and Miracles
Seeley D. Kinne
(Excerpted from
Ecclesia and Intervention No. 30)
"A Miracle may be accurately defined – 'a transgression of a law of nature, by a particular volition of
Deity.'” - Hume. It must be wrought by the intervention and exertion of Divine power. It will therefore be in the Celestial
or Heavenly realm, and by one in touch with God.
was himself the product of miracle power, and was made to live in a miracle state of Divine indwelling and possession. Jehovah
intended to use him by imparting to and through him Divine powers of a high order.
was a bold, daring, desperate stroke that brought the fall of man – and suited so perfectly to live in the miracle realm,
even though fallen out of it, would highly appreciate way and opportunity to return to the miracle realm with its lofty and
valuable privileges. But to the contrary, we find him shy, incredulous, cringing, fearful and doubtful. Instead of feeling
at home, he often advises, “Keep away from the supernatural.”
the works of the Christ Life, which the Father gave to the Son from the new birth and regeneration up to entering New Jerusalem,
form one grand procession of miracles. True Christianity is always miraculous.
Baptism or gift of the Holy Spirit is a cluster of glorious miracles. It includes; enduement of power, prophetic language
utterance, impartation of Divine nature, fruits of the Spirit. It also constitutes a beginning or introduction into the gift
realm. Having received an entrance into the gifts of the Spirit, miracle impartations may abound to every needed gift, continuously.
“That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Tim. 3:17. “Unto every
one that hath shall be given.” These gift powers extend to every trait, or character formation, large or small. “Being
enriched in everything to all bountifulness.” 2 Tim. 3:17; Matt. 25:29; 2 Cor. 9:11.
in this End Time period, there is coming forth a loud call from the Lord for Miracle Men. The many mighty works of the restoration
will require men of miracle working capacity. There is in formation a latter rain company, which are on a new and high plane
of living and operation. The Lord's elevating processes by mighty miracle working power is going to bring forth a class of
highly perfected sons and daughters of the Almighty.
few are already passing through this particular, minute, exacting, searching process of crucifixion and re-creation. These
are the foregleams of a new, richer, fuller dispensation; even “the redemption of the purchased possession.”
Gospel Dispensation was one after another of startling, unexpected and sudden miracles. The sun refused to shine on the crucifixion
of its Creator. Rocks rent and a mighty earthquake convulsed nature. The Holy Ghost descended in a rushing wind, cloven tongues
of fire sat on them, while they fell to preaching in unlearned languages. The heavens opened and Jesus stood up at the stoning
of Stephen. A glory flash from the face of Jesus in Heaven struck His foremost persecutor on earth, instantly changing him
into a humble follower and later a mighty apostle. Prison doors burst open. The dead were raised. The gospel conquered everywhere
with a continuous stream of miracles.
rich profuse bestowal of miracles in the early Ecclesia is unapproached by anything on earth. Yet inspired writers tell us
this is just an earnest, a pledge that there is much more to follow. There are exceeding great privileges still to be received.
What then shall it be when comes “the dispensation of the fulness of times?” What of that salvation that is to
be unveiled at the end of the age? What miracles will accompany “the manifestation of the sons of God?” What will
happen when Life swallows death?
shall be said of the mighty events of Revelation with their incomparable scenes? When the last trumpet sounds so loud that
it awakens the sleeping dead of the first resurrection the world around; when the Manchild goes shouting through the skies,
and Satan tumbles earthward; when the white horse army comes prancing down the skies, and Armageddon's terrible blast clears
the way and gains the day, where will you be found and what will you be doing?
brother, cast aside that theological grubbing hoe! Leave the old graveyard with its earthward tendencies! Begone forever!
My soul, awake! Get ready! Prepare! Prepare! There is something doing! There is something coming! The end of the age is upon
"The night is almost over,
the day is coming on:
is coming, hallelujah!"