The State of the Contemporary
Charismatic Churches
By: Michael O'Connor
in Christ (Especially Fellow-Ministers):
is with deep concern, and a heavy heart, that I write to you concerning the following:
recent times, large segments of Contemporary Christendom (over the past two decades, especially), have become a major embarrassment
to sober and serious minded Christians, everywhere! A tragic observation is the widespread departure from established norms
and standards of Christian Faith and Practice.
wish it to be clearly understood by all, that we hold no resonance whatsoever, with such departures, nor do we wish to be
in any manner identified, nor associated with the same.
are a Conservative, Bible-Based Ministry, preaching the Full-Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior; as expressed in His teachings
and in those of His New Testament Apostles. By His enabling grace, we “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews
12:14). We are earnestly contending, “...for the Faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). As
humbly and sincerely as we know how, we pleadingly implore our beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, through-out the World,
to “stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the Old Paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall
find rest for your souls...” (Jeremiah 6:16).
our Lord's grace, we embrace the blessed truths of Biblical Pentecost! We declare them unflinchingly and un-apologetically,
but under the stipulation that the doctrines thereof, in both Faith and Practice, correspond with, and must be firmly founded
upon the Scriptural pattern. “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). “Charity
(Love)...doth not behave itself unseemly” (1 Corinthians 13:5).
have been aware for a number of years, of a decided declension, and falling-away, within the Pentecostal and Charismatic sphere of Christianity, but I was totally
unprepared for the overwhelming information recently presented unto me in Spring, 2012. I remained somewhat in a state of
shock, for some time after learning of said matters. Being rather sheltered from certain groups, I was not kept abreast of
more recent developments. I had of course, heard some “distant rumblings,” via reports from fellow ministers,
etc., but I could never have imagined the true horror of it all!
the past twenty years especially, a wave of money-grabbing Tel-Evangelists and Charlatans, have invaded the Pentecostal/Charismatic
Movement. In many cases, they have brought-in such a degree of sensationalism and gimmickry, as to make gatherings seem more
like “Side-Show spectacles,” than church services. The retinue comes complete with: Celebrities, Entertainers,
Rock-Music, Stunt-Men, Muscle-Men, Magicians, Pantomime, Wanna-Be Ballet Dancers. Also, mention must be made of the disorderly
tooting on shofars and waving of banners and streamers, etc. This is all part of a wild assortment of shoddily performed pageantry
(the word “pagan” is related to the word “pageantry”). Mention must be made also of the ostentatiously
and garishly attired Ministers and Leaders, along with the scantily and revealingly clad “Worship-Leaders;” all
with a display of mass-hysteria beyond explanation! Such in many cases includes uncontrollable forced laughter, unrestrained
screaming, rolling and thrashing upon the floors, and such wildly unscriptural antics as spasmodic bucking, jerking, flinging
of the arms, and violently shaking and snatching the head. Not to be forgotten are the weird animal manifestations and other
insanity too horrific to be herein disclosed. All such activity serves as a jarring distraction, and a cunning device to divert
the focus from our Lord Jesus Christ, and place it upon individuals acting-out in a manner resembling a fourth-rate “Vaudeville
Show,” and
is a true Pentecostal experience!
is a true anointing of the Holy Spirit!
is a true move of the Holy Spirit!
true working of the Blessed Holy Spirit, is marvelous and glorious to behold! It is under-stating, Scriptural; decent and
orderly! It is done in the “Beauty of Holiness,” unto the glorification of God, and not unto the glorification
of “Self!” There is no wild hysteria, nor fleshly antics, nor accesses. All is done under Divine Control and Governance.
it is tragic that in many contemporary churches, including “super-churches,” and their cloned satellites; their
modus operondi has become little more than: “Big-Bucks,” “Con-Men,” “Theatrics,” and “Show-Biz,”
with all the expected accoutrements: “Dolled-up, Jim-dandy preachers,” and over-painted, under-dressed “Vixens,”
preening, fauning, and putting on a “spectacular” show of carnality!
of what is being foisted as the “Move of God,” and the “Ministrations of the Holy Spirit,” is in fact
a ribald exercise in the flesh, which is at once, shocking and disgusting! There is nothing more grotesquely ugly; more shameful;
more horrific, than unrestrained “flesh,” given free-rein, to display itself in the putting-on of the show! (and
of all places, in
the Church)!
is a given that in the extreme stages, evil and unclean spirits also wield their nefarious influence in such gatherings! Yes,
the practitioners of these and other fleshly, and/or counterfeit manifestations, have indeed: “...a form of godliness,
but deny the power thereof [that is to say, they have an outward show of godliness, but reject and refuse the true power and
working of the precious Holy; the which is most often accompanied by genuine brokenness and humility]” (2 Timothy 3:5).
Paul the Apostle, speaking under Divine Inspiration, had only one comment regarding this tragic condition: “FROM SUCH,
TURN AWAY!” Plainly spoken, [turn your back upon it, reject it, turn your back on it, and have nothing to do with it].
may be added, that the “Cult of Personality” (Hero-Worship), is a very prime ingredient of the Contemporary Churches.
Oh! Beloved; how I plead with you, to “follow... holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14)!
Seek humble and broken Ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose message leads you unto Christ and not unto themselves! Please, in the name of our Lord, I beg you, do not follow after the tinsel, glitter,
and glamor of the “Big-Time Ministries!” Please, do not follow after “Vain Persons,” lest you be led into ruin and deception! Above all, please, do not seek after so-called “Signs and Wonders.” “A wicked
and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign...” (Matthew 16:4).
a lad, I was for a time, taken-up with the Tent-Revival Movement. (It is a fact that there were many sincere and true servants
of our Lord in this Movement, but by the early 1960's, it had begun to unravel, and some had begun to compromise, and fall
to unscrupulous practices.) In His great faithfulness, our Lord Jesus spared me from the declension of that Movement: One
day, I was led straight to this verse: “He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after
vain persons shall have poverty enough” (Proverbs 28:19). This was a Scripture unfamiliar to me, but I understood at
once, our Lord's purpose in leading me there. The application to my life at that juncture was: “...till your own land”
= labor faithfully under your Pastor and in your local church, which is your field, and you will have plenty. I perceived
this to mean that my personal needs would be met, but more importantly, there would be a fruitful harvest of my labors in
the winning of precious souls unto Christ. Secondly, “...he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough”
(this, I perceived to be instruction from God's Word, that I was to stop following prideful, arrogant, boastful Evangelists,
nor was I to sow tithe-money into their ministries, which rightfully belonged to the “store-house,” which was
my local church. I further realized that if I continued to follow these vain persons, I would encounter poverty, both naturally
and spiritually. I would become barren, and possibly fall into ruin.
I thank and praise our wonderful Lord Jesus for His unfailing grace! Shortly after this dealing of God, He alerted me thusly.
An increasing number of Ministers in that Movement began to fall like cord wood. I was shocked and disheartened at the disclosures,
but it would have been a far greater heart-break, had I actually become a part of that Movement. Great is His faithfulness!
that juncture forward, have I come to understand that our Lord has provided for His Universal-Body, the safe-haven and abundant
storehouse of the “Local-Church;” which is, by His omniscient design: “A Sheep-fold,” “a Shelter,”
“a Feeding Station,” and “a School of Learning, for His People.” When the Local-Church is operating
in Divine Order, we shall there find all we have need of, in the spiritual sense, for our entire Christian experience; and
assuredly, all that we shall have need of to bring us safely and securely into His presence in the Heavenlies, when this life
is finished (neither shall it be necessary for us to gallivant here and yon, in search of “signs and wonders,”
or of “gurus,” and “workers of miracles.”
am not to sit in judgment, against any man! It is not my purpose to speak against anyone personally, but as a Senior Minister,
I have a weighty responsibility to inform and warn the Body of Christ, when I perceive danger to be nigh. The Apostle Paul
warned the Ephesian Church of “Grievous Wolves,” and of men (from, or of themselves), who would arise (raise up
themselves), speaking perverse things and drawing away disciples after themselves (Acts 20:29-30).
are a number of very blessed Ministers who have addressed these very issues, including Corrie Ten Boom, Leonard Ravenhill,
David Wilkerson, and others. These servants of our Lord and the ones listed below may be accessed by a search;
and/or a search. (Some appear in both printed form and video clip.) The video clip of Brother Wilkerson which
so moved me, may be accessed on Youtube under "David Wilkerson - Weird Manifestations." Also, I strongly recommend Corrie
Ten Boom's article which appears both in print and as a video clip, entitled: "Tribulation, and the Rapture of the Church."
Also, I strongly urge you to access the messages of those mentioned below.
Ten Boom
- Warnings for the End-Time
Church; warnings against peace, prosperity, and “Easy-Believism;” admonitions for preparation for tribulation.
- Various writings on
Holiness and the Deeper Life; warnings of the false, the counterfeit, compromise, and worldliness within the Church.
- Weird Manifestations,
and other urgent warnings, against the false, including animal manifestations, and insane fanaticism in the Contemporary Charismatic
- Warnings against the
Hyper-Prosperity Movement and its unscriptural foundations.
the Wilkerson clip: "Weird Manifestations," David Wilkerson was ministering in Russia, through an interpreter. He was gravely
concerned, and under a crushing burden of intercession (as you shall see), for the Russian Churches, because of the influx
by American Evangelists, bringing to Russia the unscriptural antics of which he speaks.
see my article entitled: Contemporary
Worship???. About
half way through, I give an account, shared with me by an aged missionary, who ministered there, in the early years of Glasnost
and Perestroika. (Click below on the link just after this article to view, and scroll down about half way to the paragraph
which starts, “I was told by a dear aged missionary...”)
recently viewed Brother Wilkerson's Article: (Weird Manifestations), at the Library. I do not cry easily, but I broke, and
tears were flowing, right there, amongst the people; the tears, I could not stop! If anyone can view this clip without being
deeply moved, I would have great concern for that person.
Your Eyes
and Counterfeits now plague the Church,
cheap imitations, defile and besmirch;
and cut glass, and rhinestones all shine,
gold-dust, and breadcrumbs, are labeled Divine;
are falling from up near the roof,
out of the air vents; now ain't that a spoof?
little croutons are dumped on the floor,
then foisted as Manna, from Heaven's own store;
and sleight of hand experts, are rife,
charlatans, sharp as a stone, whetted knife;
and orphans, they rob and despoil,
rob and devour the fruits of their toil;
And Radio, unlock the door,
they enter, and plunder the homes of the poor!
may perceive my writings and preachments to be rather strong. Perhaps to their observation, is this true, nor do I fault them
for their opinion. From my position, however, I write freely as a servant. I never place a fee upon anything. Freely I have
received, freely I must give. I write to alert, warn, and instruct all who will hear. When a watchman perceives danger, he
must take decisive action! He dare not sit passively by, while ravening wolves lurk nearby, to snatch His sheep, one by one;
dragging them away to devour them.
of "Watchmen," our Lord referred to the backslidden Prophets in Ancient Israel as: "dumb dogs" (Isaiah 56:10): Why? Because
they would "no longer sound the alarm" (that is, no longer bark to alert the people of impending danger). A watchdog who refuses
to bark when it senses danger is worthless! It is a traitor to those depending upon its faithfulness to bark-out and alert,
when something is amiss.
I was about five years old, my Uncle Gabriel gifted my older brother, Christopher and I, with the cutest little puppy. He
was a Husky-mix, and as a pup, he resembled a cuddly little lamb. Of course, we spoiled him and showered him with love, but
we failed to properly train him. In honesty, I doubt that he could have learned much, for he was one of the stupidest dogs ever I have
seen. Yet, he was loyal, loving and gentle, so we kept him for years as a family pet. "Teddy's" only talents seemed to be:
1. hating cats (his only enemies); 2. digging holes in the yard; 3. chewing-off his leash; 4. eating and sleeping; 5. riding
in a car; 6. going swimming in the river; 7. running away for days at a time; 8. and lastly, one of his favorite antics was,
to chase Dad's car (driving at a fairly low speed, of course), and while at full gallop, to leap through an open rear window.
We could never teach him even one trick. He grew to be quite large and had a voracious appetite. If we fed him "Kennel-ration,"
he'd turn up his nose, slink away from his bowl, and pout. (Oh yes, he'd be highly insulted if we fed him anything but, "Alpo,"
which was in the 1950's, a very expensive dog food.) The very worst aspect of all this, was; that while we were giving such
excellent care to this lummox, he was utterly worthless as a watchdog! He was no protection to us whatsoever. Total strangers
could enter the yard, and Teddy would begin to wag his tail, and trot over to them to be petted! He would lie in the cellarway
landing, and the meter-men would have to step over him to descend the stairs to read the meters. Teddy's problem was that
he was a "dumb-dog." Oh, he could bark loudly enough at cats, but when it
came time for him to sound an alarm, announcing the presence of possible enemies, and potential dangers, he fell strangely
silent and passive. Is it not amazing that our Great Omniscient God, chose to use such a creature as an allegory for backslidden
do not write to please people, nor to gain favor of man. I write as the “voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare
ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight – Repent! Make straight in the desert a highway for our God” (Matthew
3:2-3, Isaiah 40:3). Indeed, I believe we are in a “spiritual desert,” and the “highway” to be prepared
is, the Highway of Holiness, spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 35:8). Thank God there is a cast-up highway (Isaiah 62:10), running safely through this desert, where
we may walk securely, and in righteousness.
it is not my place to personally come against any person, I feel that I must express my shock and disapproval against such
certain practices which I believe to be in glaring opposition to the Word of God!
is not herein my purpose to engage upon a lengthy Theological treatise, in the exposing of such “practices,” as
this article addresses. It seems to me that any truly earnest follower of our Lord Jesus, should at once, be alarmed and repelled by the practices and antics so engaged in, by certain ministers and congregations.
anyone knowing the ways of our Lord, and the Fundamental Truths of His Word, there should
be absolutely
no question
(even by young Christians),
concerning the unscriptural and spurious nature of such “practices and antics!”
is a foregone conclusion that certain acts and behaviors are alarmingly inconsistent with the personality of the “Blessed”
Holy Spirit, and are totally out of character, with the nature and attributes of our precious Lord Jesus Christ! Neither is
there any scriptural witness or precedent whatsoever to be found, for the vast majority of such aforesaid practices.
remember that the very moment any one of us steps out of the realm of Scripture, we are at once, standing upon quicksand! Hear Me! Many in the Contemporary Churches, are even now, sinking into the quicksands of: Fanaticism, False-Doctrine, Deception, and Immorality!
I do not regard the following, as necessary elements of Revival; nor do I accept them as essentially of, or from our Lord; the appearance of: “Feathers,” “manna,”
“gold dust,” “diamond/ruby dust,” “gem-stones,” “forced-hysterical laughter,”
“ugly, strained screaming,” “bellowing,” “bucking,” “spasmodic jerking,” “violent
rolling and thrashing upon floors,” “the disgusting flaunting of ones's body,” “embracement of pantomime,”
and other actions simulating, emulating, and idealizing the behaviors of drunkards and drug-users. (P. T. Barnum built a huge
empire, and became extremely wealthy, on the premise: “A sucker is born every second.”) It appears that the “Side-Show”
has found its way into the Church!
of the above, have at one time or other, been completely exposed and debunked, as trickery and fakery, and these fraudulent
gimmicks are so thinly veiled, and shoddily performed, it is a wonder that any sound-minded person could be deceived and taken-in
by such!
Yet, as Israel, of Old, the People desire it to be so. “Now
go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this
is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: which say to the seers, see not;
and to the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits” (Isaiah 30:8-10).
And the people loved for it to be so: “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and
My people love to have it so...” (Jeremiah 5:31).
Yet, a wicked and adulterous generation persists in seeking
after a “signs and wonders! “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign...” (Matthew 16:4).
"But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation”
(1 Thessalonians 5:8).
"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation
of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).
"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer” (1 Peter 4:7).
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom
he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
"A bishop must then be... sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach” (1 Timothy 3:2).
"Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things” (1 Timothy 3:11).
I do believe in the supernatural power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to perform signs, wonders, and miracles; but when these truly occur, they shall be performed in a decent and orderly fashion, and in perfect accord with the Scriptures (and only the Scriptures)! When God truly moves, it is either by His spontaneous will and design, or through
the agency of His earnest and humble servants, who are quick to ascribe all the glory and honor unto Him, and not unto themselves! Our Lord does not need a “circus, or carnival atmosphere,”
in which to perform His work! His genuine works most often occur completely without the trappings and theatrics of a “Sound
Stage.” Please remember that our Lord's greatest miracle is the salvation of a soul!
have served in Ministry, since September, 1959. I have seen true revival! I am an old veteran! I know the real, and I know the false, as well! Charlatans are nothing new!
They come and go, with each generation, but never have I seen anything as horrific as that which is being perpetrated this
many today, take delight in the verse: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do
shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father” (John 14:12). NOTE: A brief
word-study reveals that the Greek word herein used for “Greater,” very clearly means: “Greater in quantity; not in quality.” (“The works which I do, and [more of the same] shall he do... because I go unto My Father.”)
never will perform “greater works,” qualitatively, than did Jesus; but because He is now the Head over a “many-membered Body,” in all the Earth: His Body is in many places, and
is numbered in the multiplied millions, and thusly it is not (as was He, in His three and a half years of Earhtly-Ministry)
limited by time and space. “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being
many, are one: so
also is Christ” (1 Corinthians
12:12). "And He is the Head of the Body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things
He might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18).
pet-verse of the “Sign-Seekers,” is: Daniel 11:32. Many books and tracts have been written concerning, “Exploits,”
and “Greater Works!” Many sermons have been preached on these things (erroneously)! Why? Simply because many ministers are either too lazy, or too stubborn to study and
learn! Please note that “exploits” is italicized! It is NOT in the original text! The verse is actually saying: “...They shall be granted strength “to do”
(that is: “To
survive,” or “to continue to function”) This is consistent with the context!
please read the copy of a letter recently written to dear Warren and Allison; two of my beloved Children in the Faith, followed
by a poem entitled: “Prophets - ?,” written in the aftermath of my being informed of the afore-mentioned heart-rending
events concerning the dreadful condition of the Contemporary Church. NOTE: (For about twenty-five years, even the Catholic
Churches largely embraced the “Pentecostal-Renewal,” but by the early 1990's, the Bishops began to grow wary,
and to “tighten-up!” This was around the time of the so-called “Toronto Revival:” Could it be that
the Bishops saw early indications of the blatant insanity which was to
come, and which was even then fomenting in the Charismatic Movement?
do not take delight in writing so poignantly; indeed I find it painful to do so, for God bearing me witness, I truly love
all people, and would not knowingly harm or injure any; but, when
I see our Lord's precious, defenseless sheep, being made fools of; fleeced, beaten, and poisoned, I must speak! When I see THEM being harmed and injured, I cannot remain silent ! ! !
13, 2012
Warren and Allison:
Greetings in Jesus our Lord! It is Monday, 1:53 A.M., so I did not get your weekly letter written
on Sunday, but I am only a bit behind schedule! Ha! (Not enough hours in
a day...)
Well, I am listening to some fine music; Excellent! Very soothing and
relaxing! Today, so many churches have fallen to rock music, and other types of hellish, New-Age counterfeits! I grieve and
lament over the condition in the modern Church!
Where are the grand and glorious hymns and anthems of the Church, which were composed by godly,
anointed persons, in seasons of white-hot revival? Where are the joyful “Spiritual-Songs,” and inspiring Psalms
and Scripture portions? Such were so long a prime staple, loved and cherished in Deeper-Life Christianity; and of course,
we hold fast to these old treasures, but tragically, they have now mostly been abandoned, and cast-off as refuse, by a wicked
and adulterous generation, bent on seeking after a “sign.” It is a generation which has departed from the paths
of their fathers! (God
help us!)
any event, due to a number of recent disclosures to which I have been made privy; though sickened and shocked beyond words,
I am seeing things now, more clearly! It is a startling epiphany, to realize that a movement, which has encompassed so great
a measure of truth and reality in our Lord Jesus Christ; has become dreadfully flawed and dangerously off-center! What then
to do? Hold fast the good; turn from the false, and just keep plodding along!
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”
(1Thessalonians 5:21).
“And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are
made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:27).
cannot hope to see reform in the “Movement!” It appears to be entirely too far gone for reformation! Our Lord
has sent many true and godly prophets, but they have been mocked, made sport of, jeered and scorned! So, just one more voice
to cry against the false, seems a moot prospect, but may indeed be expedient!
Lord sent General William Booth, Evan Roberts, Jessie Penn-Lewis, and numerous others at the very outset of Modern Pentecost,
to warn of the dangers and pitfalls which would surely come. Even G. C. Bevington, warned against John Alexander Dowie, who
was a self-proclaimed “Elijah.”
cried-out warnings, through the years! Sadly, most were ignored! In every generation since 1900, our Lord has had His “Watchmen
On The Wall,” and His Prophetic Voices, to keep the old “Ship of Pentecost,” on a true course, and away
from the rocks, reefs, and shoals! “Early voices,” warned of a “False Revival,” which would come, having specific tell-tale signs!
To name a few: It would be; “A Gospel without the blood;” “A Conversion Without Repentance;” and “A
Pentecost without Holiness.” (It appears that most of “Pentecost,” is there!)
Charles S. Price, in approximately 1945, foretold of a “class of evil healers,” to come, who would do such damage, that when their day had passed, it
would be nearly
to preach the true Pentecostal
Message! Please note: He did not pronounce their “Gifts,” to be false, but rather, their “personal characters
and deeds” to be “evil!” (Surely not all of those used in the Healing Revival were evil, but any action
out of Divine Order, or not in line with the Scriptures, or “done for self,” in the sight of God, is “evil!”
More and more of those early, dedicated, and serious minded Pentecostal leaders, began to discern ominous dark clouds, mounting
upon the horizon! For the most part, their warnings and pleadings in their day, became a standing jest. Those warnings echoed numerous ones of an earlier time,
spoken by – D. L. Moody, Smith Wigglesworth, The Duncan Sisters of Rochester, N.Y., Ivan Spencer, Christine Gibson,
Martha Wing Robinson, Mary Duncan Crandall, Eugene Brooks, Lewi Pethrus, Philip Wittich, and others, including many of the
Holiness Preachers and Writers.
more recent history, men such as Stanley Frodsham (Please see his solemn warnings on this website by clicking the link below,
just after this article), Leonard Ravenhill, the Moores (of Herald of His Coming), James Cheek (of Herald of Hope), Carlton
Spencer, Brian Bailey, Gustav Hoyer, Steven Wilber, David Wilkerson, John Piper, J. Lee Grady, and numerous others; have been
faithful voices for the Lord! As the stalwarts who went before them, their voices have been largely unheard and unheeded.
Thanks be to God for other faithful men and women who have also joined the ranks of the Faithful, in lifting their voices
against the New-Age Counterfeit, False-Revival! God bless and protect them, one and all, as they stand shoulder to shoulder
(making up a hedge) against the unfruitful works of darkness!
the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement (as a movement), I personally see no hope of it being restored! I am reminded of dear
Ivan Spencer (Dad Spencer), who often spoke of: “God's Remnant Principle;” (A People out of a People; ad infinitum). I believe the “Movement”
has become mostly “Laodicean” (Revelation 3:14-17), and is headed straight for the embrace of the “Mother-Harlot,”
of Revelation 17:3-7, 18:1-5. By our Lord's grace, I am Pentecostal, by experience; for this I make no apology, but I am not “Pentecostal” by Denominational Affiliation, nor as an adherent to the “Movement”
(Charismatic or otherwise).
we can now hope for, is to be able to rescue, strengthen, and encourage those of the “Remnant.” These, along with
sincerely hungry souls from
all Denominations,
may very well comprise the bulk of those present in the coming revival, which will be a revival of: Holiness, Humility, and Integrity! It shall be most likely, a revival under persecution and hardship, as well!
is essential to bring back the “Altars of Prayer,” and to again teach “tarrying.” In recent years,
especially, “Charismatics” have been coaching folk to speak in tongues (that is, “feeding them” words
and sounds to utter: Some “ministers” now hold classes to “teach the candidates to speak in tongues.”
How do they interpret... “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4), ? ? ? It has been estimated that a large percentage of candidates during
the past thirty years have received spurious “baptisms;” being either a fleshly hysteria, or the parroting of
words and/or sounds which they were coached and prodded to utter. (This is an alarming consideration!) Thank God for those who have received genuine and Scriptually
based baptisms into the Holy Spirit. Yes! There is a true! There is a genuine!
The heart of man, deceitful is,
And desp'rately wicked as well, vis a vis;
Take heed then, how you prophesy,
Unjudged, untried “prophecy,” may be a lie.
For all which issues from man's heart,
Is tainted with self, and at best is in-part;
Your own vain words, bear little weight,
All tarnished by carnal self-seeking, and sleight.
Pontificating, long and loud,
Puffed-up as old bull-frogs, pugnacious and proud;
As roosters, wont to strut and crow,
Such “Prophets” so called, love to put on a show.
They want to be, both seen and heard,
(But few in this day, truly carry God's Word);
Such “wind-bags” bellow, bray and blat,
"The Lord told me this, and the Lord told me that.”
Coarse mercenary rogues, purvey,
Upon helpless widows and orphans, they prey;
(And scorn true souls who sigh and weep),
Whilst raking in “millions,” from unwitting sheep.
Brash “hirelings,” preaching for the “Buck,”
Shrewd-Charlatans, who your last Dollar, can pluck;
They'll milk you for your last thin dime,
Low - “snakes,” who then slither back into the slime.
Their day is but a shadow, sure,
Our Lord shall not suffer them long to endure;
Such rise and fall, to do their dirt,
With carnage and mayhem, and myriad hurt.
But, when their fleeting day is done,
As men, shall they die, and face God, all alone;
What shall they answer in that hou'r, -
When comes the Death Angel, with mein, grim and dour.
Durst will they innocence proclaim?
"Oh Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?” -
"And, have we mighty works, not done?”
(Did they not the “Pathway of Ministry,” run?)
God's answer shall come, sharp and swift,
"Ye loved not the Lost, nor the Fallen, did lift;” -
"Nor, helped to bear their heavy load,” -
Nor, rescued the “Dying,” on Jericho's Road.”
"Ye shut-up Hope and Mercy's Door,” -
"Made sport of the Weak; ground the face of the Poor;” -
"Ye workers of Iniquity,” -
"I never acknowledged you! Depart from me!”
There are true Prophets, in the Land,
Anointed and sent forth by God's mighty hand;
Such souls are lowly; humbled-down,
Not vaunted, nor striving for fame and renown.
The “True,” are recognized with ease,
They're, of the False Prophets, the Antitheses;
They ever hope like Christ, to be, -
And long to bear His precious identity.
Come! Walk with them, in robes of white,
On God's Holy-Highway, where Christ is the Light;
From this World's gloom, to Heaven's Day,
Lo! “Ask for the Old Paths, where is the Good-Way!”
"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways,
and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls..." (Jeremiah 6:16).
our God and Savior, strengthen all of His true and sincere people in this dark and evil day! Much love in our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are praying for you and yours:-
“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to
present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and
majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen” (Jude 24,25).
sincerely in Jesus Christ, our Wonderful Lord:
brother, friend, and servant,