year 1959 was for many people a good year; it was an especially good year for Mr. Lewis Halcomb and Miss Mary Jane Moscufo,
seeing it was the year of their marriage. Lew was an aspiring Country Western musician and singer, and Mary Jane
was a personable young lady who made a beautiful bride. Their marriage would be blessed with five children, two
of whom are now with the Lord. Lew was a hard worker and a good provider, even in those lean years, and Mary Jane
was an excellent wife and mother, who was deeply committed to her family.
have heard Lew say that it did not take Mary Jane very long to learn how to cook “Southern style” (Lew having
been born, and raised in Kentucky). As was his custom, he would throw his head back, laugh heartily, and say, “Mike,
let me tell you one thing; my wife, Mary Jane, is one of the finest cooks I’ve ever seen! My Mom is an excellent
cook, but I’ll tell you the truth, Mary Jane sure enough has her plumb beat.” His eyes would sparkle,
and he’d give that big grin of his, which could “light up the dark side of the moon!” God knows
he loved his Mary Jane! Lew has been in heaven now, since Summer of 2006. I believe with all my heart
that his ministry has not ceased; but continues on, in the Glory-Land!
those early years, three darling children had graced Lew and Mary Jane’s home.
There were bountiful times and lean times, but their love, one for another, only grew and deepened. Somehow, inter-twined into the life of this little family was a growing longing and desire for God. Both had grown up around “Religion,” but neither had as yet surrendered
unto Christ. Then, the curtain dropped!
Tragedy visited this little family, when their darling son and brother, “Little Lew,” at age six, was taken
from them, suddenly and unexpectedly. Lew and Mary Jane were devastated by this
event. A cold numbness of grim resignation settled upon them in the months following,
which somehow enabled them to stumble-on through the Vale of Grief and Sorrow. Then,
it seemed that by little and by little, everything began to unravel. Lew thought
a geographical change would prove helpful, so he moved his family to Ohio. During
that sojourn, Todd was born. Still they could not seem to escape the deep cavern
of emptiness caused by Little Lew’s departure. Along with this, there was
a steadily increasing longing for God; a relentless gnawing, which refused to be placated.
work scarce and finances nearly gone, Lew saw no alternative but to return to New Jersey with Mary Jane and their children. They arrived to face only more problems: No home; no job, and no money! There was no provision made except for Mary Jane and the children to stay with her family, and Lew with
his mother.
after day, Lew sought for employment, until one night, he realized he could go on no further!
At his lowest ebb, with nowhere else to turn, he fell upon his Mom’s living room floor, and wept, and prayed
his way through to God and salvation. Lew arose from that old floor in Burlington,
New Jersey, a new and changed man! He had been Born-Again!
at once, he found employment and was soon able to rent a nice apartment for his family.
Things were on the up-swing, as their family began to attend Sunday-School and church.
God continued to bless, and after a time, Lew secured a good paying position as a tool and die maker.
Mary Jane rejoiced in her “new husband,” and was glad for the blessings of God upon her family, it seemed all
so new and different to her. She sincerely desired the reality of Christ, but
being always an analytical person, she was not inclined to rush into anything which she did not understand. Thusly, she was moving toward God in a slow and cautious manner; feeling her way, so to speak.
pattern continued until one day, while she was piling the kids into the car to go grocery shopping, Todd’s older brother
Mark accidentally slammed his hand in the door. Todd was the baby of the family,
and at age five, was a small child. Their car was a 1960 Chevrolet with very
heavy doors. The scene which emerged was sheer pandemonium: Todd was screaming
in pain with his hand caught in the door, bleeding profusely, and visibly crushed. Denise
and Mark were screaming and crying, and Mary Jane went into shock.
she tore open the door and grabbed up Todd, still screaming hysterically. Her
mind raced as she fought to get her bearings... What to do?... What to do?... Call Lew?... Call Ambulance?...
She looked again upon that small, bloody, crushed hand, and suddenly, something with which she was unfamiliar; something very
powerful; from very deep in her spirit, exploded, and she heard herself praying mightily over her child! She held his bloody little hand and prayed yet stronger!!! In
a split second, Todd went limp in her arms and immediately fell silent.
and shaken, Mary Jane shouted: “Todd! Todd! What happened! What is it?” Todd, now completely calm, answered quietly: “It doesn’t hurt anymore, Mommy.” Mary Jane immediately began wiping off the blood. She wiped
and wiped, and was aghast to see that little hand no longer crushed and mangled, but perfect and straight. She wiped some more and the blood did not return. She could
find not one mark nor break in the skin. She had Todd to move and flex his hand. He began to laugh gleefully as did Denise and Mark.
All that Mary Jane could do was to stare at that child’s hand, as she laughed and cried at the same time! She had seen her first miracle!
Jane was so overjoyed that she drove immediately to the machine shop to tell Lew of the miracle. Upon hearing this, Lew wept and rejoiced, and found it difficult to get his mind on his work for the remainder
of the day. This miracle convinced Mary Jane!
Within days she had prayed through to a powerful, Born-Again experience.
quality of carefulness and caution which Mary Jane exhibited in her early years of coming to Christ, with time, grew and developed,
and with a keen discernment, served in later years to be a great complement and safety for Brother Lew. She is gifted with a keen spiritual insight, and is often able to perceive the underlying realities of
persons and situations, far in advance of those about her.
and Mary Jane were growing quickly, and thriving in their new-found Faith, when an unexpected chapter was about to unfold,
during a family visit to Ohio. The little country church was extremely unbearable
with mid-summer heat. Having driven all night from New Jersey, Lew was quite exhausted, so he left the meeting
to go out for a breath of fresh air. He sat down upon a little knoll, and was quietly worshiping the Lord and praying.
happened next, was to him a total shock and surprise, but would be the beginning of a powerful ministry; and would usher in
the Gift of Discerning of spirits, and the Gifts of the Word of Wisdom and Knowledge, Prophecy, and Healing! From
that hour, Lew’s eyes would be opened to the spirit-world, and to the hidden agendas of men’s hearts, for he would
become a “Prophetic Seer.”
Lew sat there, he suddenly became aware of a dark, evil presence, although no one else was present in the churchyard. He
looked up suddenly, and there about thirty feet away, was a man (or an apparition of a man) of dark olive complexion, with
medium length, straight black hair, a pock-marked face, and extremely piercing dark eyes. He was dressed all in
black and had an unusually hard, cruel face! Lew, at once, perceived that this was an incarnation of a high ranking
Satanic Principality. He would see this Principality several more times throughout his years of ministry. Suddenly,
the “creature” vanished from before his eyes. Please bear in mind that Lew had never before experienced
such, nor was he given to hallucinations or fantasies.
the fact, others in the church came to him and reported that at the very instant this “creature” appeared, they
were compelled to go to the window and look out into the churchyard. Shaken and fearful, they asked: “Who
was that person? Did you recognize that person? Do you know him?” So, even though Lew
was very young in the Lord, having only recently been saved; something was imparted to his spirit, of a holy anger and vengeance
against this dark figure, and all he represented.
understood fully that this creature was a destroyer of men’s lives, and although not being able to even comprehend the
ramifications of such, he knew that this being, and himself, had come into confrontation, and would forthwith be mortal
enemies. From that very moment, our Lord Jesus anointed Brother Lew, and began to use him in the deliverance and
setting free of individuals bound and fettered by evil spirits.
with all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, these Giftings would not operate 24/7, but only as energized by the Holy Spirit, in
a given situation. In the natural, Lew was a man of intense love and compassion, who shrank from confrontation,
and was loathe to ever hurt or offend anyone. This tender heart of his, at times, created problems for him in dealing
with persons who had secret agendas or ulterior motives. Yet, in spite of Lew’s inherent reticence to do
anything hurtful or offensive, the anointing of God was upon him heavily, and at times, as if beyond himself, he would rise
up against the evil works of darkness, and lurking hidden things, with a power and authority in the Holy Spirit that was absolutely
have personally witnessed this and have seen such persons “melt like ice in August,” in the presence of Lew, when
this type anointing would come upon him. Certain individuals at times seemed to gloat, thinking they had “pulled
the wool over his eyes,” and tricked him; but often, at the least expected moment, the Holy Spirit would open his eyes
to their charades. Suddenly, they were (figuratively speaking) naked and exposed, and unable to hide. Even
in such dramatic moments, there was a tenderness and kindness in Lew that eclipsed any rebuke or exposure being rendered.
time marched on, one of the greatest trials for Lew and Mary Jane, would come with a lingering trauma over the sudden death
at six years of age, of “Little Lew” (Lewis Halcomb, Jr.). As a result of this great tragedy, Sister
Mary Jane’s nerves were completely shattered, and in that weakened condition, the Enemy sought to take advantage, by
tormenting her, day and night! Medical science was unable to help her: Various Pastors offered prayers and counsel
to no avail! Finally, our Lord Jesus began to reveal to Lew and Mary Jane that this crisis was, neither physical,
mental, nor emotional; but rather, a spiritual attack upon this dear Woman of God!
is heartrending to realize that in the midst of such a crisis, there was not one clergyman, nor minister who could address
the problem properly and effectively minister to her. Why? Simply because so few ministers in modernity
any longer believe in present day anointing or the commands of our Lord Jesus. “A form of
godliness,” and “religious tradition,” has in many cases, taken precedence over the true power of God and
the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-18). Of course, the New Testament Ministries of healing and deliverance have always
been misunderstood and despised, even when carried-out with the utmost care and concern to be absolutely Scriptural, and in
Divine order.
and Mary Jane were a precious young couple, doing their utmost to serve the Lord, and press into the ministry unto which they
were called. Tragedy had struck in their lives, leaving a heartbreak and grief so great, that only our Lord Jesus
could bring healing. There they stood alone; two young babes in Christ, with a house full of precious children. They
were left to struggle on their own, and somehow forge-ahead in blind faith, until they met God, and broke through into the
reality of that which Jesus Christ purchased upon the cross of Calvary! Steadfastly they battled and prayed; fasted
and prayed; wept and cried; pleaded for help; but with time, as the purple dawn breaking over the hills: Slowly; gradually;
almost imperceptibly at first; the light began to dawn “by little and by little.” Mary Jane’s
deliverance began to flow like a mighty river of blessing upon a dry barren desert!
this process, God was placing within her heart, a deep understanding and heart-compassion for all who have suffered the agony
of heartbreaks, and who have come under the torment and attack of the wicked one! The hour came when Mary Jane
was completely delivered and restored, and strong to stand with Brother Lew in the ministry to which they were
called! She became a mighty warrior in the Spirit, with great authority and boldness against the works of darkness,
resident in the lives of individuals! The Lord Jesus gifted her with an ability to counsel and comfort all such
persons, as well as to minister deliverance to them.
greatly neglected and greatly needed ministry began in their home in Burlington, New Jersey, in the early 1970’s. Before
long, the word got out, and hurting people desperate for help, began to come from many quarters. Only eternity
will reveal the results of those early days of ministry. Many “hard-cases” came for help: Seemingly
impossible cases: Some were totally insane, brought to the meetings, lashed-down and tied into chairs, so great was their
violence. Lew and Mary Jane would immediately command them to be untied. Their families often remonstrated
fearfully, saying: “No, no, you don’t understand, they are violent; they will hurt people: We cannot untie them.” Brother
Lew, at such times, would be the epitome of calmness. He would speak in a low, even voice, while looking with a
piercing gaze into the eyes of the oppressed one: “Oh, but I do understand, I do! But, I also understand
the Word of God! The demoniac of the Gadarenes, also needed to be restrained; but when Jesus passed by, the first
thing He did was to issue the command to loose (untie) him; and in His name; that all-powerful name of Jesus Christ,
I now command this person to be untied, for the power of the resurrected Christ in this room is greater than the power which
oppresses this person.” Friend, there was never a case of anyone becoming violent when Lew issued that command,
but the record bears witness that without exception, every one became as meek as a lamb, and was totally delivered and set
free, after deliverance was ministered to them.
Mary Jane continued to be a pillar of support to Lew, and an able minister of the New Covenant. Several years passed
by, and Brother Lew continued to work as a machinist, while holding meetings in his home, and testifying of the goodness of
God, and doing his best to lead souls to Jesus, wheresoever he found them.
In 1978, Lew
and Mary Jane received an unexpected call to assume the Pastorate of the little, Gospel Mission Church, in Riverside, New
Jersey. This, they did with surprising results: Immediately, the place began to fill-up, and soon was “bursting
at the seams” with hungry souls who came from far and near!
(An interesting
note: This was the same church, Pastored from early 1957 to late 1959, by my Pastor, James Del-Vecchio. It was
there, I dedicated my life to Christ, and was baptized into the Holy Spirit: It was there, I preached my first sermon at age
fifteen, as a “Christ’s Ambassadors” youth minister. The Gospel Mission was founded in 1936 and carried
with it a long and turbulent history. By the 1950’s, in the wake of church splits and in-fighting, etc.,
several Pastors had failed in their earnest attempts to rebuild the work: None had been able to garner more than a “faithful-few”
congregants. James Del-Vecchio, in summer of 1959, gave a prophecy that the time would come at some future
date, when God would again gather people to this little church. He predicted that the time would come that so many
would crowd into this humble, frame building, that it would be necessary to “prop up the floors,” to keep them
from collapsing.)
is precisely what happened in the first few months of Brother Lew’s Pastorate there. Not only was it necessary
to jack-up and brace the floors, but it became necessary also to install three tie-rods and turn-buckles, to keep the roof
and walls from collapsing. The church was designed to seat eighty-five persons, but at the peak of the Revival,
during Lew’s Pastorate, there were times when nearly twice that many were packed into that humble abode. Considering
that the meetings were spontaneous and joyful, and decidedly Pentecostal, with all the vigorous accoutrements of a “Pentecostal
Revival,” it is quite amazing that the building stood the test!
was during these years at the Mission, that the Lord Jesus gave Lew and Mary Jane an even greater burden for the Lost, leading
them into the “highways and hedges,” in surrounding towns, where they went with teams to conduct open-air meetings
on the streets and in the parks, with great success. For a period of time, Brother Lew also rented space at the
old Pennsauken Mart, where he preached from the back of a truck, with his musicians and workers. The entire area
was being shaken with the Gospel, and greatly impacted for Christ! Souls were coming and being saved! Many
were healed and delivered! A goodly number came into the Baptism into the Holy Spirit! God was moving
by His Spirit!
Within four years,
the building could no longer accommodate the crowd, and in 1982, the move was made to the former “Chiaccio-Hall,”
on the corner of River Road, and Fairview Street. It was my great privilege to preach the Dedication Service of
that Tabernacle, which for the following ten years, would become a veritable “lighthouse in a dark place.” Being
on the bus-line between Philadelphia and Trenton, souls by the score braved the elements: Summer heat; winter snow and ice;
and the crime infested streets and neighborhoods of Philadelphia, Camden, and Trenton, to find their way to Riverside, New
Jersey and the East Coast For Jesus Church. This was no easy task, especially for the elderly, considering that
many had to ride trolley cars and the elevated train for great distances to Center City Philadelphia, in order to board the
New Jersey Transport Bus (in those days, the old: Public Service #9 route). Then, upon boarding, it was another
forty-five minutes, to an hour, trip to Riverside. Yet, they came in droves, unto that “sacred hill of Zion,”
in order to meet God, and receive the blessings of Pentecost!
Soon after moving
to Chiaccio-Hall in 1982, the Lord blessed their ministry to go on radio. First, on station WFMR, and in later
years, on WZZD as well. The radio ministry bore a fruitful harvest of souls, and was instrumental in many souls
coming to Christ. Through the years at the Mission, and also at Chiaccio-Hall, Sister Mary Jane continued to grow in the Holy
Spirit, and in her Giftings; becoming an able preacher and teacher of the Word of God.
A new challenge
was presented in early 1992. Chiaccio-Hall would comfortably seat approximately one hundred fifty persons, but,
Sunday morning services had grown to over two hundred persons. I have been there at Conventions and Revivals, when
they had packed-in nearly three-hundred persons. (Don’t ask me how. I still cannot fathom it!) A
new building was desperately needed! Our Lord miraculously made the way to purchase a former, metal fabricating plant,
on Whittaker Street. Further provision was made to renovate it from top to bottom, including a lovely sanctuary
seating eleven hundred persons, and an impressive Sunday-School and Office-Complex.
It was at this
time that a burden was given for television outreach. Of course, with the heavy expenses and pressing budget arising
through the new church edifice, this seemed impossible. Then, one day, a brother from the South, called, announcing
that it was his wish to bless them with a complete television studio. This was nothing less than a miracle, and
shortly thereafter, they were telecasting from the church on a weekly basis. As with the radio ministry, television
outreach proved to be a marvelous tool of evangelism and bore great fruit in the lives of many souls. Sister Mary
Jane continued to stand strong in the vision, even though the responsibilities placed upon her were four-fold. Lew
ministered harder than ever, and during this period, their sons, Mark and Todd, both having graduated from: Christ For The
Nations Institute, in Dallas, Texas; began to come into their own ministries, and both became married during this period.
have been many outstanding moves of the Holy Spirit at the new Whittaker Street church, through the years. Our
Lord Jesus was gracious to send many of his choice ministries there to bless the people. It was the privilege of
our dear sister, Aline Baxley, to dedicate that building in 1993, at which time there were seven hundred persons present at
the Dedication Service.
came the call to Brother Lew and Sister Mary Jane to begin to carry the Gospel to the nations. People everywhere
were hungry for the Bread of Life, as well as for the “Bread of Healing,” and the “Bread of Deliverance!” They
were privileged to carry the Gospel to many parts of Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, and other places as well. Powerful
ministry was also taken to the Africans, who gladly received the message of salvation and deliverance, and indeed, many were
delivered and set free!
thousands of lives have been touched by the ministry of the Halcomb Family. Mary Jane has come to be known, loved,
and revered, not only as a “Woman of Faith and Anointing,” but also, as a true “Mother in Israel!” A
number of years ago, she suffered two horrific car crashes, followed by a heart-attack and stroke. Our Lord Jesus
in His great mercy and love, has brought her most remarkably through these crises! Her health is being steadily
restored, and through it all, her mind and spirit remain strong. I was overjoyed to learn that in a recent meeting,
the Spirit of our Lord Jesus came mightily upon her, and she delivered a powerful prophecy to encourage the hearts of the
consider it a great honor to place Sister Mary Jane, upon our Advisory Board. She prefers to give
all the glory to Jesus, and to remain out of the “lime-light.” She is not one to speak of herself,
nor to “pat herself on the back;” but I, here and now; am compelled to give honor unto this dear woman of God,
who has been a sister, a friend, and a mother to so many hurting people through these nearly forty years! She
would never be the one to tell these things, nor to boast of her great benevolence, but I wish it to be known. In
all the years (from 1974 until present) of my acquaintance with the Halcomb Family, I have seen case after case, of those
who were forsaken; despised; outcast; suicidal; mentally deranged . . . You name it ! ! ! . . . , ministered unto, cared for,
and loved!
dozens, and dozens over the years, taken into the Halcomb home; to be treated as family: Fed; provided for; clothed; and in
many cases helped with money! Only those close to the situation can ever know the great price that Brother Lew and Sister
Mary Jane have paid over these decades, to bring life, help and hope; and a second chance, to so many who had gone the last
mile: Those for whom it seemed there was no hope! Suffering souls standing upon the brink of eternity,
with no one to help, nor to care! Only God knows; only God knows! I have seen Sister Mary Jane wash
clothes, from morning till night; stand ironing, when she appeared so fatigued. Whose clothes? The clothes
of her family, and also of the “guests,” who could number up to six or seven at any given time! I have
seen her labor in the kitchen (in early years they had no air conditioning) from morning till night, cooking huge extraordinary
meals for family and “guests.” I have seen her give hundreds of dollars, at times when money was not
abundant, to others, and/or buy gifts, so that they may have a blessed Christmas. It was not unusual for her, at
any juncture, to send hundreds of dollars through the mail, when she became aware of those in need! I have seen
her walk for days, under a heavy burden of concern for people, which at times would be so great as to almost break her heart. I
have seen her clean-up after careless “guests,” who seemed to not mind making messes, and leaving them.
Beloved, Paul
spoke to the fledgling Church of his day: “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not
many fathers...” (1 Corinthians 4:15). I would like to add lib a bit here, by saying: “For though ye
have ten thousand ‘Pastors’ wives,’ yet have ye not many ‘mothers . . .’” Since our Lord
Jesus saw fit to call our precious Brother Lew, home; followed shortly thereafter by the unexpected home-going of Mandy, their
youngest daughter, Sister Mary Jane has born a grief and sorrow that has nearly overwhelmed her. She has been
always a strong woman; a great pillar of fortitude; but there is only so much any one person can bear!
this cause, I humbly implore all who read this profile to place this dear Mother in Israel upon your daily prayer list, and
to intercede and pray for her often. Please believe God with us that she will indeed be fully healed and restored,
and stand again as the great Woman of God and the great leader she is called to be! Please feel free to send her
greetings of encouragement, cheerful words, and please pray about sending some financial help, which I am sure will be
greatly appreciated.
Your brother and servant,