Thunderheads rolled ominously over the Western hills, as the lightning
bolts streaked across the sky. In a lush green valley below, two birds together in a barnlot reacted in different ways. Appearing
similar in some ways, the birds were actually as different as day and night. The chicken, with her head down and her beak
busy in the trash of the barnyard, stepped up her pace as she scratched among the debris and filth searching for grubworms,
scraps, and bits of corn. Knowing that time was short, and that she would soon have to take refuge in the safety of the barn,
she worked frantically to get a meal before the full fury of the storm struck.
Quite strange was the appearance and actions of the other bird.
He sat on a fence post, his head lifted to the sky and his sharp piercing eyes searching among the clouds. He stretched his
wings lazily, and gusts of wind almost lifted him from his perch. It was a thrilling sight to see the magnificent wingspread,
and it was easy to see that the feathers of his wings that had once been clipped back to prevent him flying away, had once
again grown to their full length. It was obvious that this bird was not a chicken.
Eagle in Captivity
On a mountain peak far above the farm, the farmer had taken an egg
from the nest of an Eagle. He had placed it under a sitting hen and hatched it out with a brood of little chickens. With much
patience he had raised it and tried to tame it and make a domestic bird of it. But from the very first it had not fit in with
the routine of the chicken lot. It walked alone, for it found no fellowship with the other little chicks nor the hen. And
tho from the day it hatched out it had known no environment but the domestic life about it, yet from deep within something
of the wild, free nature of the eagle cried out that this was not "home". As it grew larger, its wings had been clipped. Unable
to fly, it sat in the barnyard daily, looking upward… its body confined to earth, but its heart in the say. Not knowing
why, unable to explain, yet knowing that there was a constant call from within to rise to greater heights in heavenly places
Rising on Wings of the Storm
The young eagle stretched the wings the farmer had failed to keep
clipped, and as he did so his eyes caught sight of another great eagle riding on the wings of the wind, high above the storm
clouds. At that moment his ears caught the sound of a sharp piercing cry from the eagle in the sky. Suddenly a gust of wind
caught under his outstretched wings and lifted him from the post. With a shrill scream of victory and freedom, he left the
barnlot forever and soared into the sky to meet those of his own kind.
The Eagle Saints
Beloved, I hope you can see what I'm getting at. I'm not the least
bit interested in eagles or any other kind of birds just for their own sake. And neither is God, but He sure has a lot to
say about eagles in the Bible. And what He has to say is very significant in relation to His saints, the Body of Christ, those
who are called to the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Eagles are symbolic of a certain class of Christians. "But they
that wait upon the Lord… shall mount up with wings as eagles" (Isaiah 40:31). The "mounting up" process is important
and necessary to the Sons of God who are to be caught up to the throne of God, conformed to the image of the Son of God and
rule and reign with Him forever. But it only comes to those who will wait in His Presence until the Glory that shines from
His face changes them from the image of the earthly into the image of their Heavenly King. Not everyone who enjoys the blessings
of God's grace and who believes in Jesus Christ to the saving of their souls will destroy the idols of earth that stand in
the temple of their hearts, and pay the price to go on with God to heavenly places. But God has predestinated those whom He
hath foreknown, and He has purposed that His glory shall be manifested in them. What opportunity! What glory! What a high
calling! Praise God for His unsearchable riches, and for His love and mercy to the sons of men!
Chickens or Eagles?
Chickens also are symbolic of people. The only time chickens are
referred to in the Bible, Jesus used them as a type of those people in Jerusalem who could not hear His message nor heed His
call. They traveled in crowds, in broods, and they were earthbound. They kept their eyes upon the things of this world, scratching
out a bare existence, and never lifted their heads to see Him who is from above. They ate the handouts that were cast to them,
and searched greedily in the crowded barnlot for more to fill their bellies, much of it unclean. For the chicken is by nature
an unclean bird, and will eat dead things and unspeakable filth. They are bound to their existence on the right and on the
left by fences, and are satisfied.
But not the eagle. For he has inherited a nature that cannot and
will not survive in the confining captivity of the barnyard fowl. To be happy and to fulfill his purpose in life, he must
be free to soar in the wide open spaces among the clouds of heaven. It seems lonely up there, for there are not many who will
dare to rise to such heights, but the eagle does not care, for it is not in his nature to mingle with the multitudes or the
Characteristics of Eagle Saints
There is much we can learn about our heavenly calling as we consider
what the Bible says about eagles. Deuteronomy 32:11 tells us how the young eagle gets his introduction to the practice of
soaring in the heavens. Let the eagle saints hear carefully. It says that the mother eagle "Stirreth up her nest", "fluttereth
over her young", "spreadeth abroad her wings", and "beareth them on her wings". The times has come when the young eagle must
leave the nest and strike out on his own. But looking down from the dizzy heights of the mountain peak, he is not ready to
begin such a new and dangerous enterprise. He has "not passed this way before", and he is reluctant to start out. So the mother
eagle begins making things uncomfortable for him in the nest. The nest is so soft, so safe, so comfortable, and he is satisfied
to remain there. None of this business of "trying out your wings" for him. So the mother eagle "stirs up the nest". She tears
up his soft bed, breaks the twigs until the jagged ends stick out. In other words, she begins to make life very miserable
for him in the place that once had seemed so nice.
Oh, saints of God, does it seem that God is dealing harshly with
you? Is He tearing up your soft, comfortable nest? Does the place in God that once met such a need in your life now seem rough,
tight, and uncomfortable? What is happening? The Lord is getting ready to push you off into heights you never dreamed of.
Does the jagged edges of that which once was such a comfort to you now stab you with grief and pain? Have you been wondering
what the trouble was, and perhaps doubt that you were even in the will of God? Doubt no longer, but expect in faith for the
next great work of God to come forth in your life. It is not the wrath of God trying to destroy you. It is the love and wisdom
of our God making you willing to take another big step in the plan and purpose of God for His Church. We, by nature, love
security. So the Lord has to make us utterly sick of our "nest" in order to make us willing to launch out into pioneer spiritual
journeys in the heavenlies.
The Flutter of Wings
Still the young eagle does not leave the torn up nest. So the mother
eagle begins to "flutter over her young". In other words, she begins beating him with her winds. The wings under which he
once hid from all danger now have become his greatest enemy, it seems. What a terrible turn of events! To escape those terrible
wings, he climbs to the side of the nest, and as she spreads her wings abroad, he hops upon her back. Where she goes now,
he will go. For the nest has ceased to be the safe, warm home it once was. See the mother eagle now as she soars high into
the sky, with the little eagle hanging on for dear life. High above the clouds she goes, and suddenly, without warning, she
dives out from under the little eagle, leaving him hanging on nothing. He screams with fear as he tumbles through the air,
but instinctively his wings stretch out and begin trying to catch the air. Down, down, down, he falls as his untried wings
fail to function enough to hold him up. When it looks like all hope is lost and he is about to crash on the rocks below, the
mother eagle swoops under him and bears him up on her wings. Glory to God, what a relief! Back into the heights of heaven
they soar… on her wings. What a glorious feeling! But just as he thinks all is well and he is sitting on top of the
world, the bottom drops out again. And the process starts all over again. This time his wings begin to operate a little better,
become a little stronger. Until finally he learns how to catch the currents of air and soar by himself, needing no longer
the mother to catch him from falling.
The Rebel Falls
But sometimes a little eagle is taken from the nest and refuses
to fly. He will not try his wings. He just waits each time until the mother eagle catches him and bears him back unto the
heavens on her wings. Time and again the process is repeated until the mother eagle is convinced that there is no hope for
him, that she cannot teach him to launch out on his own. Now if he were a chicken, someone would watch over him, feed him,
protect him. Not so the eagle. Either he learns to soar for himself, or he starves to death or becomes a prey of wild beasts.
Knowing this, the mother eagle takes him high into the heavens for one last ride. Then with a wild screech of pain and disappointment,
she dives out from under him and flies away, leaving him to drop to his death on the rocks far below.
Eagle saints have a special training all their own. The flutter
of His wings make us think sometimes that He is going to beat us to death. But the Bible says that if we do not receive His
chastisement, it is a good sign that we are not Sons. When we are finally willing to leave the nest, trusting completely upon
Him, then He takes us into heights of glory never before experienced. Well, everything seems wonderful, and we are rejoicing
in our new and glorious experiences. Then suddenly the bottom drops out, and He is not there. As we drop from the dizzy heights
of glory to the depths of gloom and despair, we flop our feeble wings desperately and unsuccessfully, and wonder why God has
left us to perish like this. Suddenly He is there! And as He bears us on eagles wings back into the heavens, our strength
and joy returns. Only to find that the process must be repeated. Over and over, until finally we find ourselves able to use
our God-given "wings" and be sustained on high by the power of His strength within.
But some that are offered Sonship, as eagle saints, refuse to move
into this realm. They rebel against the processing of God. They resent being placed in the furnace of fire. They love the
nest on high, the safety of His wings, but they despise the chastening, the discipline, the necessity of learning to stand
alone in the heavenlies. He is patient. He is longsuffering. He works with them, giving them chance after chance. But some
will not learn, will not yield their rebellious spirits to His will. So He finally leaves them to fall to destruction on the
craggy rocks of a carnal earthly nature. You have seen them, and so have I. And I have wondered how that those who once soared
among the stars could have fallen so low and come to such an end. How could some who had such revelation, such marvelous gifts
and ministries, have come to the place where they could accept such heretical doctrines of devils? Or cheapen their ministry
and sell out the gift of God for fame and fortune? It has happened, and you know it. It does not make the true revelation
of the Spirit any less true. Nor does it take away from the reality of the Gift God had given them. It had been better if
they had remained as chickens, in the safety of the barnlot. But they had prayed to be eagles, and God answered. But the tests
had brought out the rebellious nature that would not submit wholly to the dealings and discipline of the Holy Ghost. And they
fell. Now a chicken may fall off his roost, or off the chicken house, but he never falls far. For he never rises to great
heights. But when an eagle falls, he falls a long way and is seen by many. But it is necessary, beloved, for there must be
no rebels among those who make their nests on the tops of the mountains and soar above the storm clouds.
Learning to Move in Heavenly Places
Those who ruse with Christ must rule from the heavens. For that
is where the throne is. Many sing "I'll fly away…", and dream of a rapture by and by that will carry them from this
sin cursed earth, past the moon and into the wild blue heavens to some geographical spot in this physical universe to a big
supper all set and loaded with goodies for them to eat. And they know nothing of the purposes of God for His eagle saints
who will actually be caught up to the throne to rule and reign. But the time is at hand. And the Spirit is unveiling and revealing
hidden secrets from His Word to those who are called to the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. So He is teaching us to move
in heavenly places. And sometimes it is terrifying. But His glorious Presence is there, comforting and reassuring. Praise
The chicken yard is very confining. You can go so far, and no farther.
The Plymouth Rocks stay in the Plymouth Rock pens, and the Rhode Island Reds remain in their allotted place. It would be scandalous
if Farmer Brown's hens slipped over to Farmer Jones and ate his corn, or laid their eggs in the wrong place. It doesn't matter
if you are in the Methodist pen, or Baptist, or Pentecostal, or whatever. You may cackle and crow about the advantages in
your particular chicken yard over the others, but just be sure and remain within your set confines.
Not so the eagles. No chicken yard could hold him. Put him in a
cage and he will wither and die He can only live and find happiness in the freedom of the uncovered heavens. There is lots
of room where the eagles gather. Unlimited revelation. Truth flows like a mighty River. No creeds, bylaws, or rigid statement
of beliefs to separate the body of Christ. Sweet fellowship with all who dwell in this place, and no divisive man-made boundaries
exist. Heavenly worship, gifts of the Spirit, and glorious deliverances are the order of the day here. The dull monotonous
routine of a "chicken-yard" religious system is forever a thing of the past for those who rise on the wings of eagles into
this place in God. What a variety of glorious treasures in the Holy Ghost there are for those who dare to believe, and who
"are the called according to His purpose."
Abraham's Two Sons
Some cannot believe this to be true. "We know what we now have",
they say. "We can see it, and at least it is something if not very much. But we cannot see this fantastic dream you are wishing
for. A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and we will not leave this present order while we cannot see anything better
in existence." Yes, Abraham had Ishmael. Isaac was only a promise. But he
was a promise of God. It was Abraham who said: "O that Ishmael might live before thee, God." But God said: "In Isaac shall
thy seed be called." Ishmael was a mighty warrior, one to be admired by the natural man. He could produce. And he was Abraham's
son. For many years Isaac was only a promise, and one that seemed impossible to come into reality. Even to produce this
promise. But, God must bring this to pass. And He will. Little we know about the infant Isaac. Only that he was circumcised,
that he grew, and was weaned. Glory to God, there are those today who are being weaned from the milk, and beginning to eat
the strong meat of God's Word!
Isaac was a child who had a submissive spirit. He ascended into
high places with his father and when he got to Mt. Moriah, he came down with resurrected life, in a figure. He was being made
in the image of that One who had been slain from the foundation of the world. Oh, beloved, don't settle for an earthly experience
and existence. The "Isaac-life" is waiting for those who will believe. It may seem that it will never come, but God is not
late. This High Calling is for those who with patience and faith will not settle for less than Truth and Reality. Hallelujah!
The Face of an Eagle
The prophet Ezekiel and the Apostle John both saw visions of the
Sons of God. We find the stories in Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 4. Tho they were separated by more than 600 years, yet both visions
had this in common… the living creatures had "the face of an eagle." And John said that it was a "flying eagle". Not
one confined to earth. Glory to God! John saw the Great Storm that was coming upon the earth. But he saw, in type, those who
would be as "flying eagles" to rise above the storm.
Eagle in the Storm
See the chickens, how they scurry about hunting for shelter when
the storm breaks. Huddling together in their misery, hoping their shelter won't crash down upon them, fearing every lightning
streak and thunderbolt. Pity those who cannot find shelter, perhaps doomed to death by drowning or hail.
Not so the eagle. The very same storm that pounds upon the poor
earthbound creatures, produces the violent winds that lifts the eagle effortlessly above the storm clouds. Revelation 12:12
speaks of both classes when it says: "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the
earth and of the sea!: Yes, the storm is breaking, and its full fury will fall upon those who have not known the way of the
God is delivering many today from their earthbound existence, lifting
them by the Holy Ghost into heavenly places in Christ. Things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
They do not fear the storm. The same persecution and tribulation that shall bring great travail upon a dead, backslidden church
filed with earthly efforts, shall cause the eagle saints to soar to heights never before attained by man since the Pattern
Son set the example. "Fear not the storm, my little ones, for thou art not children of the storm or of wrath. Look up. Lift
up thy heads and rejoice, for thou art children of redemption, and thou hast inherited that heavenly nature. I have loosed
the prison doors. Be thou free from thy captivity! Be not ensnared with the evil ways of this world's systems, but learn thou
the ways of thy God, and follow Him alone. Thus shalt thou rise above that which cometh upon the earth, to try them which
dwell therein. And thou shalt not fear, for I am with thee, saith the Lord."
The Image of the Heavenly
"The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord
from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." (1 Corinthians 15:47-49)
"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty. But we all, with open (unveiled) face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed (transformed,
transfigured) into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath
blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3) "Which He wrought in Christ, when he
raised him from the dead and set him at His own right hand in the heavenly places…" (Ephesians 1:20) "And hath raised
us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:6) "To the intent that now unto
the principalities and powers (of darkness) in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according
to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Ephesians 3:10-11)
"Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling…"
(Hebrews 3:1) "But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their
God: for He hath prepared for them a city." (Hebrews 11:16) "But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the City of the living
God, the heavenly Jerusalem." (Hebrews 12:22)
"For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved,
we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." (2 Corinthians 5:1)
From these scriptures we can readily see that our calling is a heavenly
calling. Let others tend the things of the earth. Let the dead bury the dead. Let the few who are called to this High Calling
be about their Father's business. This earthly body, or "house", is only temporary. What He has prepared for His own is eternal,
in the heavens. Praise God! The city of which we are a part, that bride of Christ, is above all a heavenly city, not part
of this earth's systems.
And notice that the place in the heavenlies which we are to inherit,
is now occupied by demons, principalities and powers, a place they usurped from Adam. From this place they are "rulers of
the darkness of this world". But God has purposed to bring forth a people that will ascend or be caught up to this place and
cast Satan and his army down. Jesus did it, and He was the Pattern. But He purposed not to be alone in this, but was planted
as a living seed that should bring forth a great harvest in His likeness.
Notice that the scriptures above show us that the image of the earthy
nature we have borne in time past is to be changed. We are to bear the image of the heavenly, the One who has been exalted
higher than the heavens, Jesus Christ our Lord. Even now, the beholding of His glory is bringing about a transformation from
within us. Glory to God!
Notice that these heavenly places where we are to dwell are not
in some geographical location a few billion miles from earth. They are "heavenly places in Christ." It would be comforting
to know, if it were true, that Satan and his army were right now a few million miles away in outer space. But this is not
so. You don't have to look far to discover that the powers of darkness are right here on this earth, working in the hearts
and lives of men and women. But as Paul says, they are "wicked spirits in the heavenlies." Instead of just accepting and believing
what the Bible says about these things, the imagination of men has made a fable and a myth out of the truth of God's Word.
But now God is taking the veil away from our minds and revealing His Truth!
The Eyes of the Eagle
"Her eyes behold afar off" (Job 39:29). The eagle is noted for great
vision. And so are eagle saints. They can believe for things that others, whose eyes are riveted to things of earth, cannot
even see, or conceive of. "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) But there is vision with the eagle
saints. They are the pioneers of faith that break through into new realms in the Spirit.
Noah was an eagle saint. He saw the judgment coming, and prepared
for it. Others had no such vision, and perished. Enoch had eagle vision, and he saw the Lord coming with ten thousands of
His Saints. He prophesied of these things, and he walked with God. Elijah saw the coming of a mighty deluge of life-giving
rain, when it was only a little cloud like a man's hand. Moses saw the deliverance of God's people and the destruction of
their enemies when every natural force and circumstance denied it. The vision of God's eagle saints has never been limited
by the confining limitations of natural circumstances. Isaiah, Joel, Malachi… every prophet of God has had eagle vision.
Jesus had the greatest vision of any eagle saint that ever lived.
Nothing escaped the eyes of Him who had come to lead His people to victory. "The heavens were opened" unto Him, and no power
of darkness could escape his eye. He saw the hearts of men like no one else ever could. They did not have to voice their doubt,
criticisms, or their needs. His eyes searched the inward parts. He was the Captain of the Eagle Saints. He was the Pattern
to show us the Way of the Eagles.
Eyes Within and Without
The unveiling of the Spirit that comes to eagle saints works two
ways. Revelation 4:6-8 tells us that they were "full of eyes before and behind." Also "they were full of eyes within: and
they rest not day and night, saying Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty." Ezekiel 1:18 says "their rings were full of eyes
round about them four."
First there are the eyes within, that search the inward parts. The
prophet Jeremiah gives a true picture when he says: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who
can know it?" But the answer comes in the next verse: "I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins." (Jeremiah 17:9-10)
No man really knows what is in his own heart, until God tries him
and puts him to the test. But God is putting a people through the fire today, and the light is revealing the condition of
hearts. Saints who had always thought they were so very holy and clean, now are finding out that all the time there have been
spirits imbedded deep within their very nature they had never before recognized. Horrible is the revelation, but a very necessary
one. For to see one's self is to draw back in revulsion and disgust and to cry to God for deliverance. And for the work that
is to be done in this age, God must have a truly holy people.
In Job chapter 42 the man of God suddenly sees the glory of God
and also his own self-righteousness, and his whole attitude changes. Then deliverance comes. He says: "Therefore have I uttered
that I understood not: things too wonderful for me, which I knew not… I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear:
but now mine eye seeth Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. For more than 30 chapters of this book
Job steadfastly maintains his innocence and righteousness. But when he meets God face to face, he suddenly sees that his worst
sin has been his own self-righteousness. He has blamed God for all his troubles, and has not been able to see himself. But
he gets his "eagle vision", and suddenly the eyes within begin to see his own Adam nature for what it is. Then can God bring
him out of all his troubles and difficulties.
Isaiah was a revered prophet of God. He talked with God, was heard
by the nation, and walked in king's courts. But one day (Isaiah 6) he got a vision of God, and also the eyes within saw what
Isaiah looked like in the eyes of God. And this godly old man cried out in his misery: "Woe is me! For I am undone, because
I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord
of Hosts." Praise God for the eyes within and without, for immediately there came a cleansing and deliverance! Notice the
sequence. First came the operation of the eyes within, then the eyes without could do their work. After he had seen his own
undone condition and confessed it, then he could see the condition of the people and minister to them. But not before. Too
many are trying to cast demons out of others today while their own lives are full of bad spirits… jealousy, envy, greed,
malice, fear, etc. See what happened to the sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13 when they tried to cast demons out of someone else
before they had been to the Cross for themselves. "Cast the beam out of thine own eye, then shalt thou see clearly to cast
out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
Think it not strange when you begin to see things in your life which
you could never have admitted being guilty of. You see, Hebrews 6:7-8 tells us that the same rain that brings forth "herbs
meet for them for whom it is dressed" also brings forth thorns and briars. Plow up a garden spot and you will see what I mean.
During the cold, dark winter the frozen ground will produce nothing, either good or bad. But when the good seed is planted
and the warm spring rains come, up comes every kind of weed imaginable. Where did they come from? How did they get into the
soil if you didn't plant them? They were there all the time, but needed the plowing and the warm rains to bring them forth.
So the same latter rains of revival that bring forth the true fruit of the Spirit in our lives, also brings forth every ugly
hidden thing that has lain dormant within and never been exposed or come to light. Then comes true deliverance, as we see
our need and call upon God. For God must have and will have a people who will be "holy even as He is holy".
Watchman of the Wall
True eagle saints also have sharp clear vision outwardly, and the
enemy cannot penetrate their defences. Jesus is the perfect example and pattern. No one ever deceived him with smooth flattering
words. No pious hypocrite ever survived under that piercing gaze. Even one of his own disciples was filled with the devil,
but Jesus was not deceived. No matter that he was one of the leaders, and cast out devils in the name of Jesus. His innermost
thoughts and intents of the heart was manifest in the sight of that great Captain of the Eagle Saints.
This is a safeguard God has provided for the Church. See how a man
and wife brought their deceitful gift to the Church, expecting to share equally with the others, but not willing to consecrate
all as the others had. Was the Church deceived? No. For the eye of the eagle was there, "beholding afar off". And their sins
was discovered and judgment came. Hypocrites and sinners "durst not join themselves to them", for the secrets of men's hearts
were made manifest. What a glorious testimony! 1 Corinthians 14:25 declares that this operation is for the local church, to
be a part of every service if necessary… For the Bible says that when an unbeliever comes in your midst the saints will
speak out the very secrets of his heart "Thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face
he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth" Do you see such as this in the local churches now? Not often.
But I tell you of a truth, beloved, that it is coming. For eagle saints are even now being pushed out of their "nests" and
are learning to move in heavenly places. You understand, of course, that I am not speaking in a natural, carnal sense as tho
people's bodies would be flying around in the sky like flying saucers or men from Mars. How foolish. And yet people seem unable
to grasp what it means to be caught up to heavenly places in Christ. But it will happen. Then shall this world see the great
manifestation of God in human flesh since our Lord Jesus was here upon the earth Himself.
As Swift as the Eagle
My time and space are gone, and there is still so much to say concerning
the eagle saints. But I must say just one more word… Deuteronomy 28:49 and 2 Samuel 1:23 both speak of the swiftness
of the eagle. "As swift as the eagle flieth". This is characteristic of this great bird. Another place it says: "As the Eagle
that hasteth to the prey". (Job 9:26) Joel says: "They shall run like mighty men." Matthew says the coming of the Son of man
shall be "as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west: For… there will the EAGLES be gathered
together." (Matthew 24:27-28)
Yes, He will do a quick work. And He will use His eagle saints who
are quick to hear, quick to believe, and quick to obey. The time is at hand, the call is going forth. Turn loose every hindrance
of earth and cast aside every weight, and rise with the wings of eagles into heavenly places where you belong! Glory to God,