Exodus From Babylon,
Unto The New Jerusalem
Michael O'Connor
An-Other “Gospel:”
readers, I am impressed to at this time share some thoughts concerning the alarming degree with which the quasi - “New
Age,” contemporary church movement is encroaching upon Charismatic, and Pentecostal groups! Volumes could be written
on the subject, but for this time I will exercise brevity; sharing only those things which I believe to have been inspired
in recent days, by the Holy Spirit.
often we hear folk presenting the most unscriptural and pitifully unfounded excuses in an attempt to justify the above: “Oh,
there is really a lot of good in it; it's not all bad; you just have to look beyond the things you don't care for, and try
to see God in it; God is working in and through it, you know, and great numbers of His people (sincere people) are involved
in this 'new wave' . . . , etc., etc.”
De Ja Vu:
goes without saying that I am not impressed by such rhetoric! One could say the same of
the prevailing conditions during the Babylonian Captivity in the Sixth Century B.C. Then (as now in a spiritual sense), God's
people were there in large numbers. In those times, His people sought to maintain and preserve a measure of their history,
religion, culture, and tradition! There was much “religious activity” amongst His people in Babylon! Even some
of the prophets were there, present! Yet, the sad fact is, that most of God's people in that captivity, very quickly
foresook and forgot the God of their Fathers!
the main motivation involved in this departure, was a fascination and unholy curiosity into the religions found there,
along with their deities, practices; and not to be left unmentioned, the beautiful women who embraced the same! What a tragic
picture, as we learn from history that the Lord's people went “whoring” after strange gods; anxious and “chomping
at the bit” to leave and forsake the “Old Paths,” in favor of something “new, exciting, and different”
(namely: The gods, religions, and practices of the Babylonians)! They willingly departed
from the true and living God, to learn the “ways of the heathen!” Amidst all the titillating euphoria,
and their propensity to abandon their ancient Faith, it became quite easy for them to overlook the grim reality that they
were in fact, nothing more than captive slaves, dwelling in a Land not their own!
seventy long years, several generations of the “Captivity” were born and grew up, learning more and more,
the ways of the Babylonian World; whilst forgetting more and more, the ways of the One True and Living God! This fact
became shockingly apparent in Ezra, chapter one, when King Cyrus granted Ezra and Nehemiah permission to depart with all whom
desired to return to the Holy City (Jerusalem), for the work of repair and restoration. Tragically, only a “very
small remnant” (49,942 out of possibly up to 400,000 souls) held any desire
whatsoever to leave the land of their bondage, in order to return to their own country (their God-ordained Home-Land),
which was the place of their identity and heritage! (Nehemiah 7:66, 67).
a side note, it is important that we realize, in the reading of this article, that Babylon, and the Captivity thereof of God's
people, is typical of the End-Time, Harlot Church System, unto which multitudes shall be led away as a result of the
“Laodicean Age,” and the great “Falling-Away” (Greek = The Apostasy). We must realize also
that “Jerusalem” is prophetically typical of the Church of the Lord Jesus
Christ (the New Jerusalem), and especially in the context herein dealt with: “The End-Time Overcoming Church . . . A
People Out Of A People . . . The Remnant, who shall return, rebuild, and restore the same!
It is true that God's people were indeed in Babylon, and we must admit to the horrible fact that the vast majority of them embraced the ways of the heathen, and assimilated with every aspect of their environment!
This was of course in direct rebellion and opposition to everything they knew and had been taught concerning the God
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! Of those who were carried away captive, only a small remnant remained faithful unto their God!
Blessed Nonconformity:
us consider Daniel, who so loved and revered the “Old Paths” in which he had been raised and instructed,
that he refused to fraternize with the “status-quo.” He shunned, and turned in disgust from the “King's
meat.” He would have nothing to do with the “King's meat and wine” (Daniel 1:8, Proverbs 23:3). This
decisive action upon Daniel's part bears a very significant typology for us today, in his refusal to eat of the King of Babylon's
“food and dainties.” He became a fore-type and foreshadow of all who would remain faithful unto God, and not partake of the “table of devils” (1 Corinthians 10:21).
Word Of Horror; And Of Hope:
spoke of a day, first naturally, and then spiritually, in which: “All tables (the table is the place of feeding,
and speaks thusly in a typical sense of the local church; the place of presenting doctrine, and teaching of the Scriptures)
would be full of vomit!” (Isaiah 28:8). He predicts also a future day of restoration concerning the “Mountain of the Lord's House,” unto which all nations would flow (Isaiah 2:2). So, we
must be aware of a spiritual dichotomy being presented in these prophesies. On the one side: retrograde, ruin, and destruction!
On the other side: hope of a promised restoration and resurrection of those beloved
and divinely ordained “Old Paths!”
A Solemn Warning:
me, dear friends! It is always the Old Paths (that is, the Paths of Righteousness
and Holiness, which God Almighty has established and raised-up, as the “Highway”
wherein His children shall safely walk), which the Enemy himself, and every enemy of our God and His Holy Word, so strongly desire to destroy and obliterate from the face of the Earth! It is true today! Yes, even today we
see his pernicious and nefarious attacks in an attempt to destroy those “Paths,” of our God's infinite design!
Taking A Stand Is Costly:
know from the record, that Daniel's decision to stand for righteousness, and to stand true to His God, led him straight
to the Lions' Den! Thank God! He locked the jaws of the lions, and made them to be as gentle as house cats! If this were
not the case, even though their jaws had been locked, they would have attempted to pounce upon Daniel, and claw and tear him
to pieces, because it would have been their nature to do so! The great God of all Ages not only closed their mouths, but
also changed their inherent nature! Hallelujah! What a mighty God we serve! Let us consider also the three Hebrew children,
who likewise remained true unto their convictions, and refused to bow unto “Nebuchadnezzar's Image.”
The Power Of Music:
me, it seems highly significant that in the case of these Three Hebrew Children (even as is today the case), “MUSIC”
played a large role in the worship of this forbidden image! This is a part of the record, and should not come as a surprise,
for Lucifer himself, in his pre-fallen state, was a “musical being.”
Many scholars believe that in his pre-fallen state, he actually led the creation in the praise and worship of Almighty God
(Ezekiel 28:14). Ezekiel speaks of him, saying: “Perfect was thou in the day of thy creation, when thy pipes and tabrets were formed in thee” (Ezekiel
28:13). This passage is of course somewhat vague, and has caused a considerable degree of disagreement of Biblical scholars
throughout the Church Age. The Hebrew is not clear as to whether the “pipes and tabrets” were created IN him,
or FOR him, but in whichever case, it is believed that he either played upon
or emanated from himself, what we may define as beautiful music from a grand pipe organ. It should not be a mystery to
anyone who truly knows the Lord Jesus Christ, that the Enemy of our souls (Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, that old Serpent) has
ever, since his overthrow and eviction from the Heavenlies, sought to corrupt, and degrade music into something horrific
and ugly!
Music Gone Bad!
cannot think of a more poignant example of this condition, than is today apparent in what is commonly referred to as “Rock-Music,”
in all of its twisted and corroded forms. The very term, “Rock and Roll,”
was borrowed in the early 1950's from the Ghetto underworld, where it had long been employed as a vulgar description of
sexual intercourse! We must not belabor this claim, for it is a well established fact, which requires no further explanation.
This is true upon the worldly plane, of course! We would expect this from those unregenerate souls who serve the “god
of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), but it should not be given any quarter whatsoever among the saints of the
Most High! It should not be permitted in any true church embracing the name of Jesus Christ! Such music (if it can
be called music) is jarring to the senses, nerve-wracking, irritating, and unsettling! I have been in services where such
music has been welcomed with open arms. To sit through a “service” in those places is an exercise in endurance!
It is more like a method of torture!
Music On The Heavenly Plane:
the music of God, from God, and about God, should be beautiful in every sense of the word!
It should be majestic, pure, unearthly; exalting unto Him, and uplifting to us! It should never bring focus upon the musicians,
conductors (song-leaders), choral or musical ensembles, choirs, etc. If indeed it does, the entire essence of “Worship”
becomes lost upon the mechanics of entertainment! In any Praise/Worship Service, the congregational focus, and
that of the singers and musicians should be signally upon the Lord Jesus Christ, with an end of making His Praise Glorious!
worship-music may indeed be powerful and voluminous, and at times jubilant and joyful, there should never, at any time,
be any degree of physical abandon to the point of hysteria, nor the attracting of attention
to oneself; nor the flaunting of oneself in any way whatsoever! The true music of God may indeed cause His people to weep;
rejoice; exult; shout praises; engage in the holy dance; or to walk the aisles, with praises and thanksgiving, as did
the early Methodists; but it shall always elevate the atmosphere from the physical and
soulish into the Divine and Heavenly; bringing the worshipers with it, unto the Throne of our Lord! Music truly anointed
of the Holy Spirit will never (I repeat, NEVER) create fleshly manifestations, wild hysterical antics, or such behavior
as would become an embarrassment to any sound-minded Believer! God's music elevates! The music from the dark side degrades,
besmirches, corrupts, and mortifies!
Music should be predominantly in major keys, with perhaps some harmonic minor chords to add to its tone color. There is
even a time and place for the most moving and anointed pieces written in the minor keys, such as the classic hymn so often
sung amidst the flowing of tears and bowing of hearts, during Eucharistic observances. I speak of that glorious hymn of the
"O Sacred Head Now Wounded."
O sacred Head, now
wounded, with grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, Thine only crown;
How pale Thou art
with anguish, with sore abuse and scorn!
How does that visage languish, which once was bright as morn!
What Thou, my Lord,
hast suffered, was all for sinners’ gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression, but Thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here
I fall, my Savior! 'Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor, vouchsafe to me Thy grace.
Men mock and taunt
and jeer Thee, Thou noble countenance,
Though mighty worlds shall fear Thee and flee before Thy glance.
How art thou
pale with anguish, with sore abuse and scorn!
How doth Thy visage languish that once was bright as morn!
Now from Thy cheeks
has vanished their color once so fair;
From Thy red lips is banished the splendor that was there.
Grim death, with cruel
rigor, hath robbed Thee of Thy life;
Thus Thou hast lost Thy vigor, Thy strength in this sad strife.
My burden in Thy Passion,
Lord, Thou hast borne for me,
For it was my transgression which brought this woe on Thee.
I cast me down before Thee,
wrath were my rightful lot;
Have mercy, I implore Thee; Redeemer, spurn me not!
What language shall
I borrow to thank Thee, dearest friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever, and
should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to Thee.
My Shepherd, now receive
me; my Guardian, own me Thine.
Great blessings Thou didst give me, O source of gifts divine.
Thy lips have often fed
me with words of truth and love;
Thy Spirit oft hath led me to heavenly joys above.
Here I will stand
beside Thee, from Thee I will not part;
O Savior, do not chide me! When breaks Thy loving heart,
When soul and body
languish in death’s cold, cruel grasp,
Then, in Thy deepest anguish, Thee in mine arms I’ll clasp.
The joy can ne'er
be spoken, above all joys beside,
When in Thy body broken I thus with safety hide.
O Lord of Life, desiring Thy glory
now to see,
Beside Thy cross expiring, I’d breathe my soul to Thee.
My Savior, be Thou
near me when death is at my door;
Then let Thy presence cheer me, forsake me nevermore!
When soul and body languish,
oh, leave me not alone,
But take away mine anguish by virtue of Thine own!
Be Thou my consolation,
my shield when I must die;
Remind me of Thy passion when my last hour draws nigh.
Mine eyes shall then behold Thee,
upon Thy cross shall dwell,
My heart by faith enfolds Thee. Who dieth thus dies well.
It Is Holy; Keep It Holy!
Music should never be (as is all too often today the case) that which has been borrowed from the World, and imported into
the Christian Church! The music of God should never be sensual, alluring, nor devilish; drawing the focus of the congregation
unto the musicians and their “performances;” nor should it lend itself to wild and bizarre behavior, freakish
appearance (including semi-nudity, etc.), either from the “stage,” nor amongst the congregation! It is a revolting
fact that in this day, such individuals are creating a precedent (especially amongst the youth in the churches) by encouraging
the prolific mania for tattooing, piercing, and various forms of rebellion and
"Learn Not The Ways Of The Heathen:"
Scriptures very clearly forbid the marking and cutting (piercing) of the body! For the Believer, his/her body is the “Temple
of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corninthians 6:19). Can the Holy and Pure Spirit of Almighty God (who, Himself specifically forbade such practices) be pleased to dwell in a temple (physical body), which is punctured,
cut, or mutilated, and bestudded with an assortment of heathenistic contraptions? Can He be pleased to dwell in a temple
which is inked, marked, defaced, and disfigured (often with the most hellish and paganistic symbols and designs)? Please
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print
any marks upon you: I am the LORD" (Leviticus 19:28).
"Ye shall not offer unto the LORD that which is bruised, or crushed,
or broken, or cut; neither shall ye make any offering thereof in your land" (Leviticus 22:24).
"Ye are the children of the LORD your God: ye shall not cut yourselves
. . ." (Deuteronomy 14:1).
"And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives
and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them" (1 Kings 18:28).
"Sottish Children":
has there been a time when professing Christian young people were so rebellious against parental authority and against Divine
Government. Never has there been a time when Christian young people (and older folk as well) have so abandoned their traditional
teaching and heritage! Solomon spoke of this problem in ancient Israel (and so it is in the “Spiritual Israel”
today), when the people had “cast off restraint.” “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint”
(Proverbs 29:18, NKJV). The Prophets also lamented over this condition amongst the people. David spoke of a people in Psalm
2:1-3 who would position themselves in a stance of rebellion (“set themselves”), against the Lord and against
His anointed One, saying: “Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” (They clearly
abhorred standards of acceptable behavior! No guidelines for them!)
The Scripture speaks of “beauty and bands” as a blessed thing from the hand of God:
"And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock.
And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock" (Zechariah 11:7).
So many today love to preach from the Book of Joel, as a sort
of rallying-call unto those seeking revival and Divine Visitation. How often have we heard (amidst cheers, screams, and whistles),
“Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in My Holy Mountain . . . call
a solemn assembly . . . etc.” A simple perusal of the Hebrew text reveals
that “solemn assembly” should actually be rendered: “A day
of restraint.” Solomon, the wisest man on the earth in his day declared:
“He that hath no rule [restraint/self-control] over his own spirit is
like a city [house] that is broken down and without walls” (Proverbs
25:28). We will all agree that such a person would find himself in a most vulnerable and dangerous condition! Restraint and
self-control are in fact, desirable virtues! The British employ a familiar cliché: “Less
is more...” (only a colloquialism, but it bespeaks wisdom, nevertheless)!
must herein punctuate this article with a very pertinent disclosure to our readers: Please understand that my statement of
the above facts (drawn from many years of careful observation and insight), in no manner whatsoever, diminishes my love, concern,
and commitment unto the younger generations; unto which I have ministered with excellent results! I have been always able
to relate well to young folk, and they seem to respond in kind!
Shall Answer?
major responsibility for the decadence of the young generations in recent decades, cannot
be laid entirely to their charge, but rather, to parental negligence in providing positive role-models and examples!
Also to blame are the complacent, compromising churches; with their New-Age ethoses;
weak pulpits; and mealy-mouthed, men-pleasing ministers! The culpability rests to a far greater degree upon those who have
(for a half-century) failed our precious Christian children; in either shrinking-back from, or deliberately refusing to preach,
and to teach unto them, the whole counsel of God (especially relating to holiness of life)!
"Building" Without A Plumbline?
Bible is a compass and a road-map! God's great Plumbline has not changed! In many cases, because the hearts, lives,
and messages of authority figures (ministers, especially), has become deviated and convoluted; there is a calculated refusal
to any longer hang the old Plumbline! To do so would serve to reveal its straightness and uncompromising integrity, in glaring
contrast to (whilst at once exposing) those standing beside it, whom once stood upright
and straight; but whom now slouch in a grotesquely twisted, gnarled, and deformed manner! This is why so few will any
longer “hang the Plumbline” (preach in their churches, the uncompromising Word of God).
There Is Help And Hope!
purpose is not to denigrate, criticize, nor condemn any, but to be faithful in pointing up matters at issue, as they truly
exist! Jesus Christ dearly loves our precious young folk, and I do as well; but
in order to not be a traitor unto them; I must speak the truth in love, without fear nor favor! I must proclaim unto them
that which perhaps their Parents and Pastors have been unfaithful in proclaiming! I must be faithful to show unto them
a better and “more excellent way!”
our younger readers may ask: “What can I do now that I am pierced and/or tattooed?
Does Jesus still love me? Can He still use me?” Beloved reader, please listen very carefully: Of course Jesus still
loves you! Of course He can still use you! I have known a number of very anointed servants of our Lord over the years,
who before coming to Christ, had been pierced/tattooed. Our Lord has used them mightily to the winning of souls, and up-building
of His Church! Notwithstanding, these beloved folk invariably lived under a shadow of regret for having been pierced/tattooed,
and felt obliged to wear long sleeves, etc., to hide them from view.
Only Acknowledge Your Transgression:
32:5; Jeremiah 3:13)
The key here, is to acknowledge the transgression of such practices, and
as with all other sins, to confess them as sin, and to judge oneself guilty of having committed said sins! Come sincerely
before our Lord Jesus, in repentance, and then receive His pardon and forgiveness!
next step is to begin to seek His sanctification (separation from the world, unto Christ), and walk
within His Path of Holiness! See Isaiah 35.
not any longer flaunt nor display piercings/tattoos! Keep them covered, as much
as is possible! Remove all piercing jewelry and paraphernalia.
mutilations (ear buttons and others) can be surgically corrected. Tattoos can now be removed by laser-treatment, by a licensed
plastic surgeon. They can in some cases be masked by tattooing over them with a neutral, flesh-colored ink. If the above type
remediation is necessary, please begin to pray very earnestly for our Lord to provide
the necessary funds for the same, and to lead you to a competent plastic surgeon.
with all kinds of sin; it is very easy to fall into, but no so easy to escape!)
dearly love you, and our prayers shall be with you! Please feel free to call or email us if we can be an encouragement! God
be with you!
Worship Through The Centuries:
resume our remarks upon Sacred Music, let us understand that many styles and types of Church Music have been composed over
the centuries. They are widely divergent, but all are decidedly consecrated unto the worship of our Lord Jesus! It
is well known to scholars that in the earliest days of the Christian Church, the Psalms were sung, and most likely other Scripture
portions as well. My research has not revealed any examples of musical composition relating to such, but it would be assumed
that in in early Christianity (being an outgrowth of Judaism), Hebraic melodies and harmonies would most likely have been
brought over into the fledgling Church.
Christian Music Established:
is significant that this practice was not of any great longevity, considering that various early writers and historians, including
Eusebius, spoke of the “music and singing” of the Early Church! The
earliest extant examples containing both words, and a primitive melody line, are perhaps the “Medieval Plainsongs,”
dating from the Third Century A.D.; which by the Sixth Century A.D., had evolved into the better known “Gregorian
Chants:” These are still highly favored as one of the “old treasures.” There was, several years ago
a surprising rediscovery, and revival of this ancient musical literature; as presented by the “Benedictine Monks of
Santo Domingo De Silos,” in Spain. Even the most primitive examples of sacred music are precious treasures, which must be appreciated, respected, and preserved!
"The Redeemed Of The Lord:"
the more recent, and more familiar genre of Christian hymnody, are the “Songs of Zion.” At times, these glad songs
of Zion will take on a lilting and joyful melody and tempo, while at other times, there will come forth those deep and reflective
hymns which turn the heart of man back to Jesus, to mother, to home, and to heaven! Our Lord Jesus called
and anointed specific minstrels and hymn-writers throughout the Church Age, who
would compose true Worship-Music; music which is a befitting offering to present unto the King of all Kings!
By The Holy Spirit:
high and noble compositions were brought forth during times of great Spiritual Awakening! They were brought forth,
not by the will nor abilities of men, but by the will of the Holy Spirit! They were inspired (God-breathed) of Him! There
are virtually thousands of such anthems, hymns, Scripture songs, and Gospel choruses in the accumulated literature of Sacred
Music. Even the great church organist, and composer: Johann Sebastian Bach, is said to have inscribed at the end of each composition:
“To The Glory Of God.” In glaring comparison with the din and racket foisted today,
in contemporary churches as a “new wave” of Christian music, the Sacred Music of past generations was by and large
Christo-centric, anointed, edifying, and beautiful!
Maniacal Fever:
have heard reports of Pastors and Music Directors in various quarters, who have savagely
chopped apart fine organs (some were working pipe organs) and pianos, which along with hymnals, and song books, met the flames
or were heaved into dumpsters! In many such “churches,” archival recordings, films, and printed
matter of both preaching and music/singing/worship, of the highest order, have likewise been destroyed
and cast-out as rubbish (among which have been some of the finest examples of Christian music, sermons, teachings, etc., including
actual live services; of the Twentieth Century and earlier)!
Age Of Lawlessness:
such insane ravaging of our very heritage is absolutely criminal! It is being carried-out by those who are either
wrongfully influenced, or deliberately in league with Satan, himself; who is the
Great and Dread Destroyer, of all that is Holy, High, Noble, and Good! There is no mistaking the
fact that we are living in the age of lawlessness, when the very
spirit, nature, and attributes of the Lawless One is energizing the “children of disobedience.”
Please see:
"Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" Ephesians 2:2).
"Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things
cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience" (Ephesians 5:6).
"For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of
disobedience" (Colossians 3:6).
us take a closer look at the original word usage found in Ephesians 2:2. It is a given that the “prince of the power
of the air,” is none other than Satan, himself! He is the very essence, embodiment, and epitome of lawlessness and disobedience!
It is this very spirit of evil that “now worketh” (Greek: “energeo” = To operate; be at work, in;
extend power and aid unto; to work for and to help; to effect and display one's activity . . .), in the children of disobedience
(Greek: “apeitheia” = obstinate oppostition to the Divine Will . . . obstinancy . . . stubborn disobedience .
. . rejection of the known will of God).
"Rase It Even To The Foundation Thereof:"
all “hooligans” bent upon destruction, share one glaring commonality: They utterly hate and despise the Old
Paths! Their rousing cheer (and vicious intent) is: “Out with the old; in with the new.” It is not
a cheer of Reform, but rather, of Revolt! Such persons are not “Reformers:” They are blatant “Revolutionaries!”
Their perverse passion is but to tear down and destroy! Had such persons been in positions of power in the Early-Church,
it is entirely possible that today, we would have no Bible, Sacred Music, nor any other vestige remaining of our Christian
God The Builder, Or Satan The Destroyer!
As we have elsewhere stated in this website, it is not God's policy to abandon nor discard the “Old,”
but rather, to build upon it as a sure foundation! David asks: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). A variant
reading is: “If the foundations be destroyed, how shall the righteous
survive or carry on?”
Treasures Cast Out As Refuse?
In my wildest imagination, I could not conceive that the great God of the Ages would call, choose, anoint,
empower, and inspire holy men and women of God, in the composing of such beautiful music as has been vouchsafed unto the Church;
only to allow a misguided generation who no longer walk in the ways of their fathers, but have chosen to walk in a way (Jeremiah
18:15) “not cast up” (Hebrew = not a highway, but a low-path, running through the marshes, bogs, and slime-pits,
etc.), to come along, and (having no love, regard, nor understanding of the “Old Treasures;”) set themselves as
enemies against the same; and in one fell swoop, discard as rubbish,
all that our Lord has brought forth during this Church Age!
"Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto
the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old"
(Matthew 13:52).
Some Old Treasures:
may surprise some of you to know that many years ago, in an archaeological expedition in the Holy Land, parchments were found containing hymns of the Early Church! They are beautiful indeed! I had a copy of them many
years ago, which may have been among the items destroyed, when my home burned in 1983. I am so very thankful that we have
been again able to find them, and have posted them in the current issue of “The Golden Altar of Incense”
(see Online Publications). Though some have attributed them to Solomon, it is not known if such indeed be the case, but it is generally believed that they were used in worship services, amongst the earliest Christian
Believers! I sincerely pray that they shall be a great blessing, and source of encouragement to all who read them!
It is widely believed among scholars that the Early Church (as with our Lord and His disciples on the night of His betrayal),
held to the practice of singing Hymns/Psalms (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16).
Cries From The Darkness:
should find it very difficult to believe that any King on the Earth-Plane, would appreciate the presentation of so-called
music, performed by half-naked singers and players; who by their own choice were determined
to appear as freakish as possible, and whose musical presentation consisted of unintelligable screams, grunts, and discordant,
wailing cries! (Beloved readers, can we not realize that such are the sounds of tormented souls; be-nighted souls; souls in
chains of bondage; souls in darkness, despondency, and despair?) Yet, our Lord Jesus loves them, and we do as well! It behooves
every one of us to earnestly pray that all such precious souls shall find the “more excellent way”
(1 Corinthians 12:31).
an Earthly King would find such music to be an unacceptable offering, how much more would the heart of the Almighty God, King
of Kings and Lord of Lords, be grieved and repelled by such? (especially in consideration
of the fact that He Himself had given Divine instruction, and a Divine Pattern for the raising-up of specially anointed musicians
and singers to show forth His glory, in olden times:
"According To The Pattern:"
1 Chronicles 25:1-6
(1) “Moreover David and the captains of the host separated to the
service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals:
and the number of the workmen according to their service was:
(2) Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah,
the sons of Asaph under the hands of Asaph, which prophesied according to the order of the king.
(3) Of Jeduthun: the sons of Jeduthun; Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah,
Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six, under the hands of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied with a harp, to give thanks and to
praise the LORD.
(4) Of Heman: the sons of Heman; Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, and
Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamtiezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth:
(5) All these were the sons of Heman the king's seer in the words of God,
to lift up the horn. And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters.
(6) All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house
of the LORD, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God, according to the king's
order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman.”
“Be sure that you build it according to the pattern,” was God's definitive command to Moses! (Exodus
They Refused To Bow:
us continue to speak of the three Hebrew children. The Image was in place: It was the focal point of all the activities of
the day! The crowds were gathered (but not unto the LORD God of Israel)! The next
element of this idolatrous occasion was the sounding-forth of music! The Scripture
is clear that the music was to serve as a cue, at which all those gathered were to bow in obeisance unto the Image! There,
stood those noble young Hebrew men: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego” (Daniel 3:12). They were resolute! They
were determined to not be moved nor influenced by this so-called “music!”
Dictators In Contemporary Churches:
so many feel intimidated by prideful, mean-spirited Worship-Leaders (so-called); who publicly denigrate, and hurl broadsides
at any in their meetings, who will not “dance to their tune,” nor join in, with the Rock-Music and the accompanying
hysteria! What a disgrace! What an indictment against so-called “Leadership,”
who dare to usurp a place behind the pulpits of America, and the Western World! Yet, such was also the case and scenario in
Babylon, but, thank God for three young men who were faithful to their God; and so noble, loyal, and dedicated; that regardless of the consequences, they would not be intimidated by this ghastly music, nor
would they bow the knee unto the Image!
A Dazzling Counterfeit:
Yes! Babylon had music, but it was not the music which God had ordained and established for His praise and worship! Babylon had its own style of worship, complete with its deities of worship, and its own
style of music employed in its “worship services.” The vast majority of “God's People” fell for
this aggrandized counterfeit (unvarnished though it was), as sheep being led to the slaughter! Thank God for those who did not!
Divine Intervention:
though a gigantic, “Contemporary-Encounter” was in full swing, with the heathenistic music blaring at high decibels
(being the precursor to the actual worship of the image), these stalwart young men were undaunted! They were not moved
by the multitudes, nor by public opinion! They stood unflinchingly, refusing to come
under the power and influence of this dissolute debacle! Their obstinance caused a public outrage, resulting in their being
bound tightly, and thrown into a giant cupola (the fiery furnace)! Man's extremity became God's opportunity,
as the very Son of God appeared in the furnace, walking with them, through the white-hot inferno; unhurt and untouched by
the devouring flames; which served only to burn off their binding cords! Hallelujah! The “Fourth Man” was present
with them, and praise His mighty name, He is present with us in this evil day, when, typically, the Church has been
high-jacked, and carried away to “Babylon,” whilst “Jerusalem the Golden” (the City of Peace; the
City of the Great King) lies in ruins and in heaps! (Psalm 79:1).
God Always Has His Remnant:
many have indeed embraced the bosom of the Mother Harlot, and are nursing at her breast: Thank God! There is a People;
though they be indeed a “Very Small Remnant,” who refuse to touch the “King's dainties” “...Touch
not the unclean thing...” (2 Corinthians 6:17). Neither are they moved by his shrewdly crafted counterfeit spirituality
They are not impressed with his image, nor his decadent music!
No, these loyal young men are not impressed!
No, they find no resonance in their spirits, souls, and bodies to what they see and hear in this idolatrous
No, they shall not bow!
Yes, by their refusal to do so, they shall cause outrage!
Yes, they shall be despised and persecuted!
The Challenge:
is a most blessed Scripture of hope and comfort, foretelling the return from Babylon, unto Zion, of the Remnant! It is sung
in many parts of the world:
"Ye shall go out with singing,
be led forth with joy:
the mountains and the hills -
break forth into singing;
all the trees of the field -
clap their hands"