives at “Ground Zero.”  Any moment could have been the last: Any bullet could have had their name on it: Any knife could have found its target in any one of them!  “Aged Mothers,” you say?  Yes, such is often the case!  Our Lord Jesus uses whomsoever He can!  He looks and searches throughout the Earth, for the “willing and obedient,” for they “shall eat of the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).  It matters not so much their qualifications, nor experience; as it does their readiness to obey the Father’s will!   

“Not to the strong is the battle,

Nor to the swift is the race;

But to the true and the faithful,

Victory is promised through grace!”


The second day was much the same as the first, but the third day, and the last in the Lord’s plan for her to be there, began with an ominous foreboding.  As Emily arose early for her morning prayers, the Lord spoke clearly and audibly to her from Zechariah: “For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her” (Zechariah 2:5).  She knew instinctively that she was walking into the “jaws of the lion;” if not, the Lord surely would not have encouraged her with this Scripture.  As she reached her “pulpit,” on the corner of Broadway and Federal Streets, God again anointed her mightily!  She prayed over people; held in her arms the broken-hearted and terrified; preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, and handed out more boxes of tracts!  (It is estimated during that three-day period, she gave out several thousands of tracts.) 

As she continued to minister, slowly coiling as an evil serpent; fifteen tough gang-members began to encircle her.  That, in itself, should have been a very bad omen and enough to terrify any strong man, but Emily was undaunted even though she became aware that several were holding knives against her back, and one stepped forward and held a knife to her throat.  There were some low, growling curses and muttered threats, which amidst the din, she was unable to audibly discern, but suddenly a mighty wave of the power of God came upon her, and as she stood there with knives at her back and one being held to her throat, she cried out: “JESUS LOVES YOU AND I DO, TOO ! ! ! 

At that very instant, a mighty wave of Divine energy burst like a bomb upon that scene!  All fifteen of these gang-members were thrown upward and backward away from her, most of them being slammed into the wall of the White Tower Diner on that corner!  The knives fell to the ground as did the young gang members, who literally fell on their faces; bowing down; doubled over; crying and repenting!  It was a mighty demonstration of God!  The main leader cried out to her: “Give us what you got, white Lady, give us what you got!”  She stood there praying over them: Instead of quaking with fear, the Holy Spirit was so upon her, that she bravely walked to one, and then to another of those gathered around, embracing them and telling them how much Jesus loved them, and that she did also; encouraging them to be all God wanted them to be; expressing hope for them to come to Christ and to be transformed.

Having gained the respect of the gang members, she was warned by some who later nicknamed her “The White Angel.”  They pleaded with her to not come down there again, because her life was unquestionably in danger.  (Bullets were flying everywhere: Drive-by shootings were rife: Fires were blazing: Buildings had been destroyed: Molotov Cocktails were flying through the air: Guns of every kind, size, and description, were being carried through the streets, and reportedly, gunfire could be heard day and night during the peak of the riots!  Heavy, acrid smoke hung with a deadly pall upon the air: A cacophony of mingled shrieks, screams, and curses invaded the scene as a vicious onslaught from Hell.  Right in the thick of this carnage stood “A Woman in White” (God’s chosen handmaiden), who took His Word seriously enough to go there to preach and express His love for those poor lost souls!  Such has been Mom Emily’s legacy!  God bless her always!

Emily fully understood their reason for concern, and deeply appreciated the same!  She again wept and prayed over them, but in her heart, there was only one response to their earnest concern: “When I surrendered my life unto Christ many years ago, it was for better or for worse!  Every one is important to God!  That is why He sent me here!  Had there been no one else on earth except any one of these as an individual, Jesus would have died on the cross just for them!  That is just how much He loves, and just how important each one is to Him!  This is why I am here today!  I am here in obedience to the Great Commission!  I do not consider my life or my safety!  If I am shot while doing the Lord’s work, I will go to my reward, and He will raise-up someone else to fill the gap and obey the Great Commission, which commands us to ‘go into all the world and preach His Gospel unto every creature.’  This means the ‘Camden-part’ of this world! These precious young men; mostly from African-American and Spanish gangs, are a part of that group referred to as: ‘every creature.’  Yes, this is why I am here!” 



(See end of Article to obtain your copy) 



In early 1970, one day while Emily was driving on Route 130, at the Marlton Pike exit (which is on the Pennsauken-Camden line), and saw a huge billboard bearing a “For Rent” sign.  She received a strong witness of the Holy Spirit, and a knowledge that she was to rent that sign and upon it, to declare the Gospel!  Of course, she had no experience with such matters, nor did anyone in her acquaintance.  She contacted the owner and explained her wish.  He mocked her and laughed her to scorn; being absolutely offensive in his manner!  “Lady, do you realize what it would cost you to rent that billboard?” 

Emily replied: “Well, sir, I understand that it will be expensive, but I sincerely believe my Lord spoke to me and showed me I am to have that billboard!” 

“And just what do you propose to place on that billboard?” asked the owner. 

(Emily boldly replied with an innocent exuberance which threw this shrewd old business man into shock.)  “Well, the Lord Jesus Christ, of course, with a declaration of His soon coming and an appeal calling America to repent from her sins.” 

At this, the owner being of a non-Christian religion, literally gasped for breath, choked on his words, and sputtered: “Oh, no you don’t.  I am against that sort of thing!  That kind of message is not going up on my sign!  I won’t let you do this!”  This did not stop Sister Emily!  She continued to pray, and called others to prayer.  It was as though she could see thousands upon thousands of lost souls going down that busy highway at all hours of the day and night, with no one to show them the way!  Indeed, it is a given that many of them (or perhaps we could say most of them) were un-churched and unsaved! Emily saw this billboard by the eyes of Faith!  She saw it as a “pulpit;” a place of opportunity from which to preach the Gospel!  

And so, a strange and awesome saga began: As determined as he was to not have an image of Christ on his billboard; Emily was twice as determined to do so.  She refused to give up!  She had heard from God!  What else was needed?  What did it matter if the owner refused?  God had spoken! 

Emily continued to call the gentleman, and present her case, and plead her cause.  This most always resulted in him becoming angry and slamming the phone down in the midst of the conversation.  This scenario played out so many times, Emily honestly has lost track of how many times he hanged up the phone.  Still Emily continued to pray and summon her friends and prayer partners to do the same.  After a time, the owner seemed to thaw just a bit one day, but could not help to throw a sarcastic broadside in Emily’s direction: “And you!  You are an artist?  Yes?

Emily replied with some trepidation, “Well, I suppose you could say that, as I am artistically inclined.” 

“Well, if I were to allow you to rent the sign, someone would have to do the artwork.  I have no one here at present who could take on that task.” 

Emily seized the moment and blurted out: “Oh, sir, I can surely climb up there on that billboard and paint the sign.  I’m a good climber!” 

Mr. S______, bellowed out: “That’s what you think!  Oh, no you don’t!  Don’t try that with me!  If you fell or injured yourself, you would sue me for every penny you could get!”  Upon several more occasions, Emily would plead with him to allow her to paint the billboard, each time enraging him again to the point of slamming down the phone.  Emily prayed harder and fasted, as did a number of her group.  Things became quiet for awhile, and she had no contact with Mr. S________. 

One day, the phone rang and it was he, speaking the in the same angry tone: “Listen, Lady, I just want you to know that the Ford Motor Company wants to rent that sign, and they have offered to give me seven hundred fifty dollars per month rent (a handsome sum in 1970).  So, I’ve about decided to let them have it.  You don’t have that kind of money, do you?” 

Emily had been “sand-bagged,” but she braced up and answered: “No I don’t, but my Lord Jesus Christ surely has that money, and I know He will provide every cent.  As I’ve told you, again and again, Mr. S______, that billboard is going to preach the Gospel.  God has that billboard for us, and He surely is able to provide the necessary funds to rent it.”  (It had been always Emily’s conviction and policy to give freely of ministry, time, labors, talents, literature, etc.  The Lord had dealt with her to never ask for one cent, nor to put a price-tag on anything. Today, at age ninety-two, Emily finds it necessary to write with the aid of a large magnifying glass, as she continues to send literature out to the highways and hedges, wheresoever it is requested, around the world; absolutely free of charge.)

Again, the angry billboard owner hurled vicious insults and slammed down the receiver.  All along, he had reiterated, time and again, that even without the artwork (just for the bare sign rental), he would not take less than seven hundred fifty dollars per month.  He had hardly hung-up the phone, when he called again.  In a demanding tone, he practically yelled at Emily: “Are you willing to sign a one-year contract with me for one hundred dollars per month?”  This left Emily breathless!  She could hardly believe her ears!  Had she heard him correctly?  Did she dare question him for a clearer explanation? 

Before she knew what she was doing, she heard herself speaking in a steady, even voice: “Yes, Mr. S________, I am willing to sign a yearly contract!  This is what I’ve been waiting for.” 

He then spoke more abruptly: “I know you don’t have any money for the artwork, and I’m not going to allow you to climb up there and possibly kill yourself.  I have an old man here, who is a retired sign painter; very good; very skilled; excellent: I’ve already talked to him about all this, and he is “one of your kind!”  He knows all about “your Christ” and what He should look like, etc.  He’s ready to receive your instructions for what you want on that sign: He’ll do the work for free!  Are you ready for this?  Speak up!  Speak up!  My time is valuable!” 

Emily could only say: “Yes, sir, Mr. S________, this is all very kind of you.” 

At which he thundered: “Don’t you leave that house!  I’m sending my man over there right now with the contract for you to sign!  You be there!  I don’t know why I’m doing this, Lady, I don’t know why!  But I’m going to let you have that sign!”  (Please bear in mind, at that time, Emily was a mother and a house-wife, with no means of support from the ministry.  Her life had always been one of charity service in un-salaried positions.) 

In about twenty minutes, a demanding knock came at her door, and there stood Mr. S_______’s associate.  A more angry and embittered man, Emily had rarely seen.  All during the signing of the contracts, etc., he mercilessly railed against her and denigrated her, most sarcastically.  He made it very clear that if he had any say in this matter, she would not have this sign, nor would there be any “Christ-figure” permitted on that sign.  Regardless of the hostility he exhibited, the contracts were signed, and as he drove away, Emily wept and shouted praises to God, while holding a legally-binding document in her hand.  HALLELUJAH ! ! !

Within days, the artwork was finished and that mighty “silent Evangelist” began to shout out its message.  She had her telephone number emblazoned across the bottom of that sign, and from the start, her phone would be ringing at all hours of the night.  Night after night, Emily found herself praying with desperate, hysterical individuals, some of whom were actually on their way to commit suicide, when they saw that billboard!  She encountered some strange and bizarre cases; some which staggered her conservative Methodist thinking.  At times, she was stunned and embarrassed by their shocking disclosures, yet she steeled herself in order to be able to be “the Lord’s hand extended” unto them.  All kinds and types of persons cried out to her for help: Young; old; rich; poor (even foreigners and tourists vacationing in America).  Space here cannot possibly permit a worthy treatise of this chapter.  Suffice to say that in the thirteen years during which that billboard bore its Gospel Message, it reached tens of thousands of persons.  Thousands of persons called seeking prayer and help!  Thank God, many were spared from suicide; many were turned around; and many were led to Christ! 

Perhaps this is the best place to include a marvelous testimony: Mom Emily saw Mr. S________ as someone far greater than merely a cantankerous business man.  She saw him as a soul for whom Jesus died.  As would be expected of her, she was diligent and faithful in business, and her payments were always on time, but along with that, she went out of her way to show unvarnished love, kindness, and concern for Mr. S_______.  She would call him from time to time, just to inquire as to his well-being, and to express a sincere interest for himself and his family.  She also made a habit of sending him literature, which was specifically geared to ministering the Gospel to those of his particular faith.  This continued for approximately five years with no visible results, except that Mr. S_______ seemed to be gradually losing his hostility and becoming more accepting and tolerant of Emily.  He no longer slammed the phone down, nor denigrated her with sarcastic broadsides.  The unexpected occurred after five years (approximately) when Mr. S_______, in a broken and humbled mien, acknowledged his belief in and acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.  [For those willing to be God’s hand extended; willing to love the unlovely; willing to bear scorn and reproach for His name’s sake; the dividends are often extremely high!  That is to say that the most valuable thing on earth (an eternal soul) may be won unto God and unto Christ by such persons]. 

One dramatic case occurred when her telephone rang at 2:00 AM.  She answered, and after just a few words, a young man’s voice burst into uncontrollable sobs as he told her, there was nothing left for him; there was no way out except suicide!  His mind was made up!  Emily of course, had developed over the years a strong prayer-life and an authority in the Spirit, so while she continued to speak with him as a loving, caring mother, in the kindest and most endearing tones: In the Spirit, she was battling and coming against the forces of evil, which sought to destroy that young life!  She discerned a distinct British accent and it turned out that he was a young Englishman visiting America; trying to run from problems which were entirely too colossal for him to bear.  Thank God!  He responded to the love and kindness of this dear Mother in the Faith, and accepted Christ, and was thusly spared from suicide. 

Another dramatic case is that of a woman from North Carolina, who had planned her suicide.  Suddenly, upon that very night, as she drove to her death, that “holy billboard” loomed up before her, stopping her in her tracks!  In shock and hysteria, she managed to pull into a parking lot, and run to a pay-phone, where she called the number displayed.  Our Lord Jesus used Emily to rescue this poor soul!  Emily was reaching out to her through the telephone line, knowing that at any moment, the woman could hang-up and be lost.  Emily prayed, pleaded, wept with her, and finally convinced the woman to not do anything until Emily could get to her!  We are very thankful to report that Emily was able to lead her to Christ, after which that woman became a great worker in our Lord’s vineyard.  As a result of this encounter, Jim and Tammy Bakker were informed of Emily’s work, and invited her for five days as a guest on the PTL program.  Also, the “rescued woman” became a leader among Charismatic folk, and began to hold anointed gatherings in her home, at which Emily was privileged to minister on many occasions. 

Right beneath that billboard, was a “Roy Roger’s Restaurant,” where Emily would direct the more serious cases of those who called (indeed, many called from the pay phone there), and at all hours, get up from bed, dress, and drive out there to minister unto those teetering on the brink of Eternity.  Emily never once shrank back from the danger, nor did she fear for her own safety and life.  Her only consideration was that a poor lost soul for whom Jesus had died was perhaps only a few breaths away from Eternity.  This mindset and heart conviction has been the motivating force in her life since her salvation experience some seventy-six years ago. 

During this same period, Emily was enabled to rent large billboards in Glassboro, New Jersey, and also Asbury Park, New Jersey.  After moving to Florida in 1985, she rented a huge billboard, which was twenty-two feet by forty-four feet, with the same artwork, only this time, all in brilliant color.  These signs also bore an amazing amount of fruit for the Kingdom of God.  An added note is that none of these signs were ever defaced, nor damaged in any way.  Emily prayed and believed that our Lord Jesus would send His guardian angels to watch over and protect them.

The entire story is indeed an awesome one!  The good news is that Mom Emily and her “prayer-warriors” prayed-through on those billboards!  The message which went up on those signs became legendary in all of South Jersey!  (As did the huge billboard in Florida.)  Especially the first sign on Route 130, was kind of a cause celebre.  It was written-up in the newspapers with great fanfare!  It was the talk of the area!  Many referred to it as the “Jesus Sign.”  The billboard presented a sketch of the face of Jesus (quite well done) with beams of light radiating from His face.  Bold letters shouted out from that billboard: “AMERICA  WAKE  UP!  CHRIST  IS  COMING . . .  IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK . . . The message also contained: “REPENT! REPENT!  This message also included the Scripture verse: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”  (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Only eternity shall reveal the results of that billboard, which “preached the Gospel,” for thirteen years!  We do know that many Christians testified to having been encouraged, blessed, and strengthened by that sign!  As well, there were reports of many, who fell under conviction, upon seeing that billboard every day on their journeys to and from work; and became convinced of the reality of Christ, thusly surrendering their lives unto Him!  To Sister Emily, a “pulpit” does not need to be fancy; it does not even have to be in a church building; “a pulpit” to her, is any vehicle from which one can present the Gospel of Christ! 



Also, during this period, changes had come, beginning at 1965, when the Supreme Court legalized pornography.  In the years following this disaster, heart-broken wives, husbands, and even young adults began to seek-out Mom Emily, for help.  Ministers came with their embarrassing confessions of addiction to pornography.  Christian workers and some notable leaders found their way to her home: Some came to her inner-city Mission.  Of course, Emily wept with them; comforted them and gave them hope, always pointing them back to the Scriptures!  Never once, did she have one word of accusation, nor condemnation for any who sought her help!

The Porno-problems on the East Coast began in New York City and Philadelphia, but once the laws were changed an entire Underworld Industry arose to champion the cause.  By this shocking snowball-effect (or perhaps we could say “domino-effect”), entire neighborhoods in the Cities had become combat zones for things of which we are not here permitted to speak (only those from that period could even begin to understand).  Businesses and establishments catering to the Porn Industry and every vile thing it represents, were springing up everywhere! 

Soon, this trend began to overflow the confines of the Inner-City, and encroach upon the towns and communities of Suburbia.  Porn stores (some even displaying shocking imagery in their show windows) began to open-up-shop, right down the streets from churches, synagogues, schools, and local residences.  The predictable result was the influx of unsavory characters of every kind and description (along with shadowy Underworld figures, dealing in drugs and prostitution, etc.), who began to prowl through these staid neighborhoods; endangering the welfare of the local residents, and especially that of their children.

It was at this time that Mom Emily rose up against this vice!  One morning, while praying in her back yard, she suddenly grabbed up a rock from the yard and under a great unction, shouted out: “I send this in the direction of the State Capitol.  I decree that the laws shall be changed to protect the rights of innocent citizens.”  She hurled the rock, which of course, did not travel any great distance, but this was a manifestation of a creative, prophetic word! 



Almost overnight, without backing of her own, nor outside support to aid her endeavors, Emily found herself filling the role of an “Activist” (something totally foreign to her nature and personality, she being a kind and gentle soul).  Yet, she was somehow compelled beyond her own ability to begin a campaign against the evils of pornography!  She was a frequent guest of symposiums, think-tanks and civic groups; as well as upon numerous television and radio talk-shows.  The newspapers, again, and again, gave her ample coverage, complete with photo-spreads and favorable editorials.  Judges and mayors rallied behind her, as did many other persons of note!  Case, after case was brought to trial:  Porno store, after Porno store was closed (mostly on the basis of zoning violations): victory, after victory was being won concurrently in the lives of those to whom she ministered! 

Yet, her course at times was fraught with danger and impending violence!  During those years, her life and the lives of her family-members, faced numerous threats!  While testifying at one important trial and passing through a hallway, a vicious thug appeared as from nowhere; snatched her roughly and dragged her through a door: He then threw her across the room onto a sofa!  There were several dangerous looking characters present, who glared at her with seething animosity, as the spokesmen growled his warning: “You’ve gotten away with your stuff so far, in your campaign to close-down five operations: But let me warn you, Lady; back off now!  We know that you are preparing to come against _________’s operation, which is the largest in this area!  If you go against that operation, you’re history!  This is your one and only warning!” 



It was after this experience that Emily heard the “voice of God,” speaking through her husband, who counseled her to give-up the activism and continue in Ministry, as she had for so many years.  His feeling was that she had done her part!  She had succeeded in that to which she was called!  She still had a teenage son at home who needed his Mom: Bob needed his wife!  He could not stand the thought of anything happening to his beloved wife, and mother of his beloved children.  To her credit, Emily heeded the wise counsel of her husband, and after praying about it very sincerely, felt that indeed the Lord had spoken through him.  The Lord protected her miraculously through seven years of activism, during which she stood fearlessly in the face of the most dangerous Underworld figures one can imagine, but, the time had come for a change.  That period was over: She had fulfilled that calling.  It was time to move forward!



A tragic note is that all through these years of activism, with the pain and suffering she endured as a result, there was not one Full Gospel Preacher who would stand with her! (Oh, yes, some “patted her on the back” and bragged-up her efforts; some shook her hand and told her to: “keep up the good work.” While these actions seemed very benevolent and well-intended; in glaring contradiction, these same persons were strangely absent whenever they were needed!) 



The religious leaders who did stand with her through those seven years, were: one Jewish Rabbi, one Catholic Priest, and one Baptist Minister (Now dear friends, please just stop and think about this for a moment!)

We give all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, and I have heard Mom Emily say many times, this is how she wishes it!  She desires no glory, nor credit for herself, but only for the Lord Jesus, because He is the one (the only One) who could bring these things to pass!  Through her efforts and the efforts of those Clergymen who joined with her, five dangerous Porno operations were closed-down and defeated!  I am sure there were many others around the country, working for the same cause, and as a result of all who worked so unselfishly and determinedly, laws were indeed changed and amended!

We are thankful to say, that at this juncture, no such place can operate within a certain distance from a school, church, synagogue; nor in residential neighborhoods.  This is a major victory for which we thank our Lord Jesus Christ, and also those persons in authority; the Legislators and Lawmakers of our beloved Country, who chose to do the right thing for the protection and well-being of hard-working, honest, and law-abiding citizens. 



1978 brought a colossal challenge!  Emily had seen one “Goliath” fall, but she was now faced with a Goliath far greater than any she had previously encountered.  I say “greater,” because this one had been responsible for changing long-standing and honored laws in our beloved nation.

Having been involved in various forms of activism for more than a decade, Mom Emily had gained notoriety, and had become well known in the greater Philadelphia area, and on the East Coast.  This was in part because of her presence on numerous Talk-Shows, etc., as well as prolific News Paper coverage, concerning her various projects. 

One morning the phone rang, announcing an invitation for her to appear on the very popular TV Talk-Show, "Good Morning America."  Emily was being invited to the show to have a face to face confrontation with “Madelyn Murray O’Hare.” 

For those of you younger folk, Madelyn was the person responsible for bringing a suit against the United States Supreme Court, resulting in the removal of prayer and Bible reading from our public schools.  You may wish to go on-line, and do a Google search on her life, as the story is quite long and involved.  One amazing and unexpected twist was that her son, William, who was named in the suit, later became a dedicated, born-again Christian, and minister of the Gospel.  Mom Emily prayed many, many sincere and heartfelt prayers in the behalf of this young man. 

At first, Mom felt quite shaken by the magnanimity of this prospect, but before she hardly knew what was happening, a powerful anointing rose up within her, and fearlessly, she blurted into the phone: “Yes, thank you, I am delighted to accept your invitation.”  As one could well imagine, this was quite a telecast. 

Mom Emily stood her ground as a faithful witness for the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, and at one point during the debate, under a powerful unction, she leaned toward Madelyn and declared: “Every knee shall bow to Jesus!”  To which Madelyn, startled and visibly shaken, retorted angrily: “I’ll never bow . . . I’ll never bow to Him!”  This statement became a topic of discussion for weeks thereafter, considering that Madelyn, an avowed atheist, proclaimed that she would never bow to “HIM!” which seemed clearly an indication that she did believe in the existence of “HIM,” but had her mind made-up that she would never bow the knee!  If there was no God, who was this “One” to whom she declared she would never bow the knee? 

Space here will not allow for a further treatise, but the CD of this TV show is available upon request from Mom Emily.  Dear hearts; please send an offering to help defer the cost.  Mom does not ask for a dime, but I know that she has very little to work with.  Thank you!



Unto all who read this; wherever you may be in this world, please pray earnestly for dear Mom Emily!  At age ninety-two, she is still conducting her literature ministry from a nursing home.  She has very little help, very little finances, and her eyes are not so strong these days, but still, as best she is able, she sends out mailings of free Gospel literature to many parts of the world, and keeps a prayer list of those sending-in prayer needs and requests.  Just today (May 29, 2010), I spoke with Mom on the telephone, and she was overjoyed to tell me that she had received word from her printers in New Jersey, who for the past fifty-one years, have taken it upon theirselves, to print multiplied thousands of her tract: "Put Christ First."  As a result of their decision fifty-one years ago, to print this tract for our dear Sister, and for the nations, the Lord has blessed and prospered them in every way; the greatest blessing being that every member of their family has come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Emily’s beloved husband, Bob, was called home to Glory at age ninety-six, in 2009: They resided together at the nursing home, where Mom is still in residence.  Their mutual love over the years never faltered, but only deepened.  As Bob lay dying, they held hands as he repeated over and over again: “Emily, I love you, I love you, I love you.”  Her baby son, Roger, died suddenly and unexpectedly, at age forty-one, in 2006, leaving a wife and child.  Emily, herself, suffered a horrific car accident a number of years ago, which left her impaired.  Doctors had no hope of her recovery, but God mercifully brought her through!  She can no longer drive, and has to get about with a walker and a wheel chair: But she is still about her “Father’s Business.”  She still plays the piano for her fellow residents in the Nursing Home, and has won some of them to Christ.  This, in itself, is a miracle, considering that as a result of the accident, her hands were badly injured, and theoretically, she is not supposed to be able to play the piano.  Yet, she does play, and plays quite well.  When Emily plays the beloved hymns and Gospel choruses, she does so with an anointing and real gusto.  The joy of the Lord permeates the nursing home as many of the residents gather ‘round, to sing, and clap their hands.  They may not understand much about the “anointing,” but they do know that the music makes them happy.  They really come alive when Emily plays on a nightly basis.  To God be the glory!

Emily’s greatest desire is to be granted our Lord's strength and His enabling grace to continue on, in the literature ministry.  We humbly ask you to pray about sending her some support, and certainly letters and cheerful cards of encouragement.  I am sure this will brighten her day and mean so much to her!  Her life is very moving to me, especially when I consider how few there are who have any desire to continue in ministry, after retirement age!  God bless all those who desire to be faithful unto death, as does our dear Mother in the Lord!  (CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MOM EMILY, AND HOW TO SEND HER A CONTRIBUTION.)

If you call her, I am sure it will mean much to her, but please limit your call to fifteen minutes, considering that Mom is now advanced in years, and finds it necessary to rest and conserve her strength. 

I recently spoke with Mom Emily, and she asked me to pray for one of her dear grandsons, Mr. Barry Salmon, who is a military person, soon to be shipped over to the Afghanistan War.  Please, Dear Hearts, let us all pray for this fine young man, and pray for his safety while there, and his safe return to his home and family.  Thank you!  God bless you all!



Footnote 1:

An interesting note is that my maternal Great-Grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Talbert Haley, was converted in Calvary Methodist Church; becoming a member in 1905 and is purported to have been one of the most fervent and dedicated members, until her home-going in 1928, at age eighty-six.  Her viewing and funeral were held there with great dignity and respect.  My own dear mother, Ruth Eleanor Haley Connor, as a child, accepted Christ at this church, during a Revival Service, some time around 1931; after which she attended Sunday-School and church services there for a number of years, prior to moving out of the area.

Footnote 2:

It was also my privilege to sit under the ministry of Pastor Frederick Poole, from 1959 until his home-going, early in 1963.  Also, I was privileged to attend there numerous times thereafter, under the ministry of his son, John, who had prayed with me on September 11, 1959, when I was baptized into the Holy Spirit, in Riverside, New Jersey.  John also baptized me in water at the Temple, in September of 1964.  Pastor Frederick Poole twice prayed over me with the laying-on of hands, the latter occasion being shortly before his home-going when he also spoke over my life with prophetic confirmation.  It would take volumes to write a worthy treatise on the marvelous and wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the Gospel Temple during those years!  Never shall I forget my experiences there, under the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit! 

We have printed a number of copies of the above Billboard, which will make a powerful statement in your home, work place, or church.  To obtain your free, 8 1/2" x 11" frameable copy of Emily's original Billboard sign, printed on antique white cardstock, please request the same in writing.  The print is our free gift to you!  We ask only that you will hold us before the Lord in your prayers, and help to spread the word of this vision; and please, our beloved friends and fellow-members of Christ's Body; do take time to email us, call us, or write a short note, just to let us know that you are praying for us, and to become acquainted.  We ask not for your money, only for your fellowship.  Thank you ever so much!

God bless you all!  Your servant and friend:

Michael O’Connor



“White Angel”

Is On

The March

For Righteousness

And Restoration

In America!




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