Bill and Jamie make their home in Idaho, where they are part of local church
fellowship. They have two sons in California, who came to Christ at an early
age. As with all grandparents, the Baxley grandchildren are a constant joy and
Bill (“Uncle Bill,” as he is affectionately known by many,
around the world), has a rich legacy in Christ, being the youngest son of a mighty woman of God, by the name of Vada Baxley,
who was for seventy-five years a mighty intercessor for God! Her testimony is
that she raised her seven children "on her knees". Mama Baxley’s first
dramatic encounter with the Lord occurred when her oldest son was stricken with diphtheria, and very near unto death. Mama believed in Jesus, but had very little experience with the Holy Spirit or with
“praying through.” The Holy Spirit came upon her and commanded her
to the yard where she fell by an old black log and was seized with a mighty, Holy Spirit intercession. She prayed until lost in the Spirit! The Heavens were opened,
and the Lord’s voice spoke, “He is healed, he shall live!” She
ran back to the little house nearly hysterical. Many of the neighbors had gathered
to set up the “death watch.” The doctor had come and gone after having
“pulled the pillow,” with the declaration, “He’s gone, he’s gone; call the undertaker!" As Mama neared the house, numerous neighbors gathered ‘round her with words
of comfort and sorrow, to which she spoke in loud declaration, “He shall not die, but he shall live! He is healed! He is healed!” Amidst incredulous stares, and whispered disapproval, the unbelieving gave her a wide berth as she ran
through the front door; to hear a piercing cry come from her precious son (no longer comatose and dying), “Mama,
mama, I am thirsty. Bring me water.” Shortly thereafter, he called
for food, and quickly recovered! This experience ushered Mama Vada into a deep
and vital relationship with Jesus Christ, which most affected her children, Aline and Bill.
As a result of being raised in such a home, Bill dedicated his life very
early to the Lord Jesus, and from a child, longed and dreamed of becoming a preacher.
The years would bring many heartaches and breakings in the process, but God was preparing his vessel to go unto the
Nations, as a commissioned and anointed Apostle and Evangelist.
Bill has spent most of his adult life, and has given all, in serving
our Lord Jesus and His Body on the Foreign Fields. His life is often in danger,
for he shrinks not back from carrying the Gospel to some of the most remote and dangerous places on Earth! As a harvest of his unselfish obedience to his calling, untold thousands have found Christ as Savior,
Healer, Baptizer, and Deliverer! Entire regions have been shaken with the
Gospel; many churches have been established; and many Pastors and Ministers have been raised up, and sent forth.
Uncle Bill has written a truly amazing book, entitle: Exploits;
which chronicle highlights of his life and ministry upon the fields of the earth. We
highly recommend this book unto all who carry a burden for the Foreign Fields of the Earth.
Our dear brother, as his sister Aline, lives by faith, with little income. They
have given everything through the years for the sake of the Gospel. Please enclose
a generous offering, when you order the book. Thanks and God bless you!
Brother Bill Baxley
care of: Aline Baxley
2091 Airport Road
Council, Idaho 83612