Freddy and Sylvia, presently based in Virginia, are the proud parents
of eleven very specially gifted children, who have served with them in the work of the Lord, since young childhood. Both Freddy and Sylvia, as well as each of their children, are remarkably gifted and anointed to sing;
play numerous musical instruments; exhort and minister in the Word of God; and to operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Being in a meeting where the Clark Family is ministering is indeed an inspiring and
memorable occasion.
Freddy has served the Lord for nearly fifty years, in America, and in the
nations of the world, as a full-time Apostolic Prophet and Evangelist (ministering in tents; auditoriums; churches; Bible
Schools; and open air meetings). He is a man of unfeigned humility and integrity,
who ministers the uncompromised Word of God, fervently and effectually.
A hallmark of Freddy and Sylvia’s ministry is an unusually high evidence of
“signs following.” They make absolutely no self-acclaim, nor boast;
but give all the glory to the Lord Jesus! Their ministry abounds with dramatic
miracles, healings, and deliverances, as attested to by many witnesses and bonafide personal testimonies!