
“And He went a little further, and fell on His face,
and prayed…” (Matthew 26:39).
"...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man [or
woman] availeth much." (James 5:14).

The names listed below
are reflective of those yet living who have at some juncture in my life, prayed and interceded in my behalf; and/or have bestowed
upon me significant acts of kindness and benevolence.

Bobbi Adkins
Merva Amell
Mr. and Mrs. Granger Angel
Natalia Avetsiuk and family
Brian Bailey and church
Donald Baily
Christa Barnes
Gary and Shannon Barnes
Reg and Lil Barnes
Eleanor Barstow
Aline Baxley
Bill and Jamie Baxley
Benedictines of Jesus Crucified
Barbara Bennett
Lucy Bianco
Nadine Britton
Philip and Ellen Britton
Katie Grey Broadway
Jon and Rachel Brown
Theodore Burch
Virginia Chance
Daniel Cherimbo and church
Helen Ciccericco
Fred and Sylvia Clark
Jeff and Nancy Clark
Edna Conner
Clementina Coray
Betty Cordell
Frank Corredera
Rose Correadoira
Edwin Corley and family
Rose Cota
Marjorie Crandall
Daniel Crandall, Esq.
Justin Crandall
The Crandall family
Christopher Croom
Josh and Joanna Cunningham
Charles and Rose Daily
Joseph Daily
Iva Daire and family
Frank Darcy
Priscilla Davis and family
Doug and Martha Dayton
Oliver and Carol Delocco
Dan and Rhoda Del-Vecchio
Jake Denny and church
Methilde Dodzweit
Victor and Joy Dodzweit
Ben and Sarah Dodzweit
Leonard and Winnie DeSipio
Tony D'Onofrio
Jake DuVall
David and Mefus Edwards
Bernard and Sharon Evans
Steve and Melina Fabian
Beverly Finch
James and Nancy Finn
Joseph Fitzpatrick
Louise Flanders and fellowship
Jay Francis
Jack and Naomi Frombach
Chip and Loriann Grinnell
Roger and Lynn Gubin
Juvelyn Gumal-in
William Haak, Jr.
Mary Jane Halcomb
Halcomb family
Kay Hall
Sister Hazel
Jay Hearn
Sam and Joyce Hill
Wayne and Margaret Holcomb
Ruth Hulshoff
Brenda Jarvis
Paul and Gloria Johannson
Stan and Betty Johnson
David Johnston
Bonnie Kamp
Valdeko Kangro
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kesler
Tim and Karen Knapp
Beatrice Lamont
Jean Lent
Perpetua Libsch
Nellie Linden
Patricia Linsey
Beverly Lint
Peter Marchese
Ann Massie
Linda Materese and family
H. T. and Margaret Maxwell
Marilyn Maxwell
Bob Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. David McLeod
Kevin and Marlene McGrath
Carole McLaughlin
Jackie Merical
Judy Meyer
Daniel Midodo and church
Steve and Dawn Milburn
David and Lorraine Minor
David Minor Jr.
Steve and Marie Minor
Tim and Barbara Minor
John and Gina Minor
James and Elvira Minor
Kathleen Minor
Paul and Susan Minor
James and Peggy Minor
Hariett Moore
Ken and Donna Morrison
Rose Nelson
Jennifer Novak
Delma Nussbaum
Philip Peavey
Pres. and Mrs. Jack Picataggi
Charles Price
Walter Pryor
Nadine Pyle and mother
Robert and Vera Pyle
Hal and Sue Porter
Mary Quimby
Dave and Mary Rader
Gary and Carol Raduns
Larry and Sharon Richter
Robert and Bianca Roach
John Robinson
Lou and Linnette Rotella
David and Dorothy Ross
Kathy Ross
Jeff Rossman
Domenica Ruffo
Anita Schmieder
Wm. and Dorothy Scott
Donald and Katya Scott
Joyce and Leah Scott
Otis and Sue Shelton
Jordanis Sidiropoulos
Chuck and Millie Smith
Jerry and Margo Smith
Leona Snowman
Mark and Judy Snowman
Mavis Southwick
Carlton and Lady Spencer
Grace Stokes
Wade and Mae Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Traecy
Larry and Sherra Turner
Thelma Tyrrell
Tom and Diantha Upham
Angelo Valentino
George and Ruth Veach
Joseph Vizzo
Vizzo family
Rebecca Britton Volz
Tim and Tara Wall
Emily Waddell
Twila Wayland
Philip Whiteside
Steve and Roberta Wilber
Bill and Mary Worth
Tom and Marsha Worth
Stef and Marlene Worthington
Wes and Tanya Worthington
Andy Worthington
Mary Jane Wright
Wright-Hann family
Jack and Rose Wronkoski
Fred and Sandra Yoder

How very thankful we are
for each of these beloved and faithful intercessors, who have expressed an intention to hold us before the Throne of Grace. Thanks be unto God for all such stalwarts, who choose to lay down their lives in praying
for others! These represent those who have, at some juncture in my life, prayed earnestly, and/or have
bestowed upon me significant acts of kindness and benevolence: Some upon one or two dratic occasions; others at specific
periods in my life (and some in the life of Brother Warren, as well); and still others for protracted periods, even from the
time of my birth. It is a privilege and high honor to be associated with such noble and exemplary brethren.
Michael O'Connor
Warren Dayton

The names listed below are reflective of those now departed, who
have at some juncture in my life, prayed and interceded in my behalf; and/or have bestowed upon myself (and in some cases
upon Brother Warren, as well), significant acts of kindness and benevolence.

Intercessors Past:
-- In memory of those whose race is run --
(Listed, as best I recall, from first meeting)
R. Eleanor Haley Connor
G. Christopher Connor, Sr.
Albert E. Haley, Sr.
Al and Millicent Haley
Gabe and Thelma Marchione
Lina Bell Connor
Bertha D. Bell
James and Louise Jones
Alston and Edith Connor
Charles and Eva Langley
Charles A. Broadway, Jr.
Laura Conner Messick
Ella Conner Fisher
Rena Conner Moore
Mary Grey Moore
Ovena Taylor
Uncle Willie Harris
Aunt Louse Harris
Cousin Carrie Hardison
Cousin Azalee Hardison
Cousin Janie Williams
Cousin Edna Hatcher Conner
Old Levi and family;-
and their daughter "Pig"
Aunt Mandie
Aunt Tildie Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Avant Long
Jim and Kathleen Gaylor
Mr. and Mrs. Price
Mae and Katherine Dooley
Lida Bloodgood
Gilbert and Sarah Carrow
Harvey O. Landis
Edith Baptiste
Grandma (Mrs. Ben) Arndt
Stewart Brush
Mrs. Brewer
George Brewer
Alice Painter
Ida Radcliffe
Jack and Alberta Griffith
Charles and Louisa Schettler
Carrie M. Arndt
Ella Hoffman Arndt
Mae Schmierer Harvey
Aunt Lizzie Arndt
Edna Maris
Adolph and Edith Preihs
Maude Sipple Zoll
Minnie Slater
Marty and Dean De Marcello
Mrs. Manz
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones Sr.
Bill and Viola Zoll
Mimi McKee
Eleanor Flynn
Bruce Flynn
Aunt Margaret Arndt
Russell Arndt
Mildred Arndt
Clifford Arndt
Dr. Muriel Ramsey
Vernum Braddock
Verdie Braddock
Pastor and Mrs. Frank A. Rue
Peter Caplac
Mildred Caplac
George Shearer
Mrs. Fox
Mrs. Giovannetti
Mrs. Austin
Mr. McHenry
Lillian Siegrist, and her mother,-
Mrs. Butler
Francis Kirk Cross
Khristal Rostek
Mr. and Mrs. James Bruckart
Mildred Rossi
Milton Richey
Kathryn Sexton
Joseph France
Hugh Graham
Arthur Patterson
Russel Paul
Katherine Kozempel
Ethel Williams
William Welles
Ellen Martin
Gertrude Kimble
James and Mary Del-Vecchio
Donato and Anna Del-Vecchio
Evangeline Cataldo
Mary G. Hoffmann
Margaret Petralia
Mother Sutera
Alice C. Davenport
Sadie Harding
George and Fanny Gifford
Lew and Georgianna Sanderlin
Bill and Anna Estelow
Lilly Mines
A. A. Allen
Pastor Harry Benner
A. B. and Annabell Hickerson
Rena Hersey
Janie Pryor
Amanda Braswell
Mabel Cryer
Angie Salicondro
Melvin Hooper
Polly Hooper
Henry Wertz
Viola Wertz
Elsie Whitfield
Frank and Alberta Beck
Pastor Luther Knauss
Pastor Grover Smith
Ala B. Hayes
Mildred Nagele
Marie Nerz
Elsie Hones
Charlotte Winterbaum
Joe Stanley
Dorothry Hall and Maid
Leonard Eyster
Agnes Loeb
Leonard and Hazel Johnson
George and Anne Shaw
Carl and Liz Di Cio Cio
Dad and Mom Di Cio Cio
Mother Lavender
Bill Smithson
Pastor Anne Heileg
Pastor J. E. Jeter
Cecil and Sophia Minor
Pastor Fred Poole
Morris and Mary Bates
Joseph C. Crandall
Grandma Boyd
Robert Bundy
Bessie Postelwaite
Mylo and Retha Hallock
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gleason
Minnie Ransome
Jewel Courtney
Frank A. Daire, Jr.
Clay and Ernestine Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Renhard Sand
Grace Roberts
Sarah Barber
Pastor Benjamin Smith
Dorothea Streeter
Clarence and Vivian Jackson
Mae Murray
John Gimenez
Ellen Gamble
Ivan Q. and Minnie Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer
Bro. and Sis. Melvin Cooley
Audrey Bailey
Clara Reines
Helen Craven
Laura Davenport
Eleanor McKelvy
Briggs Dingman
Emma Womble
Ken Dietz
Costa Deir
Margaret (Peggy) Boyle
Alfred Hamm Jr.
Rodney Scoville
Gustav Hoyer
John and Helen Derr
Mary Duncan Crandall
Helen Iento
Gabriella Ross
Lois Halverson
Charles Stites, Sr.
Geneva Busley
Sally Moor
Clayborn Carpenter
Carl Cline
Fr. Robert Julian
Alice Hill
Sis. Hufcutt
Luke and Edna Weaver
Mercy Dawes
Arminta Fawcett
Margaret DeSipio
Norman and Rose Healey,
and Sister Francie
Minnette B. Shane
Anne Snow
Bill Britton
Fern Wilner
George Calhoun
Paul and Lura Grubb
Ward Chandler
A. D. Marney
Edwin Sexton
Daddy Westlake
Henry Doss
Mother Eula Campbell
Alice Hill
Barbara Massie
Preston Snowman
Florence Moore
Claire Hutchens
Ed Maurer, Sr.
Rudolph Sather
Bob Wright
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Echols
E. O. Allen
Helen Powers
Lettie Gordon
Grace Lindsey
Lucille Ramirez
Al and Jean Snowman
Gerald and Irma Rossell
Ethel Davis
Bob and Woody Johnson
Poppy and Mommy Snoderly
Mitch Settle
Mr. Gilmore
Pastor Frank Crawford
Julia Lake Kellersburger
Poppy and Mommy Snoderly
Vanita Mack
Bessie Potter
Grandma Jennings
Bill and Elizabeth Haak
Siegfried E. Dodzweit
Gramma Dodzweit
Sis. C. O. Dickenson
William Massie
Bro. and Sis. Hampshire
Jacob James
Edith E. Rush and Maid
James Dallas
Sister Reeve
Sister Fisher
Sid and Millie Perse
Elsie Yoder
Ron McCune, Sr.
Ron McCune, Jr.
Joe and Verna Troyer
Lloyd and Pattie Troyer
Jake and Sara Wengard
Ada Mae Stoltzfus
Irish Granny in Sarasota
Minnie Kemery
Amanda Braswell
Burvin Hardy
Queen Esther Hellen
Lorna Carson
Glenda Corley
Charles and Cassie Krul
Mary and Jessie Shedrick
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moore
Chuck and Millie Smith
Harry and Estelle Finn
Ben and Millie Bertel
Warren Southwick
Helen Malanga
Ella Fraser
Eva Steere
Willard Beasley
Joy H. Thomson
Douglas Thomson
Yvonne Thomson
Beverly Angel Robinson
Lewis J. Halcomb
Eunice Ramsey
Edgar Parkyns
Annette Marsnik
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacobson
Bernice Cunningham
M. T. and Jane Maxwell
Walter and Evelyn Oberly
Leonard Ravenhill
Luceretia Pfluger
A. Warren Dayton
Flora Dayton
Phyllis Adrean
Leland and Margaret Hall
Bernard and Iris Black
Eldon Sherman
Ed Perkins
James Lazroe
Jane Miller
Larry Esposito
Josephine DeRenzo
Frank Gambardella
Andy Bowen
Minos Yordanidis
Mother Vada Baxley
Dad and Mom Evans
Chester Gretz
Nihil Fitzpatrick

It is my belief that the prayers and intercessions
of those who have "crossed over" do not cease at the grave. What a blessed comfort this is. The names above, following
the heading: "Intercessors Past," represent those who have, at some juncture in my life, prayed earnestly, and/or have
bestowed upon me significant acts of kindness and benevolence: Some upon one or two dramatic occasions; others at specific
periods in my life; and still others for protracted periods (some even from the time of my birth until their home-going).
Indeed some were holding on, in prayer with us for the birthing of this school, right up until the time of their departure
from this life. By our Lord's grace and mercy, we shall meet them all again, some day, "up yonder." Amen.
Michael O’Connor
