The mid-nineteen seventies brought to the burgeoning Charismatic Renewal
what would come to be known as the Discipleship Movement. This movement swept
in like a tsunami! Sadly, as with all floods, it left much damage in its wake. The religious demographics of the time were complex and fluxated: Our Lord was indeed
pouring out of His Spirit in an unexpected and unprecedented manner upon the Mainline Denominations, the Catholic Church,
and a large remnant of the Hippie/Anti-War fabric, which upon embracing Christ, morphed quite naturally into the Jesus Peoples’
Historical Background:
It is believed by many historians that the seed of the Renewal began in the mid-nineteen
fifties with Demos Shakarian, founder of the F.G.B.M.I. in California, and simultaneously with healing services instituted
by Dr. Albert Price, the rector of Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, beginning around
1955. Pastor Frederick Poole of the Philadelphia Gospel Temple also played a
very important role from the same juncture until his home-going in 1962, whereupon his son, John, assumed the Pastorate, himself
becoming a significant figure in the Renewal for more than a decade.
The Gospel Temple had become legendary in the Northeast as a “Spiritual Oasis”
where a richness and depth in God’s Word as well as in His Divine Visitation consistently prevailed. The elder Pastor Poole had become a “father” unto numerous Denominational Pastors who had individually
(or with their Churches) come into the Pentecostal experience. The younger Pastor
Poole carried on in this unique mentorship. The Temple was for many years a bastion
of integrity and Divine Order, standing as a lighthouse upon a great rock, surrounded by the tumultuous seas of the era. Truly, many were guided by that lighthouse into safe harbor. The Temple was rather unusual in this regard considering that in most quarters there was a preponderance
of just the opposite!
Gathering Storm Clouds:
There was a growing awareness of jealously
and partisanship nation-wide. The Catholic Renewal had burst upon the scene in
1967, but many from the Mainline Denominations’ Renewal stood aloof, thinking them still “too Catholic.” Few Classic Pentecostals would fully embrace either group, many feeling themselves
to be of the “Old Guard” and superior to the Charismatic “Newbies.”
During the same juncture, the “Traditionalists” in all camps were beginning to do some sabre-rattling against
the Charismatic “malcontents.” The hard-core underbelly of the Anti-Charismatic
groups had begun to show its “seamy side” with unvarnished nastiness! The
situation was brittle and tense: The Christo-Centric love and gentle inclusiveness of the earlier years of the Renewal was
being eclipsed by divisive sub-movements and doctrinaire “Personalities” vying for preeminence.
Alarming Indications:
In-fighting and power struggles were becoming
more common! Rebellion was rearing up everywhere.
Few were teachable or correctible. There was no hiding the fact that many
had (as Israel of old) become a law unto themselves, with little or no “check-and-balance,” responsibility or
accountability: Many did that which was right in their own eyes. In short, much
of the Renewal (and a surprising degree of Classic Pentecost) was running amok, straight for “the precipice!”
Noble Intentions:
In response to this dire situation, a dramatic
and colossal attempt was made by a group of truly sincere and concerned brethren to rescue this stampeded movement; lasso
it and coral it, so it could be broken of its “wildness,” tamed, and carefully trained (I think of Bill Britton’s
tract, The Harness of the Lord). This concerned group of leaders ushered in what
would become the Shepherding Movement, which later evolved in the Discipleship Movement.
Misapplied Truth:
In all fairness to those early leaders, their concern was valid! Their cause was justified and their intention was noble, but the methodology employed was perhaps flawed,
because any “forced issue” becomes a “lost issue!” We
can never succeed in any attempt to enforce anyone to serve the Lord or to change, submit or come into Divine Government. For anyone to do so, it requires a working of the Holy Spirit within their heart and
life, which brings about a change in one’s will and desire (many are willing to call Jesus Christ their “Savior,”
but “…no man can say that Jesus is the LORD, but by the Holy Spirit” (I Corinthians 12:3).
A Lost Cause:
Regardless of the good intentions of the original leaders, many “Wanna-Be’s”
jumped onto the “band-wagon” causing the Shepherding Movement to splinter in many directions. Some of the groups were headed by power-seeking persons; some by controlling-type persons, and others by
care-giver type persons, who had a propensity to feed upon the vulnerability of weak and dependent persons who “needed
them.” The entire movement began to come apart at the seams and to unravel. Leaders began to fall as “ten-pins:” Lives; homes; marriages; families;
and churches lay in shambles. Many injured parties became enraged and filled
with hatred, bitterness, and revenge; in some cases leading to litigation and bitter legal disputes. It is safe to assume that at this breakdown, things were left far worse than at the outset.
The Flood-Waters Recede:
As the flood-waters receded, the scenario was shocking and disheartening
(picture the scenes provided by the photo-coverage of the recent New Orleans Katrina disaster)! Carnage, ruin, and devastation lay strewn far as the eye could see.
Some of the damage was utterly beyond repair and restoration. Myriad were
the casualties accrued by this cataclysm. As heartrending as is this grave history,
the failings and stumblings of mortals do not alter nor negate the Word of God which is forever settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89)
and which shall stand forever (Isaiah 40:8).
The Way Of Sheep:
Sheep cannot be driven and beaten.
Under such treatment, they will scatter in fear and be destroyed! Sheep
must be gently led and cared for. I’m sure their stupidity, slow
pace, and utter dependence has been an irritation and cause for frustration to many Shepherds, but try as you may, you cannot
transform a sheep into an ox, a dog, or a race-horse. A sheep behaves and responds
accordingly as it is created. The sheep cannot change.
The Way Of The Shepherd:
It is the Shepherd who must change and adapt to the natural behavior of
the sheep. Thus, the Shepherd must become gentle, patient, and protective of
the sheep entrusted to his care. This is at times not an easy task, but our Lord
Jesus is our pattern. He is the Good Shepherd (John 10:14) and He shall teach
us to be: Gk. = “…good at being a shepherd…” if we are willing to learn. Many pastors (especially the young) become so burned-out trying to deal with persons, situations, and attempting
to keep hold of the reins, that they eventually leave the ministry. I believe
the greatest mistake pastors make is in trying to micro-manage and obsess over every minute detail.
A Fanciful Illustration:
I picture the absurdity of a young shepherd hovering over first one sheep and then
another, until he is totally exhausted, saying: “No, don’t eat that clump of grass, it is not green enough!” Then he drags the poor sheep from clump to clump, allowing it to nibble only a few
of the greenest blades of grass. Next, he drags the sheep one by one to the brook:
Some refuse to drink, so he gets down pleading and begging them to drink, trying to force handfuls of water to their mouths. The next chapter of this fiasco unfolds with some of the sheep venturing to wade into
the brook. It is safe enough, as only about a foot deep, but the shepherd does
not want them to wade in the brook! Thus, he wades in and drags them out,
only to find that others begin to follow. Soon, the entire flock is peacefully
wading in the brook, all contentedly drinking and completely at peace. The poor
shepherd, by now quite exasperated, staggers up the bank, “lies down beside the still waters,” and promptly falls
asleep. A bit of sanctified humor never hurt anyone, so I trust this little digression
will bring a smile to some of us “old codgers,” reminding us of our youthful energy and “expertise”
when beginning in ministry.
Pastoral Responsibility:
So, what is the pastor to do? What
is his responsibility in bringing the sheep to obedience and submission? Well,
as previously stated we cannot force the issue, but what we can (and must) do is to be faithful in teaching and preaching
God’s Word by example, without fear nor favor, and without compromise!
Yet, we must do this in a spirit of sincerity and humility. This is not
to say one must preach as a “spineless milksop!” One may preach with
anointing, eloquence, and unction, and still exhibit the love and meekness of Christ.
In short, preach with power, but don’t beat the sheep! Amen!
Stand Your Ground:
Be faithful to preach! Don’t look
back! Never divert your gaze from Golgotha’s Hill! Whatever you do, Preacher: Don’t turn away from the “Old Gospel-Plow.” Don’t let ANYTHING cause you to walk away from that plow, because if you do, every step away
from it will be a step closer to ruin, heartbreak, and destruction! It is a given
that some will rebel and revolt at God’s Word. Some will rise up against
you for being faithful to preach that Word. Don’t be discouraged by that! Don’t you give up! Because it is
also a given that some upon hearing, shall resonate with the Word and embrace its message!
It is these to whom we are sent; our Lord’s “Remnant” in all the Earth (those who have ears to hear
the joyful sound (Psalm 89:15).
Divine Submission:
Being raised in a rather permissive environment, I developed a personality
given to fierce independence and strength of will. In one sense, this has served
well to help me through many extremities in life, but on the other hand, such personalities usually carry with them the undesirable
baggage of rebellion and anti-submissiveness. Such was my plight early on, but
I thank God that in His mercy, He placed me in fellowship with many loving and caring Dads and Moms in the Faith (some of
them, strong “disciplinarians”) who loved me and cared enough about me to work with me and persevere with me until
such time as I was able to “bear the yoke.”
When younger, I was as Ephraim, “…a bullock unaccustomed to
the yoke” (Jeremiah 31:18). Only by our Lord’s grace and longsuffering
have I come to the knowledge that “…His yoke is easy and His burden is light…” (Matthew 11:29-30).
Through many years of our Lord’s dealings, I have come to believe
in and stand for Divine Submission, but in a “Scriptural manner;” not via a man-made tyrannical oppression! We do not believe in “…being lords over God’s heritage, but being
ensamples to the flock…” (I Peter 5:3). Our heart is to extend a
paternal love and godly concern unto every person entrusted to our oversight. This
is a Scripturally based nurture and guardianship for their spiritual welfare, growth, and development; borne out of a desire
to see each one come into our Lord’s highest and best for his/her life. It
is also a watchful care and protection (Hebrews 13:17).
Submission as we see it from God’s Word is not the act of being beaten down
into passivity, groveling at another’s feet! The word is actually best
rendered: Gk. = “to yield gracefully unto.” The same principle applies
to peerage relationships upon a horizontal plane, “…submitting yourselves [yielding gracefully] one to another
in the fear of God (Ephesians 5:21). It applies also to marital relationships
“…wives, submit yourselves [yield gracefully] unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord…” (Ephesians 5:22).
Divine Government:
Divine Government is a subject for which we should have no apprehension
whatever, if understood clearly in the light of God’s Word, as it simply means, “To regulate and bring an order
unto.” The pendulum acts as governor to a clock. All machines, motors, and engines have “governors” to keep them operating precisely and efficiently
at a prescribed work load. Without governors, they would “run away”
and very quickly self-destruct: With an effective governor, they will run on, and on, for years, as faithful servants.
In your automobile, the throttle (or in modern terms, “gas pedal”)
acts as the governor. Should it break down, the driver would be in serious trouble,
for if it fails in the closed position, the car will stand at an idle, or if in gear, creep slowly along. If it should fail in the open position, the engine will “run away” or if in gear, the car will
speed faster and faster completely out of control with the most disastrous results! (Many drivers and pedestrians have been
killed in this manner)!
So, Beloved, please hold no fear of true, Scriptural, Divine Government! It is essential to one’s best interest and it is designed to “keep us
out of trouble!” Remember that our Lord Jesus is the Righteous Governor
(Matthew 2:6). This is one of His highest titles defining His being and person:
It is also one of His chiefest Offices.
Divine Rule:
Divine Government produces Divine Rule, which in turn produces Divine Order. It seems everyone insists upon rules, while at once fearing and resisting them! I suppose this syndrome is intrinsic to the human psyche. It is a startling fact that in modernity, most folk observe the “Golden Rule” in reverse, “doing
unto others what they do not wish to receive in return” (i.e. “do evil, but receive good”), is their
warped ethos. (Our Beloved Father in the Faith, Gustav E. Hoyer, a remarkable
scholar, predicted in 1977 an increase in the end-times of “opposite behavior,” being a by-product of increased
demonic influence and mental instability.) People are wont to legislate their
personal rules with an iron will, but they think nothing of consistently disregarding and trampling on the rules and rights
of others!
The greatest rule is Self-Rule! Second
only to our Lord Jesus, King Solomon was the wisest person to ever walk the face of this Earth. In Proverbs 25:28, he metaphorically exposes the condition of one without self-rule and self-control: “He
that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.” The word for “rule” – Heb. Matsar = close-up, hold-back, keep self closed, maintain control,
refrain, restrain self, stay still and quiet, stop, withhold self.
It is clear that Solomon is herein expounding upon the man’s lack
of self-governance and the consequences thereof. Here we see a man’s city
(or house – speaking of personal life, family, and/or ministry) broken down so completely its walls are leveled to the
ground. There he sits upon a heap of debris and rubble which was once a dwelling. In olden times, city walls (and secure gates and doors for dwellings) were essential
due to the prevalence of thieves and bandits. Most would agree that such a condition
as portrayed in the narrative would precipitate a most unsafe environment.
The “walls” speak of Biblical Truths, Standards, and Foundational
Doctrines. These are designed to keep the “resident” from venturing
at night or in times of danger outside the safety-zone of his city/house: And to keep those of the “Outside” from
entering and intruding into the privacy of his city/house. With his walls broken
down, one is left defenseless: Every vicious enemy; every vile and unclean thing; every predatory, devouring beast; everything
our Lord abhors; etc. can come and go at will, propagating their nefarious and lethal ethoses, while wreaking chaos, confusion,
and destruction.
Before we can be entrusted with Divine Authority to lead and rule others,
we must first submit ourselves unto that rule, and effectively learn self-rule, self-discipline, and self-control! (An old fashioned ruler comes to mind). Do
you remember those old, heavy, wooden rulers? We were taught in school to use
them for drawing straight lines (they could be used to keep us “straight” as well when wielded by Dad or Mom or
by a short-tempered teacher). I received well-deserved whacks from third grade
and fourth grade “School Marms:” And an underserved whack across my knuckles from an impatient Piano Teacher! (I never returned for another lesson. Ha!) Our Lord thereafter became my teacher. Hallelujah!
A “ruler” is a guide by which to make things straight! It creates order! “To be made just,” bears the
same connotation: it means, “to be straightened-out.” In publishing,
we “justify the margins” to make them straight and orderly. Surely,
Divine-Rule and Self-Governance will serve to justify “our margins” (boundaries and parameters), and “straighten
us out!”
Divine Order:
This term is directly coupled with, and is a natural consequence of Divine
Government and Divine Rule. Where God’s Government is recognized and established,
there will be also His Order. Our Lord is the perfect Engineer of Order! His entire creation is established upon precise order and impeccable calculations. Were there to occur even a fractional deviation in the time-space continuum, utter
chaos would ensue: “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,
whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: All things were created by Him, and for Him: And He is
before all things, and by Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17). The
word “consist” – Gk. Sunistao, derived from two Greek roots, may be best rendered as, “to hold together,
to keep in right place and order, to cause to stand, and be fixed as positionally and functionally.”
Even our physical bodies are governed by these principles, “…
[we are] fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). There is a systematic
orderliness to the entire universe. Nothing is by chance or happenstance! All is by Divine Intelligence and Divine Design.
Our Lord Jesus, the Omniscient (all wise) Creator has so designed even Marriage, Home, Family, Church, and Christian-Community
to be under His Governance and Order. To fully enjoy and benefit from this order,
we must be willing to accept and align ourselves unto His designated allocations of authority, responsibility, accountability,
and obedience in every area of Christian experience.
Anointed Leadership:
Our Lord has ever purposed and ordained anointed leadership for the governing
and oversight of His People. The Scriptural record witnesses to this fact from
cover to cover. Those choosing to rebel against this Divine Arrangement invariably
end-up in ruin, disgrace, and ultimate destruction (this is also a part of the Scriptural record)! Tragic this is, but an inevitable consequence for all who refuse to submit under the mighty hand of God
(I Peter 5:6).
In this “Church Age,” God’s Hand is the Apostle, Prophet,
Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher (Ephesians 4:11-13). Our Lord Himself has set
them into the Church! It is His plan and design, in order to bring us all unto
perfection and full stature. The New Covenant watch-word is, “…Obey
them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: For they watch for your souls…” (Hebrews 13:17). The word “rule” is - Gk. hegeomai = to lead and command with authority,
be accountable for, be a governor, have the rule over. The word used for “watch”
appears only two other times in the New Testament, both related to prayer. It
is, Gk. – agrupneo = to be sleepless, alert, watchful, and wide awake.
Simply stated, those whom our Lord has called as leaders have a responsibility
to watch for the souls and spiritual well-being of those under their authority. This
word expresses those who are willing to stay awake through the wee hours of the night, praying and interceding, as well as
keeping an eye on their spiritual children.” It is a given that those who
watch for your soul will have a full-time job, requiring much prayer, patience, and soul-agony.
Jesus Christ of course is our Great Example. Isaiah spoke of Him: “…He shall feed His flock like a Shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with
His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11). Likewise, every individual flock (local-church) requires a Shepherd!
The Body of Christ at large requires the Five-Fold Ministry Offices for correct balance and Divine harmony.
Considering the importance in submitting to God-given Authority; suppose a regiment
upon the field of battle were suddenly to rebel en masse against their Commander; pack up, and flee as deserters: How could
the battle be won? Or, who would be so foolish as to send a regiment into
battle without a Commander and other officers? The very thought is absurd! Who would turn sheep out of their fold to run loose with no shepherd to lead them? What good is an ox without a yoke, plow, and the hand of a wise husbandman upon the
reins to govern the ox? Would any in their right mind dismiss small children
from their presence in a busy city? So our Lord has established leadership
and oversight for His People! He has ordained “Fathers and Mothers
in the Faith,” to mentor, nurture, guide, and correct the Young.
A Divided Heart:
Ephraim failed the Lord in many ways as a result of numerous weaknesses and character
flaws. The prophet Hosea exposes one such flaw, “…Ephraim is a cake
[loaf] not turned…” (Hosea 7:8). This metaphorically defines a double-minded
person and/or a person with a divided heart and affections. On the one hand,
he has submitted to “the Oven” (the dealings of God) resulting in being fully processed and dealt with. This one half is ready and fit to be “broken bread” to the hungry, but on the other hand he
remains soggy and raw (unprocessed, immature, and un-dealt with; of no use or value to anyone). The above principles apply to the individual, the family, the local church, and humanity at large.
Broken Bread:
Before bread can be eaten, there are several stages of preparation involved. 1. The wheat must “submit” to the hands of the reaper (feeling the pain
of the sickle). 2. The harvested wheat must “submit” to threshing
and winnowing (a crushing and humiliating process either beneath the hooves and wheels of the ox and cart or by being beaten
with rods, then heaved upward and fanned to drive away the chaff). 3. The winnowed
grain must submit to the millstones in order to become meal/flour (again, this is a painful and agonizing process divesting
the grain of its last shred of individual identity). 4. The meal/flour must submit
to the hands of the baker to be kneaded and fashioned into a loaf (at this juncture, the meal/flour is at the mercy of the
hands who will fashion it into a corporate loaf). 5. The loaf must “submit”
to the fire and heat of the oven and be turned and baked upon every side (there is no other way to escape the fate of Ephraim). 6. The baked loaf must finally submit to the hands of the host/hostess who shall break
it into pieces and feed it to “the Hungry” (the process is complete! This
is the purpose for which the wheat was grown in any event).
Beloved, do you wish to be “Broken-Bread” for the Hungry? You must be willing to submit unto these dealings and processings of our Lord in your
life, and unto fiery trials and testings, for they serve as our Lord’s Oven,” whereby He is engaged in bringing
forth His great Corporate Loaf.
This is the restoration of the “Meal Offering” as prophesied by Joel
(Joel 1:9, 2:14). “…therefore glorify God in the fires…”
Isaiah 24:15. Our Lord Jesus is the “Bread” which came down from
heaven and was born in Bethlehem (meaning House of “Bread,” John 6:51).
He multiplied “bread” to the feed the multitude (Mark 6:37-44). He
broke “bread” at the Last Supper calling it His Body (Matthew 26:26). Oh! Hallelujah! Praise His worthy Name!
Our Example:
As our pattern and example, our Lord Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered
(allowed, permitted). He did nothing unless He first saw it performed by His
Father. His will was totally submitted to that of His Father. “… [He] thought [considered, esteemed, regarded] it not robbery [Gk. = a thing not to be grasped
after] to be equal with God [His Father!]” (Philippians 2:6). He lived
in total harmony and obedience unto His Father’s will, SUBMITTING AND YIELDING GRACEFULLY AT ALL TIMES! Even as He approached judgment and death, he fell in submission amongst Gethsemane’s ancient olive
trees, crying, “… [Father]… not My will, but Thine be done.”(Luke 22:42). Thus, He was obedient “even [unto] the death of the cross!
(Philippians 2:8). Beloved, this is the highest expression the world shall
ever know of one who was totally and unreservedly under Divine Government! (Who
follows in His train?)
I sincerely trust this article shall be a blessing and help to all who
read it. We wish only to strengthen and encourage our brethren. Thank You!
It was alone the Savior prayed in dark Gethsemane,
Alone, He drained the bitter cup and suffered there for me;
Great drops of blood fell as He prayed in deepest agony,
He came alone to do His Father’s will.
Alone, yes all alone, He bled and died for me,
Alone, yes all alone, from sin He set me free;
Alone He bore my sin and shame on darkest Calvary,
came alone to do His Father’s will.