A Vision Of
The Harvest Field
Lora Davenport
the beginning of the second semester, and subsequent to taking up our lessons in Bible School, we were having a week of prayer.
One afternoon, while the Spirit of grace and supplication was resting upon us, Brother Spencer prayed, “Lord, you need
harvest hands.” Immediately stretching before me, was a vast harvest field of golden ripe grain – some was even
too ripe, as the heads were beginning to droop toward the earth. In the foreground stood an old binder which was out of commission;
and three men, dressed in winter overcoats and felt hats, were trying to repair it. On and about the machine were large black
places. I also saw binding twine.
was but a very small portion of the field harvested in comparison to the vast area yet to be gathered: so I was greatly puzzled
and asked the Lord concerning it, and was given to understand that all man-made machinery in God's harvest field is not only
“out of season,” - for who ever saw men dressed in winter apparel at harvest time? - but it brings displeasure
to the heart of God, as well, as shown by the darkness on and about the binder.
I continued to gaze upon the overripe harvest field, and wonder however it would be harvested, I saw, lying on top of the
grain in front of me, a most beautiful sickle with no marks of ever having been used, I said, “Lord, what is this?”
He answered, “The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
interpretation I received was as follows:
individual part of a machine must be in perfect harmony with all its neighboring parts, and bound together in one great whole,
in order to do successful work. In the same manner, each member of the body of Christ must be in harmony with each joining
member, and bound together with the cords of love (binding twine), all working together toward one end – operating under
the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit so that He can truly wield the “Sword of the Spirit” effectually, to the
pulling down of Satan's kingdom and the building up of the Kingdom of the Great God and Savior – Gathering His sheaves
into His garner.
comprehend, so meagerly, the meaning of the words, “The sword of the Spirit, which id the Word of God.” It has
come to pass, even in our beloved Pentecostal ranks, that if one comes sufficiently under the anointing of the Spirit of God,
that by the Word coming forth through him, souls are loosed from the bonds of Satan, we marvel, when it is really God's plan
that every blood bought son of God should continually walk in that powerful anointing so that we are able to speak the word
of deliverance to every bound soul with whom we come in contact, and they be loosed to do the will of Almighty God. It is
time to seek the Lord, and listen to obey His voice.