Winston Mattsson-Boze
(Apostle, Teacher, Missionary)
“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and
preaching the gospel of the kingdom...”
Matthew 9:35.
“...That thou shouldest set in order... and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed
Titus 1:5.
consider it an honor to be afforded the privilege of listing our brother in Christ, Winston Mattsson-Boze, upon our Board
of Intercessors. I began to hear of the outstanding ministry of his dear father,
Joseph Mattsson-Boze, when I entered Pentecost in 1959, as a youth of fifteen years.
My Pastor spoke of Brother Mattsson-Boze, in the most glowing terms. Nearly
everyone in those days referred to him simply as: Brother Mattsson-Boze. It was
many years later before I realized that his first name was Joseph, and not “Mattsson.”
Joseph Mattsson-Boze
was used significantly of our Lord in the early decades of the Pentecostal outpouring, in Scandinavia and also America; and
with time, his ministry impacted the nations of the world. He was a true Apostle
and Prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was recognized and acknowledged by other leaders of stature, such as Gordon Lindsay,
William Branham, and many others. (It was my great honor and privilege to be
able to speak with this dear brother, not long before his being called to Heaven. His
voice was very weak and he could speak only above a whisper, but he spoke to me words of Spirit and Life!
Brother Winston has followed in the footsteps of his father; being
a pioneer in short-term training of National Christian Evangelists and Pastors, throughout the world. He led the Herald of Faith Mission (founded by his father in 1958), from 1982 until 2008; and continues
in his teaching and ministry, as well as serving as a Board Chair of Herald of Faith.
His ministry is widely acknowledged and endorsed by numerous Christian leaders around the world.
The focus of their ministry is upon the developing of the “Pastor
in the village.” This reference is made to the people who do not have access
to formal training, but are nevertheless called by God to lead the people.
Brother Winston ministers in Salta, Argentina; The Ural region of Russia; Southeastern
India; Lahore, Pakistan; Kitgum, Uganda (and southern Sudan); and La Ceiba, Honduras. He has ministered in other places as well, and recently began ministering in Pakistan, with a view to making
a decision concerning full commitment to this field, in the near future.
His education includes: A Degree in English; a Master’s Degree in Education;
and a Ph. D. in: International Christian Relations. Brother Winston
is fluent also in Spanish and Swedish. It has been his privilege to work with
the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; coordinating committees in Sweden, Norway, and Finland for “Global Mission,”
a worldwide event in 1995. He continued to train counselors for the B.E.G.A.
until 2001.
He presently serves
as an Elder in the Assemblies of God International Fellowship (A.G.I.F.), based in San Diego, California (a group of about
2000 independent Christian ministers.
He and his wife, Ingrid, reside in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area. Their marriage has been blessed with four lovely children, all of whom are now married and
residing in various parts of America.
We humbly request all of our friends and brethren, as well as
visitors to this website, to place this noble brother and his dear wife and children upon your prayer lists, to be earnestly
remembered in prayer upon a daily basis. Men of God, such as Brother Winston,
are doing a tremendous service to the Body of Christ and to the world at large, in the spreading of the Gospel and establishing
of able ministers and local churches. In view of the above, such servants of
the Lord who bear such a weight of responsibility are truly in need of the faithful prayers of their brothers and sisters.
Your Brother
and Servant,
Michael O'Connor

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