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By Michael O'Connor


I was privileged to enter Pentecost, in 1959.  That is a long while ago, and many valuable lessons have been learned along the way.  I recall that even as a “Youngster in the Faith,” some things did not bode well with me, one of which was (and is) the proclivity of some persons to speak on, and on, of “new things.” 

Some claim that God speaks often, and directly to them, in a conversational manner; addressing them (or so they claim) by even their “nick-names!”  Years ago, when affronted by such an individual, Sister Viola Wertz, listened patiently and kindly, for what seemed a very long time.  Finally, at a brief pause in the monologue being hurled at her, Viola seized the moment, and quickly interjected, with thinly veiled sarcasm: "Ohhh . . . I see . . . I see . . . now I understand why I haven't been hearing much from the Lord lately: With all these 'daily, hour-long conversations' He's having with you, I suppose He's too busy to speak to me!"  (Dear Sister Wertz was one of the most spiritual women I've known, but of course, very human.  At times, certain people can be sent by the enemy to wear upon us, and even "torment" us.)  After the fact, she felt rather convicted and regretful that she had spoken in such a manner. 

Sister Barbara Massie, disclosed that, throughout her life, she had likewise been often "tested" by such persons, claiming to have some ascendant and privileged position with our Lord.  She had the deepest love and compassion for all people; even the most unlovely, but at the same time, she was a very keen and perceptive woman of the Holy Spirit, and being a prophet, was able to perceive what lay behind the facade.  Sister Massie very often warned us to beware of those sent by the enemy to rob us of peace, and wear us down.

Another example I’m reminded of, was a “Charismatic” minister, who some years ago, published a “report,” of looking out an airplane window, and seeing “Jesus,” running alongside the airplane, dressed in jogging clothes and tennis shoes.  It seems that some well intentioned persons have colorful imaginations!   While scenarios such as this may seem innocent enough, though very silly and childish, many gullible souls are impressed by such colorful rhetoric.  As for myself, such has ever been a source of aggravation to my spirit.

Another source of irritation has come from persons, who when visiting or calling, feel compelled to ask: “What is God speaking to you, lately?” or “What are you seeing/hearing these days?”  I was raised with conservative Southern values, and taught to strive always to show kindness and politeness, but I have oft’ been tempted to thus answer such persons: “What am I supposed to be hearing; “voices,” and wild, unscriptural fantasies such as you hear?”  Well, I am hearing something: It is precisely what our Lord’s New Covenant Children have been hearing for the past 2000 years…His voice in the “Old Black Book!”  I can hear all I need to hear within its blessed pages!  If I listen carefully, and heed what is written therein, I will have a full-time job! 

Our Lord can of course, and does speak to His People by inner impressions, prophecies, circumstances and leadings; and at times by dreams: But we have a “more sure Word of Prophecy,” which is the BIBLE!  The Scriptures are the unfailing standard and plumb-line, and the only rule of faith and practice!  Many today, seem to live their lives based on prophecies, dreams, visions, hunches, and impressions; with little regard to following God’s Word.  I believe strongly in the “Five-Fold Ministry,” and have many times received prophecies that were truly accurate, and confirmed in the mouths of numerous witnesses, unaware of each other or of the other prophecies spoken.  I have also received prophecies which were either pure fantasy, partially correct, or totally false!  This is not strange, considering that God’s Word teaches us that: “…we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away” (I Corinthians 13:9-10).  So, prophecy is a “part-realm.”  Only God’s Word (the Bible) stands true on its own merit. 

It is tragic to observe folk who are continuously in a state of near-hysteria; over some “new revelation,” “new doctrine,” “new message,” “new move;” etc.  Most often, such rhetoric equates to: “A new fantasy;” “new deception;” “new error;” “new fanaticism;” etc.  After awhile, pride enters and leads them further into arrogance and unteachableness!  They often boast of: An “elite position;” a “greater revelation;” an “up-to-date ministry;” a “present word;” “being on the cutting-edge;” part of the “avant-garde;” numbered with a “select, advance army,” etc.

While such terminology may be enticing and stimulating to immature Believers, and may appeal to those given to rebellion; it shall not impress those who are better acquainted with the “Lowly Nazarene,” and His unchanging Word, consistent ways, and unwavering precepts!  These “better acquainted ones” march to the cadence of the “…faith once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).  These have answered the call to “…ask for the old paths, where is the good way…” (Jeremiah 6:16).  These follow the One who changes not (Malachi 3:6), “…with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17).  These abhor the “Leaven of the Pharisees” (Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1). 

Leaven causes a chemical change in bread, causing it to become vaunted, puffed-up, and filled with air.  “Bread” is of course a type of the Word of the Lord and of His Ministers!  Leaven corrupts and infiltrates the structure of the loaf, bringing change and mutation.  Historically this is reflected in the many brutal assaults upon the Scriptures. “Revisionists” have manipulated, twisted, and wrested God’s Word in an unholy attempt to bring it into alignment with their particular areas of doctrinal bias and dogmatic prejudice. 

When the “spirit of leaven” enters into the hearts of ministers, they become vaunted, arrogant, puffed-up with pride, and full of “hot-air!”  We have all seen such type persons, as “Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence…” (III John 9).  They delight in self-aggrandizement, and in monopolizing every conversation.  They seize the “Pulpit” at every opportunity, as a “stage” whereupon to perform, strut, and show-off!  They crave to be seen and heard, often abusing the utterance gifts; going on, and on, and on, so long as they are permitted.  Such misguided souls feel an “unhealthy compulsion” to persistently propagate things “NEW,” whilst “correcting,” and slurring others as: “Outer-Court, Thirty-fold, or Old-Order.”  Some even become wild-eyed and vitriolic; waxing bold to hurl “rebukes” at the Host-Pastors and Elders.  One need not be a “Rocket-Scientist” to determine that in such scenarios, something is very much amiss, and unlike our Lord Jesus Christ!  Such behavior is all the more reason for the need of mature leadership and oversight in the Body of Christ! 

The verses most often quoted by champions of the “NEW” are: “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).  These folk erroneously interpret this verse (in vernacular paraphrase) as: “Do not remember the former things: Don’t consider the things of old!  Forget all about that ‘old stuff,’ because I am going to do a brand-new thing, different than anything you have ever seen or heard.”

In order to properly understand the above verses, they must be examined together, as well as with the entire supporting context.  We shall engage upon a word-study of these two verses, but first it is necessary to briefly discuss the subject of Biblical hermeneutics, and to give a brief historical sketch of the period surrounding the narrative. 

While the Authorized Version of 1611 A.D. is a remarkable and commendable translation, it does contain minor mistranslations and textual omissions.  Misapplications or the absence or additions of the chapter and verse divisions and punctuation, at times causes difficulty in the proper rendering of the original manuscripts: Yet, it remains one of the most faithful translations, during all the generations following!  In Scriptural interpretation, it does not take much at all to upset a given record, narrative, and/or line of thought.

In Biblical hermeneutics, we learn to “…rightly [divide] the Word of Truth…” (II Timothy 2:15).  This means to: Gk. = “correctly dissect and examine the Word of Truth” (the Scriptures).  As we do so, we can find amazing clarity and insight!  Word-studies are of great import, since they serve to open a window into that which is being expressed in the “Original.” 

In many cases, both in the Hebrew, and in the Greek, one word may have numerous variations and shades of meaning: Obviously, all of which may not be applicable to a particular verse.  To determine which words are applicable; grammar, structure, syntax, relationship to other words, and colloquial/regional influences must be carefully examined. 

Such a study mandates an examination of the narrative as a “whole,” especially the syntax and context in which a word is contained.  Scholars have long warned against “verse-snatching” (the pulling of verses or phrases out of context in order to establish a doctrine or make application to an isolated situation). 

An “Iron-Clad” Rule is that: No single verse can stand alone, in the establishing of a doctrine: There must be at least two supporting verses (Scriptural Witnesses) and preferably three or more: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation” (II Peter 1:20).  “…In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (II Corinthians 13:1).

An understanding of Scriptural structure is of utmost importance: The original Scriptures were written upon tablets, scrolls, and parchments made of papyri and animal skins.  The method of composition then employed was a free-flowing style from start to finish, in each Book or narrative; without punctuation and chapter/verse divisions. 

An historical view of the narrative in Isaiah 43 adds to its overall understanding.  Isaiah prophesied mainly to Judah, but also to Israel, spanning the reigns of four kings of Judah, during which time both Israel and Judah had fallen into idolatry and spiritual decadence.  The nation of Israel had been divided for approximately two hundred years as a result of Civil War.  The Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and one-third of Levi remained in the South, with their capital at Jerusalem (the Kingdom of Judah).  The other nine and two-thirds tribes had seceded to the North, making their capital at Samaria (the Kingdom of Israel). 

Although Israel (The Northern Kingdom) was backslidden, and had fallen under Divine Judgment, mandating their capture and ensuing ninety years’ captivity by the Assyrians; they still attempted to maintain and preserve a degree of their religious heritage and traditions.  Their king was overthrown, and their priesthood abolished, but even at that juncture a significant vestige of their former identity remained. 

As deplorable and dejected as the Captive Israel became, never was there a time in there history (until after their dispersal following the Assyrian Captivity), when they did not continue in the teaching, instructing, and proclaiming of their glorious and terrible history as a memorial unto the faithfulness of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!  Never was there an occasion when the Lord instructed them to not remember and not consider His former acts and dealings!  Isaiah 43:18-19 has been interpreted in such a fashion, not because of “mistranslation,” but in this case, due to the absence of question marks.  As with any Scripture, if the entire context is carefully examined, there will come clear understanding of the narrative, rendering the implementation of grammatical additions by translators completely unnecessary.

Considering how many times throughout their unsettled history our Lord called, instructed, warned, and challenged the children of Israel to: Return, repent, remember, consider, think-upon, desire, long-after, and hope for all those things they had known and received of Him, since ancient times.  Surely He was not in this one isolated prophetical phrase, commanding them to do just the opposite!  Even a hint of such a possibility is preposterous and untenable! 

Now, to our word-study: The following are the definitions of key-words found in Isaiah 43:18-19.

1. “Remember” – Heb. Zakar = To still think upon; hold in one’s heart; reminisce upon.

2. “Former” – Heb. Rishown = Ancient ones; Ancestors afore; (from a root meaning: chiefest of men; the head; excellent ones; principal leaders; top; first-fruits).

3. “Things” – Heb. Dabar = Glory; power and promise.

4. “Consider” – Heb. Biyn = Eloquent; feel; inform; instruct; teach.

5. “Old” – Heb. Gadan = To flee before or from; proceed out from; proceed unto (referring to the Exodus and the journey to Canaan): Also referred to in vv. 3,4,6,16,17, of chapter 43.

6. “Behold” – Heb. Hen = Look, gaze upon (as in surprise).

7. “Do” – Heb. Asah =Perform; bring into being.

8. “New” – Heb. Chadash = (From a root meaning: To cause to rebuild; restore; renew).

9. “Spring-forth” – Heb. Tsamach = To bud; sprout; bloom; bear; bring-forth (as a perennial harvest.                                     

10. “Know” – Heb. Yada = To recognize; be acquainted with (as previously known).

Above are listed the appropriate words with their definitions, which we shall now apply to the context.  It must be established that, despite the Translators’ omission of question marks, verses 18-19a are indeed making an inquiry, and not a “statement!”  This is clearly borne out by the context!  As a kind and loving father, He is keeping hope alive in their hearts, by issuing a heart-rending appeal with a promise of future restoration.  He is calling them to remembrance of His past mercies and blessings, and of their former noble standing as His Chosen People.

Employing the results of the word-study, we now present an expanded paraphrase of Isaiah 43:18-19.  May our precious Lord Jesus open your understanding and cause you to rejoice as you read!

Verse 18 

“Do you not still think-upon; recall with deep longing and remembrance upon your Patriarchs and Ancestors whom I raised up as My Leaders, Rulers, and Chiefest Men; even My Excellent Ones and First-Fruits, whom I made the head (and not the tail)?  Do you not longingly remember your former glory, power, purpose, and promise?  Do you not still deeply feel the import of your history so greatly that you still most eloquently teach, instruct, and expound upon it to your children and to your tribes?  Do you not remember in Olden-Times, how you fled before the face of Pharaoh, and how you gathered and congregated as a People, when I helped you, and made a way through the desert, and through the great waters, as you proceeded unto the Promised Land?”

Verse 19: 

“Look, now!  Are you surprised as you gaze upon what I shall perform and bring into being, as a Renewal, Rebuilding, and Restoration?  Shall it not spring-forth, bloom and blossom, and bear fruitage in a bountiful harvest, such as you have known previously?  Shall you not recognize it as a thing with which you have been well acquainted, from times of Old.  As I did in the past, I will even again make a way for you in the wilderness, and I will make a way for you through those great waters of the desert” (referring to the Exodus).  [A significant note, considering that at the time of this prophecy, they found themselves (as had been the plight of their ancestors) enslaved and held captive by an Alien Power.]

What a marvelous key these two verses afford to the unlocking of the supporting context of Scripture!  Indeed, the entire chapter (43) and its supporting historical context of chapters 41, 42, 44, 45, is a vivid treatise of our Lord’s past dealings, present admonitions, and promises of His future blessings and restoration!

In closing, attention must be given also to Isaiah 42:9, which is a companion Scripture contained in the context.  Three words studied here which do not appear in Isaiah 43:18-19 are:

1. “Come to pass” – Heb. Bow = Doubtless come again (as used in Psalm 126:6).  Heb. Abav = To convey; be carried-over.

2. “Declare” – nagad = Manifest; show forth.

3.“Tell” – Heb. Shama = To consider; understand and comprehend; be a witness unto.

We now present to you an expanded paraphrase of Isaiah 42:9:

“Look now!  Are you surprised as you gaze upon the histories of your Patriarchs and Ancestors whom I raised-up as My Leaders, and Chiefest Men; even my Excellent Ones, and First-Fruits, whom I made the head (and not the tail)?  All these historical records have doubtless come again and have been carried-over from the former times.  Things Renewed, Rebuilt, and Restored, shall I manifest and show forth!  Before they burst forth and bear a bountiful harvest such as you have known many times in the past; I shall call unto you to consider, understand, and comprehend, so that you shall indeed be My witnesses of these things!”

(Please study the following Scriptures: Isaiah 43:10; Song of Solomon 7:13; Matthew 13:52).

Dear Ones in Christ: Please be settled in your hearts upon the fact that the entire Bible from cover, to cover, is indeed a Present Message!  It is a Present Revelation!  It is a Present Word!  It is Present Truth!  The marvelous Word of our Lord is Perennial!  There is an unfading freshness and newness to His Holy Word!  He is the “… [One] which was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 4:8).  He is ETERNAL!  His Word is ETERNAL!  His ways and dealings are ETERNAL!  All He is, has, and performs, is AU-COURANT!  He lives (past, present, and future) in the EVER-PRESENT “NOW!”

Please!  Never forget the fact, that the “whole body of Scripture” is a record of former Events, Peoples, and Places (that which occurred in the past; things which were): And is “OLD,” as contrasted by things contemporary and commonly coined as “The New.”  Our Lord Jesus Christ; His Word, His Church, His Ways, His Dealings, His Acts and Deeds; though from Everlasting to Everlasting, are ever FRESH and ever NEW!  There is nothing “passé” nor redundant in His Glorious Kingdom!  His Living Temple in the Earth is still growing into a holy habitation for the Lord: When the last soul has been saved and the last Living Stone has been set into place (with the newest and last final touch), all shall have been solidly built and established upon the foundations and underpinnings of the “OLD!”


Beloved in Christ: I sincerely trust this article has been a blessing to you!  Our greatest wish and highest desire is to be a blessing and encouragement unto our fellow members in Christ’s Body, throughout the whole world!  The message which we preach is not only for the “American Church,” but for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in every nation!  OUR VISION IS INTERNATIONAL !  OUR BURDEN IS INTERNATIONAL !  OUR OUTREACH IS INTERNATIONAL !  OUR MINISTRY IS INTERNATIONAL !   BRETHREN, PLEASE PRAY FOR US !  THANK YOU !




