I first met Sister Joy when she came as a student to Pinecrest in 1968, and was privileged
to again meet her in 1977 when I came to serve upon the Faculty. After graduating, Joy taught there as an instructor
of English and Art. We became close friends and shared, until the time of her home-going, a beautiful and pure friendship
in the Lord Jesus Christ. Joy was more than a friend and a pal; she was a loving and caring sister in the Lord unto
me. Volumes could be written concerning her dedication to the Lord Jesus, and her tireless service to others.
Suffice to say that she was, without exaggeration, one of the finest and most exemplary women of God whom ever I have been
privileged to know. Joy was a very consecrated intercessor, who prayed unselfishly for myself, Brother Warren,
and for this ministry. Her prayers were focused and intense in their agreement with us for the last three years of her
life, regarding the vision for this Bible School, which she so longed to see brought to birth. - M. D. O’C.
Joy Halaby Thomson
of West Hartford, Connecticut, and Rockledge, Florida, entered into eternal rest on August 25, 2007. She was the daughter
of the Late Douglas and Yvonne Thomson of Brightwood Lane, West Hartford.
Ms. Thomson,
an avid collector of art and antiques as well as an antique dealer, was an honor student while in West Hartford High School.
She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Roberts Wesleyan College of Rochester, New York, and went on to pursue further
education, including her studies at Pinecrest Bible Training Center, and the earning of Degrees from the Paier College
of Art and from the Fashion Institute of Technology.
Ms. Thomson was
frequently commissioned to create both paintings and fine apparel. The paintings which she executed were noted for their
perfection in the Realist genre. It has oft' been said that her creations were perfect as a photograph.
Likewise, the wedding dresses, gowns, and outfits which she created, received always the highest acclaim. During the
last six years of her life, she earned the reputation of being a skilled milliner, creating hats and bonnets for wealthy
ladies of high fashion.
Ms. Thomson was
also a classically trained mezzo soprano, with a rich and resonant voice. She especially loved Classical and Beroque
music, ballet, and the fine arts, in general. She was a lady of refinement, class, and culture, while at the
same time being graced with an unusual degree of unfeigned humility, sincerity, and poise. It may truthfully be said
that this lovely creature was best known for her deep love and devotion to her Savior; for her gentleness, kindness, and caring
heart; and for her love for family, friends, and the work of the Lord. Among her favorite musical compositions were
the Messiah-Oratorio, Nabucco, Aida, and the Marriage of Figaro.
The four years
preceding her illness were spent caring for her father in her beloved home on the Indian River in Rockledge, Florida;
where she hosted frequent retreats and prayer gatherings; after which she returned to her home in West Hartford, Connecticut,
where she fought a brave fight, and was able to be up and going, until her last two months. Over the years, Joy
very quietly and discretely supported various ministries, and was especially benevolent to those upon the Mission
Field. She is greatly missed by all who knew and loved her, but she has gone ahead of us to the "Celestial City."

