(A prayer for restoration
all that the “Locust” has eaten)
The Darkness:
Our Dearest
Lord Jesus
With horror,
have we beheld
the “Black-Bag” of evil and treachery containing the vile sins and evil abominations,
which have over the years encroached upon your Church. These vile deeds are
loathsome and abhorrent unto You: May
they be so unto us as well! Cause us to hate every dark machination, and every
evil work. Place in us a dread fear of all that is unlike You, so that by Your
grace, we shall eschew and turn away from all lust, uncleanness, and rebellion!
Cause us to “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man
shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
The Light:
Lord Jesus:
With joy
and rejoicing have
we beheld the clean “White-Bag” of purity and holiness, containing those good,
high, and noble deeds and attributes, which have over the years, been expressed
and manifested amongst your faithful and loyal servants. All of these holy and
righteous principles are greatly beloved and cherished by Yourself, and Your
saints. May they be so unto us as well!
us to “…hold fast [unto]
that which is good!” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Please grant us Your grace and
favor, to embrace and cling unto all which You have destined for us! Let us
arise and embrace Your great vision, and those treasures of Truth and
Righteousness, which have been brought to birth by Your Blessed Holy Spirit.
Oh, may we again till the soil, and replant the Goodly-Seed of Your true
Gospel; to reap in-kind, a mighty and glorious harvest.
Lord Jesus:
We do
now, at this very
moment, re-dedicate and re-consecrate ourselves unto Your service, for the Work
of Ministry; in rebuilding, restoring, and “repairing the breach” (Isaiah 58:12).
Prayer For Help:
Lord Jesus:
Oh! Please
open the “Windows
of Heaven” (Malachi 3:10), and provide all that is necessary to see this great
endeavor, through to fulfillment. We do now at this very moment, confess unto
You, our utter helplessness! Without a Divine Intervention from Your Almighty
creative hand, all is in vain! In, and of ourselves, we are weak, frail,
unable, unqualified, and unworthy in the face of this humanly impossible challenge!
Oh! Dear Lord: See the huge mountains standing in our path! See the “Strong
Giants;” even those evil “Nephilim,” arrayed against us!
We are
few in number: Yea,
feeble and frail; Battle-weary and fatigued! We dare not focus upon ourselves,
but rather upon You, who are the “Captain of the Lord’s Host” (Joshua 5:15).
Behold, You who are “Lord Sabaoth” [Lord of Armies]! Into Your hands, oh Lord,
do we place this great challenge! Oh! Lord of Armies, go before us, and fight
in our behalf! Rise-up as a “Man of War,” and deliver unto us the victory, for
it is Yours alone! All the honor and glory belongs unto You! Amen! Yea, arise,
and cause to follow in your train, a mighty host of Your sons and daughters,
who shall march forward in the power of Your Holy name; under Your anointing
and demonstration, in this late hour! May they now be restored unto Your House,
as the promised “Meal and Drink Offering!” Send them forth to ignite many
revival fires, and to establish Your Kingdom, both at home and abroad! Amen.
Acknowledgment of His
Lord Jesus Christ:
You are
the “Alpha and
Omega,” Yea, the “Aleph and Tau!” You are the “Almighty God,” and the “King of
Kings and Lord of Lords!” All worship, praise; glory, laud, and honor, belongs
unto You; in Heavens, on Earth, and under the Earth; both now and forevermore!
Amen and Amen!