Bob and Bianca have served as Pastors in southeastern Florida, for many years,
where they have been used of our Lord to establish many upon the sure foundation of New Covenant truth and doctrine.
A true Father in the Faith, full of compassion and wisdom, Bob is a builder
of our Lord’s Kingdom within the lives of men and women, as well as operating in the Prophetic Mantle and the Gifts
of the Holy Spirit. He was a significant figure in the early Charismatic Awakening,
and was granted the privilege of being a personal friend and student of such highly gifted teachers as Walter Buettler, Jewel
Courtney, Annette Marsnik, and Edgar Parkyns, during his years of study in two different schools of ministry.
When sitting under Bob’s ministry, it becomes immediately apparent that
he received a rich impartation from these noble vessels of our Lord. A gifted
Pastor and Prophetic Teacher, he has served for twelve years as President of Freedom Seminary.