Which Is Born Of The Spirit Is Spirit
By David Minor, Sr.
“How can a man be born when he is old?”
- John 3:4
Jesus said unto Nicodemus – except he be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Except
a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. He is not able to approach, he is not able
to apprehend, he is not able to come, he is not able to see or to move in the realm of the kingdom or the realm of the Spirit.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Now listen, that which is born of
the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. When the parent is flesh, the child is flesh. But that which
is born of the Spirit is Spirit. But that which is born of the Spirit is the same thing as that which begot it.
I'm tired of trying, I'm tired of struggling to produce, to crucify myself or to bring something
out of this that I am. We've had so much preaching and trying in the flesh – that we reach down to our bootstraps and
try to pull ourselves out and bring us into the image of something that we are trying to become. Beloved, if that which is
born of the flesh tries to produce spirit, it can't do it. If it tries to produce happiness, it can't do it. If the flesh
tries to overcome, it can't overcome. If the flesh tries to prophesy, it can't prophesy. If the flesh tries – it can't
produce anything but flesh. That which is born of the flesh is flesh – that which came out of the earth is earth. That
which comes out of the natural is natural. But that which comes out of the Spirit is Spirit. Flesh can never be Spirit. Flesh
can never produce Spirit. And Spirit can never produce flesh. Flesh cannot reach over into the realm of the Spirit and produce
Spirit, and Spirit can never produce flesh. Flesh can never change into spirit and spirit never changes over into flesh. That
which is born flesh, dies flesh. But that which is born of the Spirit brings you on into life.
We have tried, we have tried to be holy. We have tried to be righteous. We have tried to walk this
way – we have tried to do these things. Beloved, quit it. You're born in this thing.
When you see a cow, in the field, it's really easy to see what begot it. It's parents were cows.
If you see a peacock, you know that its father and mother were peacocks. Like produces like.
Beloved, now we are born again. We were born once in the image of Adam – we were born once
through the avenue and agency of the flesh and we reproduce the works of Adam. We did the things that Adam was. We couldn't
go any higher than Adam. The only thing we could do was to become like him. We could never go beyond him. But now we have
been born again and we've become the second time spiritual. And beloved, these two will never come together – they are
diametrically opposed. We were born the second time by the Spirit and the Spirit will never repeat anything but Spirit. It
will never bring forth anything but life and this Spirit that has come is going to produce the seed of God. “Being born
again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” 1 Peter
1:23. And when the Spirit has come forth it is going to bring forth just like the parent and we're going to look like God,
and we're going to talk like God, and we're going to walk like God, and we're going to do the works of God, because we were
born of the Spirit and we'll be like the ONE that begot us. If He's holy, we'll be holy; if He's righteous, we'll be righteous.
If He has power, we'll have power. If He's overcoming, we'll overcome and we'll be just exactly like what begot us.
This old flesh has tried so hard to be spirit. It has tried to learn the language of the spirit.
It has tried to dress itself up and go to church and let on that it was holy – tied your hair back so tight you were
nearly cross-eyed – preached flesh and reaped flesh. No need to try to dress up that flesh – it can be clean flesh
– but it's flesh. It can be refined flesh – but it's still flesh. It's just like a pig – get it out, scrub
it up with Lestoil, brush its teeth with Scope, and tie a pink ribbon on it, but it will still be a pig. It will be just what
it was.
That which is Spirit begat Spirit and you are Spirit because you're born of God – not because
you're trying, not because you're striving, not because you will, not because you're trying to reach for it. You are what
God said you are. You're born of God. You are children of God and that life in you will reproduce itself of its own accordance.
You've never seen a chicken get up and say, “I'm a chicken, so I'm supposed to lay eggs,
and get out there and scratch in the dirt.” There's something in its nature that makes it lay eggs. You take that egg
out from under the hen, and lay it under any kind of a bird there is, or put it in an incubator, and never let it see another
chicken, but when it hatches, it will scratch in the dirt, it will lay eggs, it will cluck and cackle, and do everything that's
the nature of a chicken, because the nature of the chicken is in it and it can't do anything else but be what the parent was.
And you can never change it.
Now the same law holds in the spiritual realm. We're trying to be Christians. “I've got to
be an overcomer” - “I'm going to overcome.” You're not going to overcome anything. If you're going to do
it, it will be false. You can refine the flesh, but it will still be flesh. But when the Spirit begins to come forth, it will
be just like God. You don't have to do anything about it. You don't have to try to look like your parents or act like your
parents – it's there – it's born. So we come the second time. Oh, how we've tried. How we've been preached at.
But beloved, that life in us is going to reproduce.
That which is born Spirit is Spirit. You don't have to try to make it Spirit – that's what
is. You can't make it anything else. And it's going to reproduce and do just like Jesus did. It's going to lead you, guide
you, and bring the very nature of God into perfection in your life. “What do I have to do?” Nothing, because you
can't strive to do it by the mind.
The Spirit is going to bring forth the seed of faith. It is God that worketh to will and do His
good pleasure. All that God will ask you to do is to get out of the way and come into that wonderful rest of the Spirit and
quit trying. You say, “I believe God wants me to be holy.” You are holy – you've put on the righteousness
of Christ. He has imparted that unto you. You've got it. It's there. All you've got to do is use what's in there. “Well,
I need power.” You've got it. You're born of God. All you need to know is what you have and what you are in Him. You
can square your shoulders back. The devil whispers, “You'll never overcome.” No, you won't. But that life of God
in you is going to overcome. It will put everything down. You say, “I've failed.” But God never failed. You're
going to make it. You say, “if I can just hold out...” Don't worry. He'll hold out – He's in there. He's
not going any place.
I believe I am what God says I am. I believe that I'm a son of God. I believe that I've come into
this place through the grace of Jesus Christ – through the atonement of His blood and the grace of Jesus Christ. It
is Christ IN you, the hope of glory. You have all you need. It is in you. God has put it there. God wants you to act on it.
Faith is there, power is there, health is there, strength is there if Jesus Christ has come into your life.