Dearly Beloved in Christ:
Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus, our Lord:
there have been brought to my attention numerous shocking reports of the “goings-on,” in various so-called “Pentecostal/Full
Gospel” churches. I have been greatly concerned regarding this matter for a number of years, and have at times
addressed this matter while ministering in various places; also I have written concerning this problem! It has come
to the point that all men and women of God in Leadership positions, who truly seek holiness and righteousness, must
draw some lines of demarcation, and set some standards! If we do not, we will be held accountable by our Lord
Jesus, for allowing this generation to be deceived, and led by the Enemy and his evil spirits, down a horrible path of confusion
and darkness, to ultimate destruction!
There are many in the Land who are calling out for the “Old Paths;” not only
amongst the older Believers, but also, there are surprising numbers of young-folk, who are having their eyes opened to the
counterfeit charades of Satan, which have been foisted upon the Church! We in leadership are thusly called, to stand
ON! “Now the just shall
live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back
unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:38-39).
is a message from my heart, unto the Body of Christ at large, and unto Christian Leaders in every nation of the world.
I feel pressed by the Holy Spirit, to send forth this admonition, which I sincerely trust shall encourage the many, who yet
long for the truth and reality of true worship and praise, as expressed by the divinely ordained medium of expression
found in both music and song.
make no apology for the fact that we are holding-fast to the more traditional and classical expressions of music and worship;
in line with the Scriptural pattern, as set forth by the Apostle Paul (in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16); of an engagement
in Psalms = Scripture songs, Hymns = the classic hymns of the Church Age (especially the hymns dating from the
time of the Reformation, leading through the Wesleyan, Holiness, Pentecostal, and Latter Rain periods, as well as through
the earlier Charismatic period), and Spiritual Songs = the choruses dealing with particular subjects of truth pertaining
to both doctrine and the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our relationship with Him. (With these “choruses,”
care must be taken to not become overly repetitive: the Bible warns us against “vain repetitions” – Matthew
the blessed old hymns are sung, there comes a deep dealing of the Holy Spirit within the hearts of those gathered. The
atmosphere becomes sacred and cleansed, during which many are broken in His presence, with weeping and a deep sense of worship
and devotion! At times like these, many find it very natural to surrender more, and more, of their hearts, lives, and
wills, unto the calling and purposes of the Lord Jesus! Especially is this true during “altar services,”
and during observance of the Eucharist.
word is derived from the Greek: “eucharisteo,” as used in: Mark 14:23, John 6:11, 1 Corinthians 11:24. The KJV
mistranslates this word as “a giving of thanks.” While it can have such a connotation, the actual word is a compound
Greek word, the root of which is “charis,” having a prefix of “eu.” The most basic and true translation
of which is: “The highest and the greatest gift.” Jesus was not just “saying a blessing” over
the bread and wine; He was in fact giving unto the Church, in that moment, the highest and greatest gift: Being the sacrament
of the Lord's supper, which was in the natural sense, a type and foreshadowing of that which would take place only hours later,
when our Lord Himself would be given as God's greatest gift! On Golgotha's Hill, He would be given as the supreme sin offering:
The Bread of Life whose cup would pour out His very life-blood for the sins of the whole world. Truly, this was a fulfillment
of Joel's prophecy concerning the meal offering and drink offering being restored unto the House of the Lord! Indeed, this
was God's greatest gift to the world, and in the natural sense, as the sacramental observance and memorial to
His death, it was given by our Lord Jesus Christ, as His greatest gift unto His Church, with the mandate that it be
observed as a perpetual memorial unto His death, until His parousia and return to Earth as King of Kings and Lord of
the past fifty years, I have been involved (along with being a minister) in Church Music, both as a musician and conductor
(worship leader). This is not something I read in someone’s book! I have lived this! It is my firsthand
experience! I am a material witness to these facts!
are “times and seasons” in God! There is a time for deep reflective worship; a time for powerful, majestic
praise; and a time for songs of testimony and rejoicing! A Pentecostal/Full Gospel/Charismatic meeting may indeed at
times (by the leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit) bear an expression of joy and liveliness, but it should NEVER take-on
the feeling, sound, or spirit of a “Rock-Concert.” Neither should there be wild antics going on, which resemble
a “Rave” or a “Mosh-Pit.”
my experience of more than half a century in the Pentecostal movement, I recall the ministries of many great men and women
of God. Until fairly recent times, no truly sincere man or woman of God would permit such blatant worldliness
in their meetings! In those days, and even more recently, when this type music and expression began to encroach upon
the churches, those serious and stalwart Pastors and leaders cried out against it, as a shocking intrusion from hell!
there are many churches which have fallen into this error, and have perhaps unwittingly welcomed this carnally inspired
music of the World, into their churches; to be given a position of recognition and welcome, right upon their very platforms,
which were at one time dedicated unto the preaching of the Gospel, and were considered to be sacred ground,
where the truly anointed servants of God would not “entertain,” but rather MINISTER; firstly, unto
the Lord God Almighty, and secondly unto the needs of the people!
has been at times necessary for me to minister in places which seemed more like a “Woodstock” event, than a church
service; but by our Lord’s grace, I have done my best to minister unto the “hungry-ones” who were present,
in spite of the nerve-jarring racket, and all the cavorting-antics going on! While I personally have no resonance, nor
tolerance, for so-called “Contemporary-Worship,” I feel yet a responsibility to minister wherever our Lord opens
a door, simply because souls are there, who need to come to Christ; and Christians are there, who need to be comforted, encouraged,
and edified in their experience with Him! When in such places, I trust the Lord to help me effectively minister unto
those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, who are seeking after the Lord; but I do not permit such so-called “music
and worship” in services, where I have oversight and authority!
stand for “decency and order” (1 Corinthians 14:40), and for music and worship which is majestic and beautiful;
empowering and uplifting: Music truly fitting to present to our KING OF ALL KINGS! Anything truly ordered
by God, will indeed be decent and acceptable unto Him! This is the kind of music, praise and worship which shall
edify, uplift, and strengthen the Saints, and which shall draw, convict, and break-down the resistance of Sinners!
I am hesitant to relate the following, because some of our more conservative readers may find it very shocking,
but perhaps it is in order to share this account, so that folk may better understand what is happening in certain quarters,
and why so many of us are very concerned! Sometime ago, I was invited to a church meeting, during which time there was
a great mixture (to speak kindly) in the “praise and worship.” To me, it seemed an “uncertain
sound;” something foreign and strange! (Certainly not the type music, praise and worship, with which I have been
acquainted for fifty-eight years.) At one juncture, a woman “turned-loose” and bolted from her seat, wildly
cavorting and twisting in the aisle, whilst squealing and “working her body,” in a way most unbecoming for a Christian
lady. She was “poured-into” revealing slacks, and wearing a clinging top. Her antics were wild and
uncontrolled as she flaunted herself up and down the aisle, squealing, writhing, and kicking her legs, in a display that was
at once shocking and disgusting to behold! (Mind you! This was not some recent convert, straight out of the world,
but one who had been in the Church for quite some time; and was considered by that congregation, to be a “very deep
and spiritual person!”) She lunged, twisted, and screamed up and down that aisle, until she was drenched with
perspiration, disheveled, and reeking of body odor! You may ask: “How could such a thing be permitted?”
The answer is plain: There was no “Divine-Government” present, to set her in order! (I was only a
visitor to that church, and as such, I had no authority to correct or set in order, the “children of someone else’s
house!” - - Indeed, only one standing in the office of an “Apostle” would be able to exercise such authority.)
is becoming more and more recognized by serious minded leaders, that such wild, rebellious behavior in services (which
is blatantly foisted as a “movement of the Holy Spirit, or a spiritual manifestation,” etc.), is a reproach and
disgrace, before the Lord Jesus Christ! Also, it is a hindrance and distraction from the true move of the Holy Spirit!
Such displays are a work of the flesh, and in many cases they can indeed be demonic manifestations!
“Enemy” delights in using such debacles to derail meetings, and to take the focus off of the Lord Jesus, and place
it upon such disorderly persons, and upon their antics! This alone is a clear indication that such behavior is not a
true expression of praise and worship! In this same meeting, another woman was supposedly “worshiping the Lord,”
but her actions were lurid and overtly sensual, as she stood in the center aisle near the front of the church, writhing and
swaying in a slinky manner, for at least fifteen minutes. (It seemed quite apparent that she had deliberately positioned
herself there in order to be seen.) Beloved in Christ, it does not require much discernment to understand that such
actions are not born of the Holy Spirit, who is the very essence of God, and as such, the apex and paragon of purity and holiness!
painted and jeweled vixens, parading themselves half-nakedly in "Full Gospel churches," causing married men (and males
of all ages) to be distracted and enticed, are not a true representation of the working and moving of the blessed Holy Spirit,
who does nothing in an unseemly manner! I suppose many such persons have either not read, or have ripped out
the page of their Bible upon which is written, Paul’s admonition to women in the church: “In like manner
also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or
pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn
in silence with all subjection” (1 Timothy 2:9-11).
Pentecostal church, is not the place for “burlesque queens,” “belly-dancers,” nor “exhibitionists”
of any kind! Neither is it the place for a Pastor to stand behind the sacred desk, wearing knee-shorts, and a shirt
opened nearly to his navel; sporting an array of costly gold necklaces. (It may surprise you to learn that I was very
distressed to recently observe the above in a large Pentecostal church to which I had been invited!) Enough said
! ! !
I truly believe in, and stand for the true move of God, including those genuine expressions and manifestations
of the Holy Spirit, in, upon, and through His people; but even in meetings where folk are free to move in the Spirit, and
to rejoice, shout, and dance (as an act of worship, energized by the Holy Spirit; decently and in order), etc., there
still must be Holy Spirit guidance and control, bringing Divine order and government!
The earlier genre of Pentecostal/Full Gospel leaders were very skilled on these lines! Of course,
there were always some, who deliberately “quenched the Spirit,” but by and large, they mostly loved and embraced
the visitation of the Holy Spirit, and encouraged real freedom in the Lord! Notwithstanding, they would not allow nonsense,
nor “fleshly antics,” to ruin their meetings, nor to detract the focus from Jesus Christ! (There was a well-known
cliché in those days: “I don’t care how high you jump, just make sure you ‘walk-straight’ when your
feet hit the floor.”)
Once “flesh” is allowed to infiltrate, exhibit itself, and “take-over” meetings,
it will not be long until it succeeds in “taking-over” an entire church! At that point, it becomes “RULE
BY THE PEOPLE!” When this transpires, the Pastor loses his “God-Ordained” ability to lead and
govern the church!
is today a horrifying degree of rebellion amongst the people! This spirit has also come over into the churches: Indeed,
many of the people wish to usurp and to rule! Apparently they have never read much of the Bible, especially: “Obey
them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that
they may do it with joy, and not with grief . . .” (Hebrews 13:17). Folk may rebel against God’s Word
all they choose, but that will never change what God has said, nor what God has ordered! In His omniscience, He has
created, designed, and set order to all things! When that order is rebelled against, and violated,
there will result the most disastrous consequences!
entire treatise could be written on this subject alone, but as time herein will not afford, let us give but a few illustrations:
1. Can one imagine a flock of sheep “taking-over” the authority of the Shepherd, in order to lead themselves?
(Yet, in the spiritual sense, many in the Church-World, today, are trying to do precisely that). 2. What would be the
result of small children deciding to “take-over” the authority of their parents, thusly to run the home, finances,
and all responsibilities, upon their own? 3. Can we even imagine the chaos which would ensue, as the product of a decision
by a division of soldiers to “take-over” the authority of their General, right at the peak of a decisive battle?
4. This last illustration will need no question; only a statement: The vast majority of adults in the Western World are all
too familiar with the consequences of the woman “taking-over” the role of the man upon all fronts!
(Especially is this true in the Home!)
hear, again and again, the ridiculous excuse by those bent upon “taking-over” . . . “Oh, but you don’t
understand; God told me to do this; God led me to take over; I don’t need a Pastor; I don’t need authority over
me; I don’t need the local church; all I need is God; I only need to listen to God; I only do what God tells me to do,
and nobody else; I don’t listen to man; I am not under anybody’s control, etc., etc.”
do not believe any Pastor or leader worth his salt, would be unable to see that the above attitude is purely from the dark
side; energized and influenced by Satan himself, who has ever rebelled against God’s order, and God’s set
parameters; seeking to assert himself and to establish his own order, superseding that of God Almighty! Persons with
the attitude expressed above are skilled at one thing especially: precisely, the breaking-up, and tearing-down of churches,
Pastors, and all things holy! The above serves to throw abundant light upon the aspects and attributes of the Kingdom
of Darkness, as opposed to the Kingdom of Light! Every Pastor could most likely tell us horribly sad stories and experiences
encountered as a result of such persons entering their congregations, or working “from the outside,” in an attempt
to destroy! (Such “destroyers” do the works of their father, the devil, who is from the beginning; a
murderer, liar, thief, and destroyer!
the years, I’ve seen it; again, and again! Oh, my heart is so heavy! Beloved, I am under a great weight
of concern for the churches! It is very tragic to observe that a “spirit of insanity,” and uncontrollable
wildness, has now swept-in upon many churches, bringing with it the worst degree of rampant lust, sin, divorce, unholy dress,
worldliness, and ungodliness, which the Church-World, has ever known (perhaps far worse than that of the “Corinthian
so-called “ministers of the Gospel” within the Charismatic ranks, have gone so far from the true path, that they
now have as the main focus of their “ministry” the throwing or pouring of water upon the people; sometimes with
large containers, until at times, individuals become drenched! All of this is done in the most “hilarious”
fashion bordering on absolute hysteria; as they convince the people that they are completely intoxicated and “drunk”
on the Holy Spirit!?! Such a statement strikes fear in my heart, as it is very close to the edge of being found guilty
of blaspheming the Holy Spirit! It is true that on the Day of Pentecost, those in the Upper Room were accused of being
drunk on new wine, but these accusations were made by the unbelievers, because they heard them all speaking with various languages
and glorifying God; not because they were acting in a wild, insane manner; as is so often today, both encouraged and endorsed!
Many such occasions smack of sensationalism, mass psychology, mass hysteria, and in short, a carnival “Side-Show.”
Oh! May our dear Lord Jesus deliver and preserve us from all such cheap imitations and lying wonders! May He
ever lead us in the Paths of Righteousness for His name’s sake! Hallelujah! “I know whom I have
believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day!” (2 Timothy
judgment is standing at the very door, in this hour! Yet, a lukewarm Laodicean church, sleeps on, and on, and on!
People are in such rebellion that they deliberately stop-up their ears, and refuse to hear the call of the Holy Spirit:
- Jeremiah 6:16.
May our precious Lord Jesus have mercy upon His backslidden Church, in this hour! May He draw and woo her back to the
truth of His Everlasting Gospel; back unto HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS! We are commanded to: “FOLLOW
was told by a dear aged missionary some years ago that the persecuted churches in China, Russia, and other places, are praying
(at times with fasting) in the most earnest and desperate manner for the redemption of the backslidden American Church!
Many of those dear leaders (some who have been brutally tortured and maimed for their Christian testimony) are horrified at
the negative influence the American Church is having upon their people!
the period of Glasnost and Perestroika, one aged Bishop in Russia, was asked to speak at a large gathering, hosted by a group
of wealthy American religious leaders. Having been numerous times severely beaten as punishment for his refusal to cease
from preaching the Gospel, he hobbled slowly to the pulpit, as a divine hush settled over the vast audience. At once
he began to weep uncontrollably, and to sob as though his heart were breaking. Some believed this to be an expression
of thanksgiving for the new found freedom of worship and for such large international Christian gatherings to now be possible
(such was hardly the case).
he regained his composure, he began to speak in broken, sobbing tones, which rolled-out like a mighty tide of intercession
upon the people. There, in the midst of what was touted as a great and historic event, with thousands in attendance;
complete with an array of American Christian Rock bands, flaunting their usual assortment of scantily clad women, bare-chested
young males, multi-colored hair; piercings and tattoos galore, etc: This dear and venerable Bishop, a true Saint of God,
who had been beaten and tortured numerous times for the sake of the Gospel, stood weeping and sorrowful!
spoke through an interpreter: “My dear beloved brethren in Christ, from America; I dearly love you all so very much!
We have been praying for you and the American Church for many years. We are so thankful to be at last able to meet you
and see you face to face! Yes, we are thankful beyond anything you could imagine, for the Bibles you have sent us, and
for the equipment and finances, which it is now possible for us to receive! We thank you with a depth of gratitude beyond
expression! (He then began to weep again, as he continued.)
Oh, my dear brethren, I beg you from the bottom of my heart; I plead with you as sincerely as I possibly know how (strong
sobbing and crying); I plead with you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you do not bring your half-naked women here,
with all the paint and jewels, and your young men, with open shirts and skin-tight pants; some of whom have been drinking
and smoking! PLEASE, I BEG YOU, do not bring your evil music here, which we believe to be the music of Hell!
PLEASE! PLEASE! Do not come here with the Worldly Spirit! You are destroying our young people,
by sending your music bands here, which you call “Christian.”
young people have been raised in the Holiness and strictness of the Christian Faith! They love the Lord Jesus and many
have, along with their families, suffered great persecution for their Faith and testimony! Some have been beaten, some
have been imprisoned, and yes, some have been put to death!
come here and bring with you the ways of the world, and the evil music which ensnares and captivates the minds and hearts
of our precious young people! Now they have become rebellious and disobedient to parents, and many have left
the fellowships, because they want to adorn themselves, and go about in a disgraceful, half-clothed fashion. Many have
been destroyed by this evil music, and are now addicted to drugs and alcohol! Many are living in very sinful and unclean
lifestyles! Many have come down with terrible diseases from this lifestyle! (Again, great weeping, and now it
began to move upon the vast congregation.)
dear brothers and sisters from America, if you truly love us, and truly want to help us; do not bring this worldly spirit
to our young people! When you leave, that worldly spirit seems to have control of them, and they want to go to Rock
concerts! They don’t seem to understand the difference. They say: ‘The Americans brought us this kind
of music. They are Christians, and they do this; why can’t we?’ So they go, more and more, now, to
these evil places to hear this devilish music; and they are innocent, and unwise in the ways of the world; so people come
up to them and act as friends, giving them drugs and alcohol, and inviting them to their places to engage in sinful acts.
believe the “iron curtain” will drop again, before long! Things will not remain open as they are now, and
we will again need to go underground. Please bear this in mind and understand that we love you very dearly, but we cannot
stand by, and see what is happening to our precious young people! When the “curtain” again falls, which
it will, you will be gone, and we will be left with thousands of precious young people that have been led astray and influenced
by the worldly spirit and the evil music which you have brought. This is all I can say! My heart is breaking!
Please, pay heed to my words!”
this juncture, there was a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and deep intercession mingled upon that great audience.
This dear Bishop fell into the disfavor of most of the American leaders, and was shunned, as some sort of “Holiness
fanatic.” Yet, it was he who spoke the truth! It was he who had the true heart of God concerning the
matter at issue!
in the churches of America and the Western World especially, “many are at ease in Zion!” Many are following
the Lord, “afar off,” as did Peter! (The next step was, he was found warming himself by the “Enemy’s
fire.”) Many are selling-out their former convictions “for the dollar!” Many are compromising
the “Faith once delivered unto the saints . . .” in order to gain acceptance and popularity! Many
have become ashamed of “Bible-Holiness,” and of “Old-Time Pentecost!” Many have
become ashamed of “Old-Time Intercession and Travailing Prayer!” Many have ripped-out the “Altars
of Prayer,” and replaced them with high, theatrical-type stages, from which to faun and preen as actors and actresses,
in their “performances,” designed to “entertain” the people! Huge churches with vast wealth
are springing up across the land, but they will never stand the test of time, for their foundations are built upon compromise,
treachery, and unholy alliances with the World. Such churches, with their leaders and people, have become
ashamed of the genuine Move of God, and of its true manifestations; yet they welcome with open arms, the “Counterfeit
Move,” with its false and spurious manifestations!
there shall be, like people, like priest: And I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings”
(Hosea 4:9).
Such folk turn their “churches” into “entertainment centers,” “coffee/donut
bars,” and “social clubs,” complete with “Rock Concerts” and “Mosh Pits.” I am confident
that there are many truly sincere Pastors of such churches, who feel they are reaching the youth on “their own level.”
This of course is a sad and unfortunate concept with dangerous ramifications: All one need do is make an unbiased and unvarnished
observation of the facts, in order to reach a reasonable conclusion of those ramifications!
Likewise, it is a given that there are many very sincere, clean-living young folk who are honestly trying
to serve the Lord with their giftings and musical/vocal abilities; but tragically in all too many cases, one may find a disproportionate
number of uncommitted, undedicated (and often unsaved), musicians and singers involved in contemporary-style “church
music/worship,” who are still involved in lifestyles very far out of sync with the Christian standard! In many
such gatherings, one may feel very much as if present at some worldly venue, were it not for an occasional mention of “God”
or “Jesus,” in the nearly incoherent lyrics. It is pitifully sad to see precious young folk, who have been
so led astray:
Young men and women, many who truly love the Lord, have fallen to this counterfeit worldly syndrome, acting
and appearing very much like the “World;” which they so strive to emulate! They may be seen poised on “center-stage,”
beating and crashing on drums; screaming and wailing unintelligibly over high-decibel P. A. systems; gyrating and shaking
their scantily draped bodies, whilst writhing and bucking over guitars, Jazz organs, and other “instruments of
music!” All this “dance-club/rock-concert” style activity, serves to produce a horrific racket, and
a din of such volume, that it causes folk to suffer headaches and hearing loss, not to mention the toll it takes upon their
nerves, and especially the damage done to their souls and spirits!
Speaking of “drums,” I feel to make a few remarks: The subject is far too vast to deal with
at this time, but it is a fact that drums, as we know them today, were not employed in the worship of the Lord God of Israel,
nor were they used in the Early Church! Drums have ever been a symbol of war! There is something in a war-drum
that causes people to become murderous, and wish to hurt, maim, and kill! Drums are also known to stir up the base
affections, especially by what is known as the “stopped-anapestic beat,” which is so prevalent in Rock-music,
as well as in “techno,” “jazz,” “rap,” and etc. These rhythms and cadences stir
lust and violence within the hearts of the hearers!
One only need do a bit of research, to be informed of the numerous occasions (since the advent, in the
mid-1950’s, of what is commonly knows as “Rock-n-Roll”), where the driving drum beats and Satanic influence
upon the music, caused entire audiences to go insane, and in several renowned cases, to begin beating and attacking each other,
and wildly ripping the seats from the floors of the Auditoriums. This is recorded history, friends! I well remember
reading the actual journalistic accounts of such. (Some occurred in America and some in Europe.)
Many years ago, there was a particular “Bible School” (which then held at least some standard
of holiness), where its President understood the danger of Rock-music in the Church! For this reason, he would not permit
drums to be used! During a summer vacation, some of the students sneaked some drums into the chapel, and began to have
what could be referred to as a “Rock-session.” Living in one of the apartments was a very godly woman, who
had been raised on the Mission-Field. Through her open windows, she heard this constant driving beat, and recognized
it immediately as the same beat she heard as a child on the “Foreign-Fields,” when the witch-doctors were drumming
to summon up the evil spirits! She ran immediately to where they were drumming, and pleaded with them to stop; tearfully
explaining the seriousness of what they were doing! Sadly, she was mocked and ignored! To the President’s
credit, when he returned and learned of the situation, he addressed it publicly, and continued the ban of drums! This
he did throughout the years of his Presidency!
Another occasion which comes to mind is that which took place in a particular “Worship-Center,”
which employs a full set of drums, as well as two huge “hand-beaten drums.” I personally have been a guest
in that place, and have found it almost deafening to sit through one of their “worship services.”
(Those who are trained in the higher ways of worship and holiness, cringe and suffer under such a scenario; but for
those who are one with that spirit, they love it and thrive upon it.) In a particular meeting, this “drumming
spirit” took over, and the drummers came under the control of whatever spirit that was, with such vehemence and ardor,
that after awhile, the same spirit fell upon the congregation! After many of them went into what appeared to be some
sort of “war dance,” they migrated to where the larger drums were being beaten, and en masse, began to bow up
and down before the drums, and seemingly unto the drummers! It must not be left unmentioned that for approximately one
year preceding, and for some time thereafter, there stood upon a shelf, just behind those two huge drums, a small carved image,
or “idol,” such as is often used in Voodoo or Juju rituals. At some later juncture, this idol mysteriously
disappeared. Blessings upon the one who removed it!
The tragedy of this scenario is that not very many years in the past, that particular place was known for
its very high and holy atmosphere of worship and praise, in a true and Biblical sense! People came from great distances in
order to share in the rich manifest presence of our Lord, which in those days, rested upon said place. Today, hardly any of
those blessed souls will even step foot upon the grounds, as their spirits are tuned to a higher and holier dimension. They
could not endure even a single meeting there. Oh yes, they of that place have a certain “following,” but what
once was, is now forever lost to them! This is tragic beyond words; but the scenario is being played out; again and
again, in place after place, all over America!
In so many places today, referred to as “churches” or “worship-centers,” one sits
passively while the “worship team,” “band,” (and becoming increasingly popular) the “choreographers,”
put on their “production” of entertainment, beneath all the accoutrements of a theatrical stage-set, including
smoke machines, scenery-drops, and Kliegel lights! If this were not enough, one has to sit and endure the wild antics
of many in the congregation, along with shrill shrieking and screaming, mingled with “sports-whistles,” “hooting,”
“yelling,” and other random incidents of insanity.
LORD ? ? ?
Sorry ! ! ! Not for me ! ! !
Some call me: “Old-Fashioned.” I take this
as a high compliment! By His grace, after all these years, I am still walking in the “Old Paths!”
I can take no credit for this: It is only by His
mercy and unmerited favor! With His help
and guidance, I am still pressing onward-upward, upon “Old Highway #35” (which is the Highway of Holiness, spoken
of in Isaiah 35).
Whilst all of the above is true, and certainly expresses the disfavor of my heart regarding such,
an addendum must be made in order to maintain a proper balance.
I do not wish to assert that there is absolutely no place for percussion instruments in Christian
worship. One need only consider the world's finest symphony orchestras, and choral groups, which so ably render musical
compositions, much of which, especially in times past, has been of the highest order upon this Earth-plane, and some
of which may be said to even converge upon the music of the Heavenlies (indeed much of which was written under Divine inspiration
to the glory of God, expressing particular themes of Biblical truth.)
Certainly this would be true of Handel's Oratorios, including the Messiah, as well as Church music
by Johann Sabastian Bach (at the end of each compostion, Bach inscribed: "To the glory of God"). Also, the Requiems
by various composers, amongst which are the outstanding compositions by Hector Berlioz: his "Requiem," and “L'enfance
du Christ.”
Such lofty and noble compositions often employ a full retinue of percussion instruments, including
bass drums, tympani, etc., as well as assorted cymbals and gongs. Perhaps an important key is that all of these instruments
of percussion employed in higher musical literature are used for the purpose of enhancing and adding color unto the
score. There is never found in such literature an occasion such as is found in "Rock-Music," of a dominantly driving
beat, which overpowers all else!
The situation which becomes absolutely intolerable to those of us who understand higher music and have
a heart for all musical forms which truly glorify our Lord, is that the drums and percussion sections in so much “contemporary
Christian music,” have come straight out of the "Rock-and-Roll” world, into the Church! Those percussionists
set the pace, and most often hold center-stage, and to such musical forms, become the catalysts and the glue to hold it all
We all should realize that in Christian music, and especially worship music, it is vitally essential that
all musicians and singers are walking closely with the Lord Jesus Christ, and are anointed by the Holy Spirit in their musical
talents and gifts. It is a given that they must also be called and chosen of God for such a position. Now, especially
among percussionists (who hold such a high profile position); what if their lives are not in line with the Scriptures, or
if perhaps they are dabbling to a lesser or greater degree in alcohol, drugs, and immorality? Will not this same spirit
flow out of their human spirits and souls through the medium of their instruments, and as a pall of darkness to waft out and
settle down upon the entire congregation? This does not always manifest itself as a melancholia or lethargic heaviness;
it very often is manifested by turbo-charged abandon, high-decibal racket and wild hysteria; all being foisted as a "great
move of God/the highest form of spiritual worship."
Tragically, the young and inexperienced in Christ may be deceived by this ploy, but those more established
in the true ways of the Holy Spirit and His true movings and workings will be able to quickly identify all such counterfeits
as a “black claw from Hell,” groping into spiritual gatherings and meetings, to captivate as many hearts as possible.
Other thoughts arise concerning percussion instruments. There are an increasing number of “Deeper-Life”
churches, schools, and music ministries around the world who are now engaging “Cymbalists,” to compliment (not
to dictate, nor run rough-shod over) the praise and worship in their gatherings. This is done with various forms and
sizes of cymbals and percussion instruments, without employing the use of drums.
Over the years, I have known only a few percussionists who were able to effectively use a full compliment
of drums with a sock cymbal, ride cymbal, and large Zyldjian cymbals, during worship music. Their skill in so doing
was based on something within their hearts which wished for Jesus Christ to receive the preeminence in all things!
Without exception, these blessed minstrels were very light on the snare drum, base drum, and tom toms. They mainly carried
the rhythm on the cymbals with drum sticks and or brushes. While I do not prefer drums in services, I must admit that
in these few instances, such was accomplished effectively, decently, and in a manner glorifying unto the Lord. I will
hereby honor these persons by sincerely acknowledging and thanking them for their Christ-centered ministries. 1. Brother
Jay Pincence, of New Haven, Connecticut; now a medical professional. 2. Sister Jackie McCune Merical, of Merritt Island,
Florida, who is still actively engaged in ministry and various forms of Christian worship. 3. Brother Tommy Long, of
Mount Laurel, New Jersey, who is still faithfully serving the Lord and using his gift for God's glory.
Any use of percussion instruments, even if only that of cymbals, may effectively carry a tempo beat on
the more lively and upbeat choruses and praise songs, but when the gears shift into a worshipful mode, the beat must cease!
Then, the percussionist must know how to “shift-gears” with the Holy Spirit, and flow along with the more worshipful
expression. Again, the percussionist must never overpower nor supersede the direction of the Holy Spirit, but
rather compliment and under-gird the worship with occasional soft mallet rolls, and fluctuating brush rolls, upon especially
the larger cymbals including the large gong; which is known in the King James Version of the Old Testament as, the "high sounding
cymbal." A truly anointed and skilled Cymbalist who knows how to follow the Holy Spirit, and flow with His moving and
direction, can be a tremendous blessing and asset to any praise and worship service.
Again, we are speaking of two entirely different realms which stand in diametrical opposition, one to the
other; nor do we anticipate that those firmly committed unto contemporary Christian Rock, shall have a willing ear to hear
anything we have to say.
Thank God, though many have hardened their hearts and stopped-up their ears unto the Truth, there is a people who shall hear the joyful sound ! ! ! As has ever been true in the Sacred Record, our Lord today has a
Remnant! (A people out of a people.) “...What is the chaff to the wheat?...” Jeremiah 23:28. Yes, there is a people, who have an ear to hear, a heart to believe, and eyes to see! Unto all my beloved brothers
and sisters in Christ around the World, and especially to you precious younger ones; my sons and daughters in the Faith, I
write these words to encourage you to use your giftings and talents unto the glory of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
With a heart full of love, I humbly beg of you to yield
all and follow the Lamb wherever He
shall lead you! Please, please, live
your lives now in the light of eternity!
Live and walk so closely with our Lord Jesus, that when you stand before Him in His judgment seat, you will find no cause
for shame, nor fear His rejection. My precious little ones, never let your feet take you anywhere you may not take Jesus with
you! Never go anywhere that He is not welcome! The world is not your friend, nor are those who have chosen the way of the
world: All they will do is try to drag you back down into the cesspools of sin, shame, and iniquity! Sin is not your friend; it is a cunning destroyer! Oh, beloved ones in Christ; my dear precious children, please, I plead with you today, turn your back upon the world once and for all, and make a quality decision to walk
with Jesus Christ all the days of your life! Don't give your talents and gifts to the world! Yield them up to your Lord and
Savior, and use them and all that you have, unto His glory and honor!
You can never imagine the great burden and weight of care that I carry for the Lord's people, and especially
for you younger ones in the Faith.
Much love in Jesus, to you all! This has come to you from the heart of a “father,” who
cares very deeply for each of you, and who desires for you, only and always, our Lord’s very highest and best!
Yours in the King’s glad service,
Michael O'Connor
(Dad O’Connor)