Don’t Give
Up! Get Ready!
By Pastor Bob Roach
Isa. 60:1-2 NAS “Arise shine for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For
behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear
upon you.”
I have attended a prayer meeting for the past 11 years
that meets at 7:00AM on Friday mornings. I very rarely miss this meeting because it is here in the midst of my brothers, that
I hear the “voice of the Lord” speaking. In this meeting, Matt. 18:19-20 NAS has become a living reality:
“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done
for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
Over the course of the years I have seen many miracles
take place; lives changed, vision received, and direction given! In these times I have received encouragement, correction;
and my ability to hear the “voice of the Lord,” has been refined.
These times of seeking the face of the Lord have become precious to me. In these
meetings I have repeatedly been touched by the “Manifest Presence of Christ.”
The Lord has proven to we who attend, that: “...I am there in their midst...”
is much more than mere words written in a book; but rather, the fulfillment of a promise that “Christ” has made to all who will truly gather in His Name!
It amazes me week after week, how the hearts of the
men who gather, are in harmony and unity with the Holy Spirit. There is always
a common thread, purpose, or revelation that comes forth as we gather. Today
was no exception: As we met, Isa. 60:1-3 became the focal point concerning which the Holy Spirit wished to
speak to us. As we prayed, the Holy Spirit was moving upon us; drawing us out
of our lethargy, and we were told to: “Arise, shine; for your light has come...” We were challenged to come out of our complacency; a complacency such as has
caused many in the Church, to “Give Up!”
In the church there is a “spirit of weariness,” which has gripped many of the people! There
is a sense of despair, and many Christians have become dull to the voice of the Lord, and to the Manifest Presence
of Christ. The cares of this world weigh heavily upon their minds and hearts. Day
after day, they hear the “bad news” which flows from the darkness (secular world) around them! They feel the weight
of oppressing spirits, filling their minds with a constant, unrelenting barrage of news, filled with murder; fear; doubts;
financial worry; political corruption; and the agendas of both the “political and religious world,” which so often
appear to affirm and condone lifestyles and behavior, which most certainly are diametrically opposed to the mores of classical
When attending such religious services, folk are often
told: “Good times are coming! Prosperity is on the way!” Too often, in such environments, folk are wrongly pressured into giving what little they may have, in exchange
for a promised “material gain” (a false “reward-system,” which is very often not forthcoming)! Many such “sincere seekers,” enter these services spiritually hungry and
empty, and leave in the same manner! Many like precious souls are even now fading
away into the darkness! They have no one upon whom to cast their cares! As no one seems interested in their problems or in listening to their cries, many
stand upon the verge of giving-up all hope!
Matt. 11:28: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest...” Jesus
spoke these words to a people who were living in a time of political and religious oppression and corruption; a corruption
much like that of today! Jesus saw and felt the weariness of the people: He saw
their darkness, and His call: “Come unto Me...” was the Light
that burst forth with the glory of the Father! Jesus came into the world as the
Light that was manifest for all to see. John
1:4-5 NLT: “The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone! The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.”
This morning as we waited on the Lord, the Holy Spirit
gently revealed to us that we are living in the time of, Isa. 60:2: “For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples...” We are living in a time of darkness; a darkness which has encompassed the whole world! This darkness is deep-seated in the “world systems” of government and religion. Many religious bodies have allowed this darkness to infiltrate, and gain influence! In many cases, such exhibit little difference in their views and beliefs, than does the “World.” In fact, numerous have adopted worldly methods, in order to operate “more efficiently.”
Such seem to be more akin to “businesses,” than to the living organism,
known as the “Body of Christ.”
“Rise and Shine for your light has come...” is our destiny! Eph. 5: 7-9, 11 NAS: “Therefore do not be partakers with them (the World); for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (for the fruit of the
Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth)…Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness,
but instead even expose them.”
As we prayed today, we all had the expectancy that “something
big” is about to burst forth; something of global proportions! We
began to see that in the midst of the deep darkness, the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; the one He is building,
is being prepared by the Holy Spirit! The day of her manifestation to the world
is soon at hand! Isa. 60:3: “But the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you...”
The “Sons of God” will soon be manifested,
for the Lord of Creation has heard the groan of His creation, and He will answer. Rom. 8:19 NAS: “For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing
(manifestation) of the sons of God.” God’s answer to “the darkness,” is the
revelation of the true Church of Jesus Christ. The “Remnant Church”
(those who are being prepared as the Bride of Christ) will be manifested and adorned with the Glory of Christ! The true Church will become a light which will shine in the midst of this present darkness! Her light
will not be extinguished! Christ’s true church will not be: “...overcome by the gates of Hell...” Instead, she
shall prevail ! ! !
Dear Church of Christ, these are our days to: “Arise and Shine...” We are the ones through and in whom Christ has chosen to reveal Himself. It
is time for the True Light to shine in the darkness! It is time for us all to
fulfill the words spoken by the Apostle Paul, to the Roman Church; Rom. 13:12 NAS:
“The night is almost gone, and the day is near, therefore, let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor
of light.”
Church, it is time for us to “GET READY!”
Pastor Bob.