And Its Remedy
William L. Rosenberry
(A Transcribed
Radio Sermon)
today's meditation we will turn to a portion of the Word of God as found in John 1:29, “Behold the Lamb of God which
taketh away the sin of the world.”
wish to speak to you concerning sin. Sin has had a long story. Its main purpose is to wreck, ruin, and commit souls to a burning
hell. Sin knows no quarter, shows no respect of person, age, race, or creed. Sin is never satisfied, but it has an insatiable
hunger, or appetite, that swallows its victims into the cesspools of filth and despair, then greedily seeks out more prey.
started away back near the beginning of time. It showed its slimy head first in one of God's created beings – Lucifer.
For Lucifer said, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will be like the most
High,” Isaiah 14:13, 14. In this attempt to usurp the throne of God, Lucifer committed disobedience – sin. As
a result, there was war in heaven and Lucifer was cast out, drawing with him one third of the angels.
had its second appearance in the Garden of Eden. Here Adam was placed with his wife, Eve, a help meet, or a help fit for him.
Into this lovely, holy, peaceful, and sublime Garden, Lucifer dared to enter. He captivated the charm and beauty of the serpent,
entered into it, and proceeded to prey upon the lovely Eve. “Be as God, knowing good and evil,” was Satan's approach.
The apple was plucked, eaten, given to her husband, and the whole human race plunged into the despair of sin.
here on we find man a different being. He lost his holiness and purity, and now starts to manifest the works and traits of
the devil. From him was lifted the mantle of Holiness and in its place he was given a shroud of sin. From here on man experienced
heartaches, tears, sweat, and sorrow multiplied over and over again.
then sin has affected every living soul, we can't escape it. David said, “In sin did my mother conceive me.” Wherever
we look we can see sin or its effect. Because of sin, we have jails, insane asylums, orphanages, police, courts, saloons,
etc. The medical profession is here because of sin. The preacher is here because of sin. War is the result of sin. Sin has
produced all the divorces, quarrels, fights, cursing, and swearing. The liquor industry has raised its venomous head to sting
people into a false conception of happiness, and this because of sin.
is the cause for our broken homes. Never in the history of our country has there been such a breakdown in home life The sanctity
and the sacredness of the home has been lost. Home was the center of the family's activity – today it is merely a boarding
house where people eat, sleep, and rest from their revelry in the road houses, tap rooms, burlesque, drive-in theater, and
a dozen other places where people frequent as the devil plots to lose their soul.
we notice the deceitfulness of sin? In Hebrews 3:13, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today, lest any
of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” There is deceit in sin. Sin begins small like a small spot of
leprosy – just a white spot, but through the months and years, grows and grows until its victim is virtually eaten alive.
admitted into the heart is like a spark dropped in a forest among the dry leaves. It glows ever so softly, catches fire, is
fanned by the wind, spreads wider and wider, until for miles around the forest is consumed in the mighty wrath of the flames.
when it is pursued is like the enchanting, alluring mirage of the desert. It lures its victim on and on, step by step. Satisfaction
is always out of reach. The weary traveler stumbles on until out of sheer exhaustion he falls to his death.
if sin is in your heart, you are harboring in your bosom man's worst and most treacherous enemy. It will overpower you. It
will drag your soul to hell. Sin gives wages. “The wages of sin is death,” Romans 6:23. But before the final pay
off are wages of guilt – guilty conscience, gnawing at man's mental faculties, no rest, no peace. Wages of broken health!
Pain and suffering from a venereal disease – wages from a few minutes of uncontrolled passion and lust. Possibilities
of success blasted because of liquor. Possibilities of happy married and home life, fades away because husband or wife becomes
infatuated by some son or daughter of hell. These are just a few of sin's wages. However if sin is pursued and all the God-given
faculties, talents, and energy are poured into one's endeavor for thrills in sin, and you go on unheeding God's call, the
final wage is death – a lost soul abandoned by God.
friend, and we say is sacredly and reverently, God has a remedy. The Remedy came to earth over 1900 years ago. John saw the
Remedy for sin and said, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” That's Jesus Christ.
He came to break the power of sin. He came to set the prisoner free. He came to give light and to take away the darkness.
He came to give joy and to take away sorrow. He came to take away your sin and give you cleanness of heart and life. He came
just for you.
you bound by sin's chain? There is hope for you. Your hope is in Jesus Christ. Come to Him, for He says, “Come unto
Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” It is written, “If we confess our sins, He
is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.”
my brother, my sister, and receive instead of sin's wages, death – the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus our
Lord. Give Him your heart today – do it now.