Seeley D. Kinne
shall the Master say, “Sleep on now! The all important opportunity is passed!” (Mark 14:41).
"Wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give thee light. See
then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye
not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:14-17.
we absorbed and swallowed up with the importance of this hour and battle? Do we know this is a most momentous hour in history?
Do we realize what God is doing and about to do, or are we swamped by lesser things, by trivial things, by things earthly,
by things of time and sense?
the call of God ever come to you? Did you ever heed it? Are you utterly absorbed and swallowed up with the import of that
call? Shall we, men upon whom is the call of God, fail Him in this last crucial hour? Must the Lord close this age, the while
deprived of the fellowship and use of the ministry of the men He has chosen to assist in that momentous affair? And we miss
the God-given opportunity and privilege of being instruments in His hands, to accomplish His great Divine purpose? The reason
being, He could not awaken us; He could not get our blindness healed; we could not be made to realize the greatness, the tremendousness
of what was going on! As Jesus said: “Are ye also without understanding?” “How is it that ye do not understand?”
“Then opened He their understanding.” Is it possible for God to get at you and open up to you His great plans
and purposes for this hour, (Amos 3:7) so that you can see and understand, in order that He can successfully engage for you
to fulfill your part of what He is doing by His ministries?
very important, and far reaching influences, currents, conflicts, and movements of earth and among men, are originating from
Satan or else from God; conflicts for control and supremacy. There has risen up a group of nations whose aim is the domination
and enslavement of the whole race. Their aims are wholly selfish and diabolical. They deny and defy Almighty God – defy
His laws and His worship. They have no regard for personal rights... Psalm 79:1 has been repeatedly brought to me: “O
God, the heathen are come into Thine inheritance.”
of Satanic origin, psychical cults and familiar spirits are gathering millions into groups, bound and ready fro last day worship
of the beast.
deadening sleeping power seems administered everywhere. Warning voices find it exceedingly difficult to awaken people to the
terrific danger at hand. All hands are asleep!
is also launching wide reaching currents of His power, last day power, for the purpose of the closing the Gentile age; also
to perfect overcomers, bring in the millennium, cast down Satan, rid out the tares, and for the saints to possess the kingdom.
assist in the accomplishing of these revolutionary changes, God is looking for men whom He can use. But so far the Lord has
found it exceedingly difficult to bring these men to be understandingly awake to His present new and powerful last day movements.
They are so busy! Not a minute to lose! Like the man who was so busy he had no time to attend to his own personal business!
They are so busy for the Lord, they have no time to be with the Lord. They cannot take time to be still and hear the Lord,
and know what He wishes to bring them into.
full awaken and enlighten men to present hour movings of the mighty LORD, to qualify for a position in God's ranks is no slight
task. It requires an awakening, an alertness, a keenness of vision, insight and perception, attainable only by direct and
constant contact with the Holy Spirit. It is required also that the Holy Spirit become our Teacher. Are you awake? Are you
really awake to the issue of the hour? Blow a bugle blast! Sound an alarm in Zion! God is calling! Who will hear? (Joel 2:1).