Grandmother's Experience)
woke up in the night recently, and found myself singing the chorus of “Love Lifted Me!”
it rang in the corridors of my inner-self and then suddenly, the last verse came forth with power and such joy!
the same time, I saw myself in the Spirit, dancing to the melody, form one end of my dark living room to the other, in worship
and adoration. (An outside guard light provides enough light inside to see where everything is.) I hurried out of bed, and
went to the living room, where I began to dance and sing under my breath...
"Souls in danger
look above,
Jesus completely
He will lift
you by His Love,
Out of the angry
He's the Master
of the sea,
Billows His
will obey.
He your Saviour
wants to be,
Be saved (healed)
Love lifted
me! Love lifted me!
When nothing
else could help,
Love lifted
joy in His love overwhelmed me! It was His Love that was going to bring me out of the angry waves of affliction, and because
He is the Master of the sea, those angry waves will obey Him!
tremendous His love! How completely it fills the need, and supplies the answer! How beautiful His compassion and His identification
with our needs.
and over I sang the verse and chorus; dancing before the Lord in holy awe and adoration that He cared so much. Beloved, He
cares for you in the same way! His love will meet your need also. When nothing else could, His love found a way! Praise His
Dear Name!
I went back to bed, only to wake up later in the night to dance and rejoice a second time in His great love and provision!