"In August of 2006, I was able to participate on a two-week missions trip to Uganda and Rwanda, East Africa,
through Elim Fellowship. Our group of about thirty people was led by Ben Dodzweit, former Head of Missions at Elim,
and former Full-Time Missionary to East Africa. On this trip we were blessed to be able to minister to orphans, widows,
pastors, and members of the Body of Christ in those nations! What a powerful and memorable time! My life is eternally
impacted by this trip!

In this picture you can see a group of women from Rwanda who are all widows. Their husbands died
either of disease or in the Genocide, which took place in the 1990's. They all live here at a special home, which serves
as a ministry and a safe place for them. These women have suffered greatly in their lifetime, but now they are working
together and selling craft items to help support their facility and livelihood. They were so happy to have us join them
in fellowship. I was blessed to be able to share the Word of God with them by preaching at one of their meetings.
Surrounding us in this picture are orphans who dwell in the nearby area.

Here I am with Brothers in Christ from Kigali, who joined us for fellowship, and worshiped the Lord with
us! We praised God and worshiped the Lord with all our hearts the evening for hours! I will never forget what
an awesome experience that was! The following four pictures were taken that same evening. It was the night we
arrived in Kigali, and this was our warm welcome from our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Here is a church structure in Rwanda. This is a typical site, which shows the faithfulness of the
Believers to gather unto the Lord in conditions of poverty, which many could not imagine. Their church building is built
on simple wooden polls made out of small tree limbs, and a makeshift metal roof with holes in it. This should give us
a feeling of compassion to be praying for our Brothers and Sisters in Kigali.

Here I am visiting an orphanage in Uganda, and spending time with the orphans and our missions group.
What a blessing it was for us to have this opportunity to have fellowship!

Here are five boys from the streets of Kigali, who were amazed to see us there in their city, and who wanted
their picture taken. They are so happy to have visitors from far away lands.

This Congolese choir sang under one of the heaviest anointings I have ever witnessed, to the point where
they were truly "lost" in the Spirit of God. The presence of God was so heavy that some of them began to cry and others
fell to their knees in worship. Some were "slain in the Spirit" and remained unconscious for some time. Their
singing and style of music is some of the greatest I have ever had the privilege to hear.

We attending another church service in Kampala, Uganda, where there was such a heavy presence of God.
You can see how fervently and sincerely the family of God in this Fellowship worships the Lord with all of their hearts!

This is a picture of some of the Pastors who gathered from many African nations at this important Pentecostal
Evangelical Fellowship of Africa Conference. What a blessing to meet fellow ministers from around the continent!
May our Lord bless their faithful labors in God's Vineyard!

