The Glory to beRevealed
Gerald C.Rossell
Vision Experienced by an Aged Prophet]
The other day I was blessed to be in the Spirit-Realm. [The] Spirit of Praise came upon me, as my hands went up toward Heaven.
[This] Spirit of Praise came forth like a mighty stream of Joy, flooding the banks of my soul; for having God send
Jesus, one day, on the trail of my journey toward the Eternity of God.
Since that day, I have had a new view from God’s windows in His Mighty
Castle of Love: Each day brings forth a new blessing: My path has been strewn with the good things of God! Incense
unwinds its wonderful fragrance to my nostrils, as I journey along the greatest highway of hope that an individual could ever
traverse. The Halls of Glory are about to sound and resound with the melodious
voice of our Lord, saying: “Now is the time. Call My saints from afar,
the feast is ready! Prepare ye; for My beloved children are at the door of our
Eternal Home.”
Let us be ready at the call of our Lord, to enter triumphantly, the great
Gates of Eternities. The Mighty Angel stands forth in the richness of the Heavenly
Beauty, sounding out on the mighty trumpet; the sound of: “Time shall be no more!
Glory to God in the highest, for He has triumphed over all His enemies!”
As I sit, writing words I have never [before] written, the darkness of
this world looms before my eyes; but with all the frightening things (or scenes) that lie ahead; yet, I see a silver lining,
‘midst the death-throes of a sin-cursed [Earth, rife with] the works of the evil one.
At times I distantly hear the hooves of the mighty army, of God’s
horses; each richly decorated with the Glory of God, bearing a mighty warrior of Heaven.
[They are] Earthly directed, to the call of the saints who look steadfastly toward their God! Then, as the echo sounds and resounds, they grow closer; the lightning of the past, flashes across the
sky, as Victory, after Victory, is won! Now, these voices [of] the triumphant
army get louder: My ear picks up the sound of many harps; the very heavens roll
back as a scroll. Now, I see a glimpse of the on-rushing armies of God: My call has been heard; salvation is the reward: [It is] mine to keep forevermore! Oh, what joy, what peace;
knowing that He cares; knowing that He so loved me; that He gave all; that I might rejoice in His presence, before the King
of Kings, and Lord of Lords, throughout Eternity!
As I journey on, my eye catches a glimpse of the “Holy City:”
Breath seems to leave my body, as I gaze at the Beauty, such as never seen on earth:
Walls of greatness that can never [again] be torn down by man, nor by the “works of man.” As I enter through the gates of priceless value, my heart sounds as [if] it would leap from my breast! Mansions of the like, never before constructed:
Streets of gold (transparent gold). There, a man will never [again] be
lost. As I walk around the great Palace of God (a City beautiful for situation
on the sides of the great North), my ear catches the sound of the “perfect melody;” (heavenly sounds that
have never been recorded), [presumably, the “Song of the Lord”]. I
am lifted up, up, to a plane which has been seldom explored by man. Oh, what
a joy and peace surrounds me: Words fail and I stand mute before the King of
[Now] a roar [commences, which] sounds like a million oceans, sounding their Praise! A shout goes forth from the voices of millions of souls, [which] seems to roll and
shake the Heavenly bodies: It is a shout and a song: “I have been redeemed
by the Blood of the Lamb” [The “Song of the Redeemed”]. Wave
after wave of praises, as the Lamb of God, and His Victory, is revealed to the countless millions, who have waited for their
Lord to be revealed, and to see Him as He really is; changed into God’s Beautiful Glory!