Calvary School of the Bible has been
established for the purpose of training dedicated Christian Believers for
Ministerial/Missionary service in the United States of
and in other nations.
The primary purpose and goal of this Institution
is for the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and
for the furtherance of His Glorious Kingdom in all the Earth.
It may be safely asserted that the heart
and spirit of Calvary School of the Bible is centered wholly in the
Lord Jesus Christ and in His highest will, purpose, and plan for this
Institution and all it shall seek to accomplish.
While it is true that we desire to be a
"School of the Spirit," and a place of our Lord's anointing, we are
well aware that the Spirit and the Word agree.
We perceive this concept to be an indication that in all Christian
activity and ministry, there should be a Divine balance between the ministry of
the Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Both should flow together in a harmonious and complementary
balance. In view of the above, we
earnestly seek a spirit of excellence in every area!
As previously stated, our hearts have
often been heavy and saddened by the fact that there are many sincere young
Brothers and Sisters (and some older ones as well) who long for and desire the opportunity
to come aside and prepare their hearts and lives for the glad service of the
King of kings; the problem being that many find it impossible to do so because
of financial need. We believe with all
of our hearts it is for this purpose our Lord Jesus Christ has raised up and
established this school as a place where He may lead His dear children to be so
prepared, regardless of their financial status.
By the grace of our Almighty God, Calvary School of the Bible shall be a place where
He may abide, find His rest, and be pleased to manifest His glory and presence
(Psalm 132:13-18).
Study is a necessary element for any
endeavor in life. The
"Bereans" were commended as being more noble than the other early
Believers, because it was their practice to search the Scriptures daily. To
be well prepared in any vocation requires
diligent study and training, but the rewards are great and well worth the
effort! How much more so does this
principle apply to those whose vocation will be that of an "able minister
of the New Covenant." Surely there
is no higher or greater calling and vocation known unto man.