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We Have Seen The Glory


By Michael O'Connor



We live in a time of mixture, compromise, and retrograde, when many "Trumpets" are giving an "uncertain sound."  Affronted on every side by spurious and questionable "revivals" (self-acclaimed and promoted by the Charismatic fringe), we are left perplexed and frustrated.  Where is the real?  Where is the genuine?  Where can we find the true move of God?


Whilst pondering these issues, our minds are drawn back to our Lord's dealings with His Ancient People, Judah/Israel, at the laying of the foundation of the Temple, under restoration.  In this account, we find vicariously, a relational resonance, giving us hope and comfort, and a determination to press onward to the goal.  That occasion was indeed a time for great celebration and rejoicing; many shouted for joy, but amidst the uproarious jubilation, there was intermingled the sound of bitter weeping and lamentation.  At length, it was ascertained that the weeping and wailing was taking place amongst various older priests, Levites, and the chief ones among the fathers, who, as  children and young men, had seen and been within the original Temple (Ezra 3:10-13).  Undoubtedly, their weeping was a cause for great consternation. 


Most likely, some of the modern generation wondered at their cause for sorrow during such a glad event.  The answer, of course, is very plain.  They had seen the magnificent glory of the former House.  What they were witnessing, during this Scriptural account was, to them, a reason for great disappointment and sorrow. 


So it is today.  Some of us are old enough to have seen the beauty and splendor of the "Former-House" (earlier Fundamental, Evangelical, Holiness, and Pentecostal Periods).  What we see today, though exciting and titillating to this generation (who tragically have never seen anything else), is by comparison for us, a cause for heartache, sorrow, and longing, as we remember, with undying devotion, days of splendor and wonder experienced in the courts of the "Former-House."


While the restoration and cleansing of the Temple under Ezra and Nehemiah was indeed a marvelous epoch in the history of Judah/Israel, as well as an answer to prayer and a prophetical fulfillment; the "revival" was eclipsed by the construction; design; superior artisanship in gold, silver, precious metals, and fine jewels; mammoth proportions; initial dedication; and history, of the original Temple, at which dedication the presence of the Holy Spirit as a cloud so filled the house that the priests could not stand to minister (I Kings 8:10-11): They were all prostrated (slain in the Spirit).  Today, we would say, “God swept in and took control of the meeting.” 


It has become very rare to now experience such in reality and genuineness: The reason being that our Lord moves how, when, and where, He chooses; usually outside human reasoning, planning, and scheduling!  I have told folk for years, "You can experience Divine Visitation, but it must be upon our Lord's terms and on His time-clock; not yours!  This premise is borne-out again and again in the historical accounts of all significant Revivals and Visitations.  An early Gospel chorus declares:


"Let go, and let God have His wonderful way,

Let go, and let God have His way;

Your sorrows, He will banish; Your night, turn to day,

If you will let God have His way!"


Thank God!  For us "...upon whom the ends of the world [age] have come..." (I Corinthians 10:11), there is promised a greater glory to be revealed and manifested in His Living Temple (The Body of Christ), in all the Earth.  This great truth is corroborated especially in Haggai 2:6-9 and in Hebrews 9:11.  Both of which speak typically of Christ and His many-membered Body as being the latter-day “Temple” and the "Latter-House." 


The Dedication of this New and Living Temple, on the Day of Pentecost, was indeed glorious!  Again, the "Cloud" (a mighty rushing "wind" = Gk. "pneuma" = Spirit, wind, breath, or air), filled the House, causing the "Priests" to stagger and fall as drunken men (Acts 2:1-2, 13-21).  Again, the "fire" was present (this time resting upon "Living Altars," Acts 2:3).  Again, the 120 "Trumpets" were sounding (as God's Holy Breath rushed through 120 "Living Trumpets" - "Priests;" all, blasting forth the mighty call to worship, Acts 1:12-15, 2:4).


MARVELOUS?  WONDERFUL?  YES!  But, only an earnest of what is yet ahead.  Keep your gaze and affections in the Heavenlies, Beloved, for a greater-glory awaits!  Amen! Please be a “Missionary,” by making copies of this tract to distribute to other hungry souls.  I sincerely pray it shall bless and encourage all who read it.  Thank You!


I Samuel 12:23,24.




