The Bread Of His Presence
By Robert Roach
Exodus 25:30 (NAS) - “You shall set the bread of the presence on the table
before Me at all times...”
I came one wintry morning to Brother Beutler’s home; the air was cold, the wind was
blowing, and there were snow flurries in the air. We were expecting a couple of days of snow; in fact we ended up with a blizzard!
As I approached the side door to the kitchen, I knew that when I entered I would step into an entirely different atmosphere;
an atmosphere that was in this world but not of this world! I knew from experience what to expect, and with eager anticipation,
I was not disappointed. As I opened the door, I stepped into the manifest presence of Christ! At that moment the thoughts
of an impending storm were forgotten as wave after wave of this “manifest presence of God” swept over me! That
in itself is a lesson which all true believers in Christ need to learn and experience. As great as was this occasion, I was
there to learn by experience: I was being called by the Lord to be a student of His presence!
As I entered into this presence (of the Lord Jesus), Brother Walter Beuttler was there as
usual, sitting at his kitchen table: This day, however, he was at the table with his head down and his hands covering his
face. When I approached, He lifted his head and removed his hands. His face was radiant with the glory and presence of Christ.
When He smiled at me and told me to sit down I could not take my eyes off His face.
(Isa. 60:5 “Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice...”)
On the table was a small loaf of home made bread: he asked me if as yet I'd had “my
daily bread?” At that moment I was not interested in bread, I was yearning eagerly to understand the manifest presence
of Christ, which could be seen in a real and tangible way, upon the countenance of an individual. I knew that Moses experienced
such, and here I was, seeing something so far beyond my understanding; and, I was being offered “bread?”
Little did I know what would follow: Before I could answer, Brother Beuttler began to pray:
“Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.” He stopped right there, and again repeated the previous question. This time,
I replied: “No.” In turn, he replied by stating: “Bob, God is preparing a people who know how to minister
from His presence; a people who are being prepared for end-time purposes.” He then opened his Bible and began to read
Exodus 25:30; “You shall set the bread of the presence on the table before
Me at all times.”
As he read, there was an intensification of the presence of the Lord, there! My heart began
to beat faster, and an aroma filled the room; I could see upon the face of Brother Beuttler an anticipation which reflected
his deep and insatiable hunger for the Lord Jesus Christ.
At that moment, I was experiencing the presence of the Lord in an unprecedented manner. As
Brother Beuttler then fixed his eyes upon me, they pierced deeply within, as if searching for something.
[It is a well known fact that prophetic persons often have the ability to gaze straight into
the heart of an individual. Thus, the expression: “He/She has the eyes of a prophet.”]
During this intense moment, with a peaceful smile, he took the bread from the table and broke
it, saying: “Bob, eat the bread of His presence.” As I did, the presence of the Lord burst upon me, and His Glory
overshadowed me in a manner totally new and unknown in my experience! The Holy Spirit rested upon me with a kind of radiance
until I felt as though I were “glowing in His Spirit,” and being clothed upon with the “Beauty of His Holiness.”
Since that day, many years have come and gone.
Now, at this juncture in time, “Give us this day our daily bread” has
again taken-on a significant meaning for me! During the processing of His dealings in my life, I have not always remained
faithful in asking for my “daily bread of His presence;” but have practiced in a rather off-and-on manner, those
valuable lessons which were learned in Walter’s home, over a two year period. These were to me precious and valuable
experiences, and as such, I incorporated them into my body of religious repertoire. Sadly, I suppose that very much as the
Children of Israel of old; those things which I had so highly treasured and hungered for, after a time, came to be “rote,”
and mere “religion,” which had slowly crept in; subtly replacing my relationship with Christ.
“God is today preparing a people who know how to minister from His presence; a people
who are being prepared for end-time purposes.”
About three years ago, while researching something else, I came across this saying in my
study notes from many years past. As I read this, my eyes filled with tears, and the room became permeated with the presence
of the Lord! As I sat there weeping before Him, He spoke to me: “There has been bread on My table for you, bread that
was fresh every day; bread that was wasted, because you were not hungry for the “bread of My presence.” I wept
even more as His presence intensified, and laid bare my soul before Him! I repented of not coming and partaking of Him!
Deep within my heart there was a great breaking, as the hunger I once knew emerged and burst
forth! I then heard a voice speaking: “Come and eat; eat of the presence of the Lord.”
In the manifest presence of the Lord there is “a people who are being prepared for
end-time purposes.” Those now being prepared are experiencing the Manifest presence of Christ in their lives! They are
those who will be used of Christ! These are the “sons of God;” the “little flock;” the “remnant
church;” and the “bride of Christ!” These are the “priests of God,” who eat daily, the “bread
of His presence!”
I write this my heart is full, for I have been in the manifest presence of God. I have partaken of the “bread of His
presence.” What I experienced over thirty years ago, there in the kitchen of Walter Beuttler, has not changed! God has
not stopped manifesting Himself! He desires and hungers for all who will eat daily, the “bread of His presence.”
To these, He will manifest Himself! By His grace, I am once again walking, upon a daily basis, in, beneath, and with the Presence
of God! If you are truly hungry for God, He will come to you, and reveal Himself to you: You need only to come and
eat from His table, “the bread of His presence!”