After serving the Lord faithfully for many years in the Baptist Church, Stan
and Betty came to a mighty awakening, as our Lord Jesus led them into the Holy Spirit Baptism, anointing them and calling
them into a full-time ministry, “with signs following.”
Stan had played professional baseball for most of his adult life, prior to
this powerful experience; which at once placed him upon “another team,” of which Jesus Christ the Lord is the
Captain and Coach (no “losses,” nor “bad seasons” for this team; only WIN…WIN…WIN)! Praise the Lord!
Stan and Betty reflect such team-ship in their life and ministry together, as has
been evidenced in their extensive evangelistic tours in America and unto the nations.
They make their home-base in North Carolina, near their beloved children and grandchildren. They both proclaim, as well as illustrate the Gospel in their unique teaching gift, which
bears dramatic fruit in the lives of those unto whom they minister.