A Tribute
To Bill and Nadine Britton
By Michael O'Connor
Dear Beloved
friends and readers:
It is with
great joy, we present unto you this new magazine entitled: “Jubilee – The Bill Britton Collection.”
Volumes could
be written in tribute to our “Dad and Mama Britton.” The introduction below falls far short of being a fitting
tribute, but for now, it must suffice, to at least cause you to be made more familiar with Bill and Nadine Britton, and their
lifetime of service and ministry unto Christ's Body.
Charles William
Royal Britain was born May 23, 1918 at Willow Springs, Missouri, as the beloved son of George W. and Nora Britain.
Bill's father
was a farmer, and a cousin to E. H. Britain, who was well known for his, “Jesus Saves” periodical. E. H. Britain
was affectionately known as “A Prophet of the Ozarks.” Brother Bill would come to be known: “A Prophet on
Wheels,” which he surely was. Bill traveled amongst the Body of Christ in many parts of this great Nation, bearing the
Good-News of God's Kingdom; and showing unto the Lord's People “a more excellent way” (1 Corinthians 12:31).
At times, he flew on airliners, but for the most part, he drove (at times with his entire family) unto the scheduled meetings.
The Brittons were a delight and a joy unto Christ's Body. They brought joy, hope, and encouragement wherever the Lord sent
them. In later life, Bill and his family lived and ministered with E. H. Britain, and his wife at, Little Mount Zion Camp
Ground, in 1958 – '59. More is written concerning this juncture, in Bill's life story: “Prophet On Wheels;”
which is a beautifully recorded autobiography, compiled and annotated through the eyes of his beloved daughter, Becky Britton
Volz; who has most graciously granted us permission to post a number of Dad Britton's timely articles in this magazine. Please
pray with us that we shall soon be able to post Bill's messages and a number of his sermons; we so desperately need help to
make this website all it is intended to be: “A Light Unto The Nations.”
In requesting
prayer for helpers and workers, I am reminded of hearing our dear father in the Faith (Brother Bill) say: “You know,
Folks, I feel like the Lord has given me a great storehouse of the finest corn. Souls are starving all around me, but what
burdens me with such great concern, is that I feel as though I have all this good food for God's People, but only a worn-out,
old shovel with a broken handle, by which to impart it to those hungering for the truth of His Word.” In this statement,
Bill was making reference unto his voice problems, with which he had suffered for a number of years, as the result of so much
intense preaching and teaching; often in those years without the aid of amplification, or proper acoustics. I suppose he was
making reference also unto the somewhat limited resources with which to preach the Overcoming-Message unto the whole World.
Bill was truly
a man of vision! Being a man of great vision and Divine purpose, were amongst his greatest qualities. I am glad to report
that our Lord Jesus granted Brother Bill a healing in his voice, in approximately 1971, which held good, all the way through
unto his home-going in 1985. It is noteworthy also, that as time passed, our Lord Jesus most graciously increased His servant,
and enlarged his ministry, even unto reaching the Nations with the deeper truths of God's Kingdom. Our Lord would send Brother
Bill unto numerous Foreign Fields, to sow the Good Seed of the Kingdom.
It is to me
a great paradox that so many truly noble and sincere servants of our Lord Jesus, face in their lives and ministries, so great
a degree of hindrance and difficulty. A paradox? Yes! But we should not be detracted by this, in view of the fact that:
"so persecuted they all the prophets which were before you” (Matthew 5:12).
"...through much tribulation, [we] enter into the Kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22).
"In the world ye shall have tribulation...” (John 16:33).
"Strait [Gk. = difficult, tedious, with agony] is the gate, and narrow [Gk. = to be pressed
upon, restricted, afflicted] is the way...” (Matthew 7:14).
"...Satan hindered [Gk. = to impede one's course by cutting off his way] us” (1
Thessalonians 2:18).
Daniel's prayers were hindered by a strong, high ranking principality (possibly a fallen
angel), referred to as the “Prince of Persia” (Daniel 10:20).
"Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31).
We need only
study the lives of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, and of those memorialized in Hebrews 11 (God's Great Gallery of Faith),
to realize that the true servants of our Lord in every age, have met with strong hindrances, and vigorous contests by evil
spirits and regional principalities, and also by persons under the control and influence of the same. In short, if you are
a true servant and disciple of Jesus Christ; preaching His true and uncompromising Gospel: If you are living godly in this
present age, you shall suffer persecution! You shall suffer hindrances! It is a given! It is guaranteed!
Such was the
case from early childhood, with young, Billy Britain! He had heard of, and loved Jesus, and he was known to peek into the
doors and windows of Full Gospel Churches, out of more than mere curiosity; God was drawing this child by His Holy Spirit!
His mother wished for him to attend church, so he was sent to Sunday School and Church from an early age, but he would not
come into a Full-Salvation experience until age eighteen.
When Billy
was but three years old, his Daddy became absent from the home. After this tragic event, Billy's Mama would change the Family
name to “Britton.” Billy and his Mama were then left alone to shift for themselves! To do so during the Great
Depression was no easy prospect. Billy was always an energetic, hard-working kid! There was not a lazy bone in his body, so
he found little jobs and part-time work wherever he could, to help keep a roof over himself and his mother.
The year 1936,
brought a new and unexpected chapter into Billy's life. He was moved upon by the Holy Spirit, and chose on his own, to venture
into one of those “Pentecostal Churches,” which had so aroused his curiosity. This church was the “South
Side Assembly of God,” in Springfield, Missouri. This first visit would be the first step in leading Billy into his
salvation experience, eventual water baptism, and baptism into the Holy Spirit. In today's vernacular, we would say that young
Billy, “got the real deal,” when he earnestly prayed-through, with real soul-agony, unto an old-fashioned, Pentecostal,
Born-Again experience.
In those days
and even up-until fairly recent times, when Folk responded to an invitation to receive Christ; in Holiness, Full Gospel, Fundamental,
and even Evangelical Churches, it was a serious matter, and one to not be taken lightly. The rule rather than the exception
was, that those who were truly sincere would kneel in humility and submission unto God at an old-fashioned altar of prayer,
and “stay with it, until the job was done!” This involved a confessing-out of one's sins, a renouncing of every
evil and unclean practice, and a welcoming and receiving of Christ into one's spirit, soul, and body, as absolute Lord and
Folk praying
in this manner often wrestled in prayer for a considerable time before the light broke through, but if they persevered long
enough and prayed earnestly enough, the witness of the Holy Spirit would come! When Folk would arise from those old-fashioned
altars, their faces were invariably wet with tears, and most often, there was a puddle of tears left upon the altar rail (called
in early Wesleyan-times, “the mourner's bench”). There would be a light in their eyes, and a radiance of the Holy
Spirit upon their countenance! Often there would be also, accompanying shouts of victory and thanksgiving, as they arose,
new-born creatures in Christ Jesus!
Just Keep-On
Just keep-on
praying, till light breaks through;
The Lord will
answer, will answer you;
Believe His
promise, His Word is true;
Just keep-on
praying, till light breaks through!
Yes, dear friends,
there would be a decisive change! Old things would pass away, and all things would enter a process of becoming new. The repentant
soul would be “Born-Again!” Yes, dear hearts, this is what is meant by the “New Birth!” This is the
kind of experience that young Billy Britton received at the altar, in 1936, at the old South Side Assembly of God, in Springfield,
This is the
kind of old-time Salvation that is needed today, and for this generation. A most tragic observation is that so many today,
even those sincere hearts desiring to receive Christ, are led in a simplistic little prayer of a few sentences, and then sent
upon their way, being assured that they are now “Saved,” and on their way to Heaven! All too often, there is absolutely
no change of life, no inner revolution, nor outer manifestation of a New-Birth experience! What has happened? Who has changed?
Surely our Lord and His immutable Word have not changed! He is the God who changes not! His Word is forever settled in Heaven!
It was not
long until the leadership at the church recognized the hand of God resting mightily upon Billy Britton. Soon, Billy found
himself involved in young people's work, teaching a Sunday school class, janitorial work at the church, and soul-winning!
His Pastor at that time was Brother Ira Stanphill, the well-known country Gospel singer, and the composer of “This Old
Times still
were tough, and becoming tougher for most folk in the Midwest. Billy's new-found activities at “South Side Assembly
of God,” gave him new hope and courage to press on, and become the Man of God, he was called to be! In his life, even
at that early stage of his Christian experience, there was absolutely no margin given, nor was there any quarter brokered
unto backsliding or worldliness! Billy's eye was single toward the Lord, and he had set his face like a flint, to go, all the way with God! He meant business with God, and
it would soon become apparent that God meant business as well with him! It must be herein noted that in every area of his
life, Bill Britton was a deeply principled man whose life was based unwaveringly upon old-fashioned Holiness convictions.
Bill had a lot of grace and mercy for everyone, and was perhaps harder on himself than upon any other. One thing is certain,
he walked the “chalk-line,” without compromise and without pause. He preached the Word of God in the same manner.
It was the Divine “Plumb-Line” by which everything else would be measured. In that sense Brother Bill was a true
Fundamentalist, because his foundation was based firmly upon the Scriptural record, which he so loved and so faithfully preached
and expounded upon.
News came about
a new program implemented by President Roosevelt, known as the Civilian Conservation Corps., which was a very well designed
provision for putting people to work, in a period of time when for most blue-collar people, there was no work. President Roosevelt
created jobs; made jobs out of thin air, where seemingly no jobs existed. Many folk ridiculed the President and predicted
that his programs would be a colossal failure, but the naysayers proved wrong, and little by little, the Country began to
stir itself in preparation to emerge from the long, gray night of depression.
Billy found
himself enlisted in the C.C.C., and was shipped-off to Minnesota, to the worst Winter he had yet to experience. While a hard
worker, the work involved with the C.C.C., was brutal, taxing, and demanding, to say the least. Yet, Billy seemed to thrive
in that environment, and remained with it for quite awhile. The paltry wages did not go far, but, in those days, a cup of
coffee cost a nickel, and a large slice of pie could be had for ten cents. A new Plymouth automobile could be had for seven
hundred fifty dollars, including the “boot-trunk.” (“Buddy, can ya spare a dime?”) Upon fulfilling
his commitment at the C.C.C. Camp in Minnesota, Billy returned to Springfield, and continued to find work wherever possible.
The work was strenuous and demanding; the pay low, but Billy worked diligently and faithfully!
After a couple
of years, he found work in Saint Louis, where he attended Bethel Temple Assembly of God Church. Little did he realize that
a marvelous sun-beam was beginning to shine upon his path, in the form of a beautiful and sweet natured young lady by the
name of Miss Mary Nadine Roberts; who in our Lord's strange and marvelous dealings, became Billy's little, “golden-haired
angel,” and was destined to become Mrs. C. W. Britton. Their marriage would be blessed with four beautiful and gifted
children, as well as hundreds of Spiritual “Kids,” scattered around the globe. Steve, the eldest, was called-home,
in 1966, at age nineteen. This was a terrible shock and sorrow unto their close-knit family.
In 1941, Television
receivers were still in the experimental stage. In those days, Radio was still the King. On December 8, 1941, on a nation-wide
network and carried by short-wave, around the World, came the eloquent voice of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in what
was to become legendary as his greatest “Fireside-Chat,” of all; in his “Day of Infamy” Speech:

D. Roosevelt's "Day of Infamy" Speech
To the Congress of the United States:
December 7, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked
by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace
with that Nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking
toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu,
the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the Secretary of State of form reply to a recent
American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained
no threat or hint of war or armed attack.
will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days
or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government had deliberately sought to deceive the United States
by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.
attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American
lives have been lost. In addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya.
night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
night Japanese forces attacked Guam.
night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
night the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves.
The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and
safety of our Nation.
Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take
us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the
uttermost but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.
exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed
forces -- with the unbounded determination of our people -- we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God.
ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a state
of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.”
D. Roosevelt
White House, December 8, 1941
Young Billy (as were most
American young men in those years) was a very patriotic lad who loved and honored his Country. He along with thousands of
others, were stirred to action at the above news. Before long, Billy found himself enlisted in the Marine Corps., where he
would serve for the following three and one half years. Soon, the boyish nickname, “Billy,” would be superseded
by the no-nonsense, “Leatherneck,” moniker: “Sarge Bill.” Bill was to become a Sergeant in the Marines,
where he was a Paratrooper with the 783rd Platoon. He served also, as a Military Policeman.
Our Lord was faithful to
bring Bill safely through the war and through many close scrapes, for there was yet much work awaiting him in “God's
Army.” He had served faithfully and diligently under “Uncle Sam:” Now he was being called to serve under
Jesus Christ, the Captain of our Salvation: Yes, even, “The Lord of Hosts” (Heb. = The Lord of Armies).
After the war, Sergeant Britton,
returned to Springfield, by way of Saint Louis, where he and his beloved Nadine were united in Holy Matrimony. Back home in
Springfield, Bill enrolled as a student at Drury College. The burden of the Lord and the call to ministry continued to rest
upon him, leading him eventually to enroll as a Ministerial Student at Central Bible Institute (Assemblies of God).
Their first Pastorate was
a small Assembly of God Church, known as Peace Chapel, where Bill Pastored as a Bible School Student. The little chapel was
in a rural setting on the outskirts of Springfield. Upon graduating from Central Bible Institute, Bill and Nadine moved to
the Pan-Handle of Florida, where they accepted the Pastorate of an Assembly of God church.
Bill and Nadine were supremely
happy with each other and their darling little ones, and with serving the Lord! Bill was an aspiring young Minister in his
Denomination, and it was understood by several in positions of authority, that there lay before him a bright and promising
career within the ranks of the Assemblies of God. Bill was a loyal and faithful member of the Assemblies of God, and an ordained
Minister within the General Council. He had no intention of seeking fellowship elsewhere. He had come to the Lord, and had
come into the Holy Spirit Baptism as a member of an Assemblies of God Church (this was all he had known).
The Lord, however, deals in ways which are beyond our understanding, and surely past
our finding out. Winds of change began to become apparent; first at a small Assembly of God Church, Pastored by Sister Myrtle
Beall, at Detroit, Michigan. By 1949, this dynamic outpouring of the Holy Spirit was impacting the whole World. No one in
his right mind would dare deny that God was truly moving and visiting His People. Things would never be the same within the
Pentecostal ranks.
God Is Moving
God is moving by His Spirit,
Moving through all the Earth;
Signs and wonders, when God moveth,
Move, Oh Lord, in me!
The Gospel was going-out
to the Nations in an unprecedented manner. Multiplied thousands of persons would soon be crowding into Gospel Tents and huge
Municipal Auditoriums all over America, as well as in Europe and Scandinavia (during these early stages of the Revival). Within
a few years, the Revival would continue to spread to South America, Africa, India, and the ripple effects would be felt even
in the Middle East; especially in Lebanon. Great open-air campaigns would be held in foreign Nations amongst peoples to whom
the Gospel had not yet come.
As with any Revival, God
had sent His visitation via human agency. As a result, the human-element was at times quite apparent. Surely there were flaws
and human frailties, but this did not negate the fact that the Revival (commonly known as the Latter Rain Revival), which
had begun in 1948, was indeed the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit since that which fell at Azusa Street in Los Angeles,
California in 1906. How much better would it have been for the major Pentecostal Denominations of that day, to somehow meld,
coalesce, and flow with the Revival, instead of, “throwing-out the baby with the bath water.”
Bill and Nadine were busily involved in their Pastorate, which they were faithfully serving,
near Panama City, Florida. They continued to hear the most moving and convicting reports of this glorious Revival. Their hearts
had been for some time hungering and thirsting for something greater in God; something living, moving, vital, and real. This
sentiment was quite widespread at the time within the Pentecostal Movement, as more and more, serious-minded and dedicated
Believers came to realize that dry traditionalism could never satisfy the hunger of their souls. Thus, Bill and Nadine made
their decision to follow “The pillar and cloud.” They had heard the Lord's voice: “Come outside the camp,
and bear My Reproach” (see Hebrews 13:13). Yes! They were now determined to “follow the Lamb whithersoever He
goeth” (Revelation 14:4).
The Move Is On
The move is on, my Lord, the move is on,
The move is on, my Lord, the move is on;
I can hear the rustling in the mulberry trees,
And I know, I know, I know the move is on!
Move on brother, move on sister,
This is the moving day;
Move a little closer, where the streams are flowing,
Move on brother, move on!
AND MOVE THEY DID! An entire new world lay before them: New doors - - New churches - - New people - - New mountains to be
scaled: And thank God, new victories to be won! HALLELUJAH! Now the entire Body of Christ would
become their “Parish.” Their vision and understanding of God's End-time purposes was quickly expanding, and being
lifted higher. Suddenly, many Scriptures began to take on new light, and open a new understanding of the day and the hour.
Among these was John's great declaration concerning the Body of Christ, whom he saw assembled in Heaven (“...For Thou
wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made
us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the Earth” - Revelation 5:9-10).
Bill found himself traveling
and ministering amongst the Body of Christ in a new and unprecedented manner. His anointing and Scriptural insight was greatly
increased to meet the needs of those unto whom he ministered. In 1950, he launched a radio program entitled: “Wings
of Healing,” and later, he DJ'd a music program entitled: “The Old Ship of Zion, with Captain Bill;” as
well as selling Insurance. There would be further radio outreaches in Chanute, Kansas; and again in Springfield, for many
Had Bill not made his decision
to leave the restrictive confines of his Denomination, he could have never been able to fulfill God's calling upon his life,
as an Apostle in the Body of Christ (although he himself shied away from such a title, feeling himself unworthy and incapable
of such). Amongst the senior leadership, however, it was an accepted fact that Bill Britton, indeed stood within the office
of an Apostle. Had Bill not taken that bold step in 1950 to, “launch out into the deep, and let the shoreline go...
to be lost in the fulness of God...” he could have never been available unto the Body of Christ at large, nor would
he have been free to cross racial, ecclesiastical, and denominational lines.
Suddenly, a Divine explosion
had burst upon the scene! For the first time since the 1906 outpouring, Folk were seeing the greatness and the magnitude of
the Living God being manifested in, upon, and through His Body, unto the peoples of the Earth. No one (except by a keen prophetic
insight) could have anticipated the ramifications of this Revival. Who could have believed that what started in a small local
church of approximately seventy congregants would escalate to such gigantic proportions, including Mass-Evangelism to the
Foreign-Fields? Who could have imagined that a mighty wave of healing and deliverance, was to burst upon the World? Who could
have known (or even dared to think), that within a decade, this mighty sweeping Revival would begin to surge through all the
Earth in the form of God's River of Visitation and Blessing, and that it would reach even the mainline Denominations and the
Vatican itself?
As great as was God's Visitation
in 1906, as is usually the case, within time, carnal men pounced upon it, “fenced it up,” and “corralled
it” as their own. Of course, it did not take long for others also to usurp their names upon the movement; so with much
in-fighting and many divisions, there evolved numerous Pentecostal groups and denominations.
The attitude in those times
was: “You can have it, but we've got it, so if you really want it, you've got to come to us to get it!” The tragedy
of such an ethos is that when others did come to those self-imposed “guardians” of the Pentecostal experience, in order
to receive the same; they were pressed upon to receive as well, an unbelievable degree of “baggage” in the form
of opposing doctrines, standards, and enforced regulations: Each particular group having their own “garden-variety”
of the same. Is it any wonder that sincere Believers within the mainline denominations were put-off and offended by such nonsense?
The grim consequence was
that for a period of approximately fifty years, the Pentecostals, as a Movement, and as a denominational structure, more or
less “cornered the market.” Indeed, I was told when I first entered “Pentecost,” in 1959: “No
Roman Catholic can possibly be saved, unless they fully come-out-of, recant, and renounce all ties with Catholicism.”
Today, such a statement would stagger our minds, but in those days, it was pretty much “standard fare.”
I am so very thankful that
we serve a “Great Big Wonderful God,” who is absolutely sovereign, and whose privilege it is to do things after
the counsel of His own will! His program and purpose is not limited, nor confined unto the narrow smallness of men's carnal
minds; their selfish schemes; nor their rigid machinations.
God's promise through the
Prophet Joel, was: “...I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL FLESH!” (Joel 2:28). When those who considered themselves
“custodians” of the Pentecostal Movement, began to stand in the way of hungry souls who were sincerely seeking
God for the fullness of His Spirit; our Lord had a very effective solution: He simply side-stepped the movement, and sovereignly; in His own way, and by His own methods, began to pour out of His Spirit upon the mainline
denominations, and even upon many, many hungry hearts within the Catholic community! Our Lord Jesus used Brother Bill in a
very significant measure to bring Deeper-Life and End-Time teachings to many of these very people who were so precious unto
the Lord. Bill truly perceived himself as a servant and a brother unto all God's people everywhere! All praise, glory, and
honor be unto the Lord Jesus Christ!
In the early 1950's, in America
alone, there were over one hundred powerfully anointed Evangelists, concurrently criss-crossing the length and breadth of
the Nation, meeting in large Gospel Tents, and Auditoriums. In many cities, it was not unusual from approximately 1950, on-into
the early 1960's, for there to be powerful meetings conducted at various locations, seven nights a week. The airwaves were
filled with the Gospel (twenty-four hours a day in many cases). Tons and tons of Gospel literature were being air-lifted to
the fields of the Earth. This great thrust of the Gospel was totally unprecedented since the time of the Early Church. Yet,
as with all Revivals, there was a price to be paid.
I think often upon the matter
of “divisions,” within the Body of Christ. It seems that religious leaders in every generation rail on, and on,
concerning those who cause divisions. Perhaps there is an aspect they choose to not see; being the fact that divisions amongst
God's People are most often caused, not by those who are pressing-on into God, in seeking to follow Him in all things, but
rather, divisions are caused most often by those who refuse to follow the Lamb, choosing instead to remain firmly entrenched in their
We see a stunning picture
of this in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, when God stirred the hearts of Ezra and Nehemiah to bring His People back home
to Jerusalem, after the Babylonian Captivity. Surely this would seem to be a marvelous occasion, and a great cause for a rallying
and joining of the Lord's People in a common vision and purpose: The sad reality is that of approximately one million persons
who entered Babylonian Captivity and who greatly multiplied there; less than 50,000 had any desire whatsoever to return and
rebuild the City of Peace. To me this is tragic beyond words, especially because it so characterizes the day in which we live.
In the 1948 Revival, those who followed the Lord were often denigrated as rebels, mavericks,
and renegades. This of course may have been true in some cases, but I am quite sure this condition, was extant also within
the ranks of those who refused to leave their Denominations. In spite of all the gainsaying, in spite of all the slander and
“mud-slinging,” there was a mass exodus from the Pentecostal Denominations unto Christ! (It would be a mighty
“Coming-Out,” and a mighty “Going-In”). A watchword Scripture of those times: “...Unto HIM shall the gathering of the People
be” (Genesis 49:10).
He Shall Flow As A River
He shall flow as a river,
He shall fall as the rain;
He shall rise as the dawning,
In glory o'er the plain;
And the knowledge of the Lord,
Shall fill all the Earth;
When the Spirit of the Lord shall fall!
Thus were the Brittons drawn
into the great River of God; Yea, the River of Revival and Divine Visitation! There was much prophetic preaching at the time
concerning Ezekiel 47 (The “River of God”). The prophetic signature of this Revival was 1. Rain, 2. God's River,
3. The Harvest, 4. Christ's Return, 5. The Lord's Kingdom on Earth. It has been said the Revival leaves its mark upon
those who come under its influence. Never has this been more true than in the life of Bill and Nadine. Their lives
were apprehended, changed, and unctionized by the powerful impetus of the 1948 Revival. They were marked for life, by
the hand of God. Never again could they be satisfied with the “dry husks” of man's religion. They
had indeed drunk from the River of God. They had eaten of the "corn," and the "finest of wheat." They had drunk
from the "new wine." They had been anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit. As a result, they were spoiled for
anything less. When Dad Britton ministered, he ministered with the mark of Revival upon him, under that great anointing,
unction, and power! When Mama ministered or sang and worshiped, as she was so anointed to do, it was under the mark of Revival,
under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. (In my memory, I can hear Mama, now, with her beautiful soprano voice peeling-out,
as she sang in the Holy Spirit, with uplifted hands, and upturned face. The radiance of the Holy Spirit would rest upon her,
and shine-out from her face.) I have seen rather dry meetings, but when Bill or Nadine would begin to praise the Lord, things
would begin to happen. The Holy Spirit would begin to move. Tears would begin to flow. Hands would be lifted
up, and the glorious "Song of the Lord" would begin to peel forth as the "sound of many waters." Dear friends, please
remember, and never forget, that it is the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, which breaks the "yoke." Hallelujah!
It was while living at Carney, Oklahoma, in 1959 – '60, that our Lord Jesus reminded
Brother Bill of a powerful prophetic word spoken over his life in 1950, at Memphis, Tennessee: “Take up the pen and
write; thou art a Scribe of the Lord.” So on a clumsy old type-writer, he began typing his tracts, and then, running
them off, on a crude mimeograph machine. Bill and Nadine's obedience and faithfulness, qualified them for an advancement,
wherein a far greater scope of ministry would be placed into their stewardship. In those early pioneer-years of the “Voice
of the Overcomer,” a favorite family recreation (smile) was the using of straight-edges to hand-fold, hundreds of tracts
and family-letters, etc. What a blessed joy would come with the Lord's provision of their first folding machine.
Oh River Of God
Oh River of God, flow down on me,
Oh River of God, flow out through me;
Oh River of God, so full and free,
Oh River of God, I come to thee.
In August of 1962, the Britton
family found themselves moving into the big old home in Springfield, where in the living-room, chairs were set up, creating
a small chapel, wherein to conduct services, and to plant a local church. As the house-church grew, it became apparent that
a larger facility was needed. After a time, the Lord most graciously made provision for this need in the purchasing of a small
neighborhood grocery store, on the corner of High and Lyon Streets, for a very reasonable price. Thus, the House of Prayer
moved into its own “Tabernacle,” where it would remain for the next nine years. Those were glorious years of God's
moving and working amongst and through His People.
The printing continued in
the basement of the “Big House,” on a used, Multilith Offset Press. Things were not easy, yet the Lord was moving
by His Spirit. His blessing and anointing was upon the church and upon the printing ministry. Those were times of taking small
baby steps, but these dear folk had great joy and peace, knowing they were in the Lord's will: “send[ing] portions unto
them for whom nothing is prepared” (Nehemiah 8:10). Later, an addition would be built to accommodate a Print-Shop. A
slightly used A. B. Dick Model 360 Offset Press, had by this time been purchased with funds donated and designated for the
same. One piece at a time, better equipment would be provided for, as the printing ministry grew and prospered under the mighty
hand of God. From 1962, until Bill's home-going in 1985, at age 67, thousands and multiple thousands of pieces of Gospel literature
had been sent-out from the Overcomer Print Shop, unto many parts of the World (all without price). Bill's vision was to make
everything available on a free-will offering basis. Inside the cover of his books were these words: “Price: This Book
is Priceless.” Such was the heart of Dad and Mama Britton. They were true parents in the Gospel. They were truly, two
among ten thousand.
Bill was a Man among men!
Rarely have I known a person having so high a degree of principle and character! Bill was a man of honesty, sincerity, and
unwavering integrity; a model husband, father, and Pastor; and one of the finest role-models for young men whom ever I have
been privileged to know! While coddling no one, he was always fair and just. Dad Britton could be tough at times! He would
“hold your feet to the fire” (figuratively), but withal, a very kind and compassionate father in the Faith. I
am very thankful for every fond memory of Dad Britton.
I am also very thankful for
every fond memory of dear Mama Nadine, who is yet with us, at age 89 (in 2012). She is in frail health, and needs our earnest
prayers. She is one of the kindest and sweetest souls ever I have known. For as long as she was able, Mama drove each Sunday
morning, to the House of Prayer (founded by Bill and herself in 1962), to welcome and greet the Congregants coming to attend
the worship service. Such has been ever Mama's heart: Love, concern, and hospitality! She has spent her life giving of herself
and of her talents unto the Body of Christ. Mama Nadine (as also Dad Bill), has ever been concerned for others; always serving
and doing for their brothers and sisters in Christ. They seemed always to have enough love to go around for everyone! (I have
saved letters and cards from both Dad and Mama which I dearly cherish.)
Even though our dear Brother
Bill felt so hindered as to have only “a worn-out old shovel with a broken handle,” by which to deal out the good
corn entrusted unto him; the End-Time Truth and the Overcoming Message has been sent unto the four corners of the Earth, sowing
the “Good Seed of the Kingdom” in many places and into untold multitudes of individuals. Many harvest fields have
been gathered over the past fifty-five years, and still the Overcoming Messages are going forth under the faithful and dedicated
ministry of their beloved daughter, Becky Britton Volz. Yes, that Good Seed of the Kingdom is going forth, finding ever newly-turned
furrows within hungry and sincere hearts, whereinto it shall be engrafted thusly to bring forth its harvest unto yet another
generation. This is the Divine Principle applied to the Good Seed of the Kingdom!
Brother Bill and his beloved
family made their choice to yield all unto the Divine Will and purposes of their Lord. In so doing, there was a price to be
paid; that is to say, they found it necessary to put God in first place, and to lay their lives unconditionally upon His altar
of service unto the Body of Christ, in all the Earth. There were always obstacles and mountains of seeming impossibility to
be overcome. There were ever new hindrances and set-backs to be overcome! But then, this is what the Overcomer-Message is
all about! In order to be Overcomers, we must be faced with obstacles. There is just no other way!
As dear Sister Becky has
so faithfully carried-on the Ministry, for the past fourteen years (since 1998), such is still the case! She must press on
in blind-faith, and trust the Lord from month, to month, just to be able to meet the utilities. In actuality, our dear sister
must believe God and walk in faith on a day to day basis. I can assure you, Sister Becky lives a very frugal and austere
life. There is no extravagance, nor ostentation; and certainly no waste! If ever there were a “good-soil,” into
which to sow your kind benevolence, it is into her Ministry! I can personally vouch for this fact, since it has been my privilege
to be close to the Britton family since 1967. Dad and Mama Britton loved me as a son, and to Becky, Philip, and Rachel, I
have been like a big “Bubba” (Southern coloq. for “brother”).
While writing this tribute,
it has come so strongly upon me to share a few words concerning Sister Becky. She is a very low-key and unassuming person,
so I surely trust she will not be embarrassed by my candidness. Our dear sister has made great personal sacrifices to continue
the ministry of the Voice of the Overcomer/Church in Action, which may be accessed on their website: billbrittonministries.com.
The big old home on Grant
Avenue has for fifty years, been a refuge, oasis, and a resting place, to many weary souls; as well as a home away from home
for Bible School students, missionaries, ministers, and workers in the Overcomer office. I know for a fact that at one time,
due to leakage from the roof and vibration from the hammering and repairs of workers, plaster fell on the third floor. Sister
Becky put her work gloves-on, and tore into the work with determination. She helped to pull down plaster and put-up insulation.
She worked, and worked!
Little by little, repairs
have been made, but there remain yet pressing needs for further repairs and upgrades to that venerable old home, which has
been over the years a safe-haven unto so many. Yes, there are still repairs needed right now, and there are no funds with
which to make them!
Oh! My Dear Friends: I am
so heavily under a godly concern as I write, I am aware of a heavy prophetic intercession and a Divine Mandate to speak to
you concerning these matters. Our Lord Jesus is calling for the hands in His Body to give and to work! Yea, He is calling
for the legs and the feet of His Body to arise and stand, and to come up unto the help of the Lord. Who shall arise and open
their hands? Who shall go and take up the tools? Who shall join heart and hand in the good work? Lo, who shall hear the call
of the Lord, and go to uphold the drooping hands and to confirm the feeble knees of their beloved sister. Yea, the call of
the Lord goes forth in this hour on her behalf! Who will hear? Who will obey? Who will help? Who will arise and go? Beloved
in Christ, I am left weak after this intercession, so I will close by sincerely asking you to earnestly pray and open your
heart as to what our Lord Jesus would have you to do at this time, in behalf of our dear Sister Becky. Please click onto the
link below to access her website and to contact her personally.
"Now unto
Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen” (Jude 24,25).
sincerely in Jesus Christ, our Wonderful Lord:
brother, friend, and servant,
My dear friends:
I am so thankful for all of you who have found your way to our website, but I cannot help feeling concerned that
there may be some who while visiting our site, are not sure of where they stand with God. I have made a commitment to the
Lord, that at the end of every article I write, and at the end of every recorded video or audio sermon, I shall make an invitation
to souls in such a situation.
It is because I love each one of you very dearly in Christ, and I have a genuine concern for your eternal soul,
that I must ask you:
1. Have
you as yet fully surrendered your life unto our Lord Jesus Christ?
2. Have
you invited Him into your life as your Lord and Savior?
3. Do
you know where you shall spend eternity?
Dear readers, if you are uncertain of any one or more of these questions, I humbly beg of you to not put-off
this most urgent matter. We have no guarantee of tomorrow.
The Bible says:
is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
it is said, Today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts...” (Hebrews 3:15).
shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...” (Hebrews 2:3).
I wish to pray with you. Please click onto the link below. Do it now! God be with you as you prepare your heart
to receive Jesus Christ as Savior.